Pages tagged documentation:

Release:jQuery 1.3 - jQuery JavaScript Library

Sizzle (new selector engine, available separately), Live Events (a variant of event delegation), Feature Detection (instead of user agent sniffing), faster HTML injection and more.
January 14th, 2009: The jQuery team is pleased to release the latest major release of the jQuery JavaScript library! A lot of coding, testing, and documenting has gone in to this release and we're really quite proud of it.
OwnerIQ: Product user manuals, help, forums tips and tutorials.
Locate hard-to-find user manuals, discover new features, and realize the potential of the products you rely on. OwnerIQ pairs self-help and product information with a growing community of engaged product owners.
OwnerIQ goes a step beyond SafeManuals by providing not only manuals, but also extended on-site information about your products. You can use the site without registration to quickly locate manuals and accompanying literature for products you own. Registration adds the ability to ask questions in the product forums and create a profile of all your devices and manuals. Additionally, if there's a recall or update for any product you've added to your profile, OwnerIQ will send you an email notification.
Perdeu o manual do seu aparelho? Seus problemas acabaram! É só visitar o OwnerIQ, informar a marca e modelo e pronto!
Product user manuals, help, forums tips and tutorials.
Priit Haamer > Blog > Ruby dictionary for Mac OS X
"install extra dictionary into Mac OS X with Ruby documentation and get system-wide access to API docs"
This is a pretty neat way to peruse the Ruby API, as a custom OS X dictionary.
Ruby on Rails 2.3 Release Notes
Rails 2.3 delivers a variety of new and improved features, including pervasive Rack integration, refreshed support for Rails Engines, nested transactions for Active Record, dynamic and default scopes, unified rendering, more efficient routing, application templates, and quiet backtraces. This list covers the major upgrades, but doesn’t include every little bug fix and change. If you want to see everything, check out the list of commits in the main Rails repository on GitHub or review the CHANGELOG files for the individual Rails components.
Explanations to common Java exceptions
JavaScript Reference (beta)
Javascript reference
What Is a Wiki (and How to Use One for Your Projects) | O'Reilly Media
This article covers how to effectively use a wiki to keep notes and share ideas among a group of people, and how to organize that wiki to avoid lost thoughts, and encourage serendipity.
A wiki is a website where users can add, remove, and edit every page using a web browser. It's so terrifically easy for people to jump in and revise pages that wikis are becoming known as the tool of choice for large, multiple-participant projects.
Useful for showing to beginners
An article that discusses how wikis can be used for project management. Pros, cons, and "technical issues."
How the Linux kernel works | TuxRadar
eso, explicado con ejemplos de codigo (skel)
How the Linux kernel works | TuxRadar
How the Linux kernel works In depth: My trusty Oxford Dictionary defines a kernel as "a softer, usually edible part of a nut" but offers as a second meaning: "The central or most important part of something." (Incidentally, it's this first definition that gives rise to the contrasting name 'shell', meaning, in Linux-speak, a command interpreter.)
Wall of Deliverables
(projeto EAD - px)
Rails Searchable API Doc
Woot! Finally a neat and nice rails rdoc!
API Documentation Search facility for Ruby On Rails
Tectonic » 10 open source books worth downloading
Django Best Practices — Django Best Practices
Django Best Practices This is a living document of best practices in developing and deploying with the Django Web framework. These should not be seen as the right way or the only way to work with Django, but instead best practices we’ve honed after years of working with the framework. It is a fork of the great django-reusable-app-docs project started by Brian Rosner and Eric Holscher regarding best practices for writing and maintaining reusable Django apps.
Ruby on Rails Documentation
EightShapes Unify
Templates for deliverables such as document starting points, element libraries and page libraries.
An Introduction to Time-Lapse Photography
The Manuals - Free Manuals Online
5.770.000 Free Manuals !
The Manuals - Free Manuals Online
motore di ricerca per trovare in rete manuali scaricabili gratuitamente - Upload and share your documents and pictures on Twitter
Share your documents and pictures on Twitter
Page to upload documents to Twitter
Upload and share your documents and pictures on Twitter
(no description)
Wordpress Function/Tag Lookup Tool
Find WordPress Functions Documentation — Fast | WPLookup
»Find WordPress Functions Documentation — Fast«: eine webbasierte Suchfunktion für das WordPress-API. Sehr nützlich.
WPLookup is just a simple WordPress theme/plugin development tool for finding the documentation you want quickly.
Find WordPress Functions Documentation — Fast
zef[a]media » Free UX Templates
The templates are derived from the User Experience toolkit I designed for the DUX team at Provoke. So we’ve given you the basic tools - it’s now up to you to do the magic with the actual user experience.
By Zef Fugaz. [November 21st, 2008]
Useful Tutorials on Linux and UNIX for Beginners and Experts Alike |
Useful Tutorials on Linux and UNIX for Beginners and Experts Alike
Bill Clementson's Blog: iPhone App Development Notes
some small tips for iphone dev
Index — Django Design Patterns
Extra Pair of Hands - Email Address Length FAQ
Interesting documentation on permissible and common lengths for email addresses, including a link to a metafilter thread with some statistics and a delightful vintage advertisement for electronic mail.
A useful FAQ about email address lengths - what is the length of the average email address, what is the longest email address possible etc.
Using Wikis to Document UI Specifications - Boxes and Arrows: The design behind the design
Using Wikis in Project Planning
Pro Git - Table of Contents
Scott Chacon's CC licensed book on Git. - We found it so you don't have to!
