Pages tagged ecmascript:

John Resig - ECMAScript 5 Strict Mode, JSON, and More
John Resig - ECMAScript 5 Objects and Properties

This new code gives you the ability to dramatically affect how users will be able to interact with your objects, allowing you to provide getters and setters, prevent enumeration, manipulation, or deletion, and even prevent the addition of new properties. In short: You will be able to replicate and expand upon the existing JavaScript-based APIs (such as the DOM) using nothing but JavaScript itself.
ejacs - Google Code
Ejacs is an Ecma-262 compliant JavaScript interpreter written entirely in Emacs Lisp. It should work in GNU Emacs versions 22 and higher.
Ejacs is an Ecma-262 compliant JavaScript interpreter written entirely in Emacs Lisp
JavaScript in emacs
ELispで書かれたEcma-262 インタプリタ。Emacs22以降で動くらしい