Locate hard-to-find user manuals, discover new features, and realize the potential of the products you rely on. ManualsOnline pairs self-help and product information with a growing community of engaged product owners.
use for manual help - We found it so you don't have to!
Resources on using the official GitHub API. This site contains documentation on the major API sections and libraries you can use to make use of GitHub with your programs and scripts.
UI Pattern Documentation Review - Boxes and Arrows: The design behind the design
User interface (UI) patterns have the potential to make software development more efficient. The prospect of such efficiency gains has led to interest in user interface (UI) patterns by individuals and organizations looking for ways to increase quality while at the same time reducing the costs associated with software development. The very nature of UI patterns requires that they be familiar to end-users. An individual UI pattern is a discrete, repeatable unit of user experience. I refer to collection of patterns as a library.
PySide – Python for Qt
The PySide project provides LGPL-licensed Python bindings for the Qt cross-platform application and UI framework. PySide Qt bindings allow both free open source and proprietary software development and ultimately aim to support all of the platforms as Qt itself.
LGPL licenced
TechPosters: Technical Posters and Cheats for IT Guys
Technical Posters and Cheats for IT Guys
świetne, sporo cheatsheet'ów
Table of Contents | Learn You Some Erlang for Great Good!
Submitted by korfuri
This is the beginning of Learn You Some Erlang for Great Good! Reading this tutorial should be one of your first steps in learning Erlang.
Follow the links and be prepared to have your mind moderately blown.
Metasploit Unleashed - Mastering the Framework
Metasploit Bible (free)
Netflix API - Welcome to the Netflix Developer Network
Startup Legal Docs From | Fort Worth Startup Blog
Some invaluable resources for anyone preparing to start their own business.
List of Really Useful Plugins and Resources For MooTools | W3Avenue
also has links to other mootools sites
Google Chrome Extensions: Developer Documentation
Best place to get started for developing google chrome extension
This website contains all the information you need to build extensions for Google Chrome
Structure for ExpressionEngine
Structure is a new way to build ExpressionEngine sites. It forgoes the current template_group/template setup and creates “static” and “listing” pages that are all editable through a tree sitemap view. Now, traditional page style content and multiple entry pages can live within the same area. Your clients & authors will rejoice.
Statische Seiten verwalten und anlegen!
Tornado Web Server Documentation
Era un po' che non mi emozionava una tecnologia...
"FriendFeed's web server is a relatively simple, non-blocking web server written in Python. [...] Tornado is an open source version of this web server and some of the tools we use most often at FriendFeed." can handle 8000 reqs/s
CMSC491D Design Patterns In Java
Knowing how tools you use work under the covers is a huge win for every developer out there and Merb is small and clean enough for everyone to understand it in a short period of time. You can learn a lot about HTTP, web frameworks design and even hidden gems of Ruby web servers (how many of you know that Thin can actually serve requests in threads and not block the event loop?).
Writing good documentation (part 1)
Let's Go
TODO: find out why, and where
Go Programming Language from google
Writing great documentation: what to write
Annotated link
Writing great documentation: technical style
The focus is technical documentations, but the style rules are applicable to all web writing.
Home ‎(Deploy Google Apps)‎
Chromium OS (The Chromium Projects)
Chromium OS
L'OS de Google !
XPath - Blog - Open Source -
jQuery documentation, manuel en francais, jQuery par jarodxxx
Documentation jQuery, Jquery est un framework javascript , facilitant notament les fonction AJAX. jQuery etant le plus repandu , il fallait en faire la traduction
Une documentation JQuery en français et bien structurée
Input Validation: Using filter_var() Over Regular Expressions ~ Mattias Geniar
Data validation
FILTER_FLAG_ENCODE_LOW - Encode characters with ASCII value below 32
Apple - iTunes - iTunes LP and iTunes Extras
145 new quick cheat sheets for some of the most widely used tools on the web
Useful cheat sheets for some of the most widely used
YUI Doc: A New Tool for Generating JavaScript API Documentation » Yahoo! User Interface Blog
Twitterの公式RT、非公式RT、QTの違いを分かりやすく図で描いてみた - 聴く耳を持たない(片方しか)
[ Zsh ]
Une page avec plein d'astuces pour zsh
7 jQuery Cheatsheets For Every Designer & Developer to Have | TutZone
jQuery is a lightweight JavaScript library that emphasizes interaction between JavaScript and HTML. A fast, concise, library that simplifies how to traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations, and add AJAX. Here we have collected 7 jQuery Cheatsheets which are definite to come in handy for web developers and designers too. Hope you like the collection.
jQuery is a lightweight JavaScript library that emphasizes interaction between JavaScript and HTML. A fast, concise, library that simplifies how to traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations, and add AJAX. Here we have collected 7 jQuery Cheatsheets which are definite to come in handy for web developers and designers too. Hope you like the collection.
Rails Searchable API Doc
search easy and good looking Rails api documentation
Smart search, beautifully packed
jQAPI - Alternative jQuery Documentation
has_many :bugs, :through => :rails: Active Record Query Interface 3.0
In short, passing options hash containing :conditions, :include, :joins, :limit, :offset, :order, :select, :readonly, :group, :having, :from, :lock to any of the ActiveRecord provided class methods, is now deprecated.
jQuery source viewer
I was sick and tired of having to scroll through a raw copy of jQuery everytime I wanted to view a me
WordPress theming for beginners, an introduction | Design Reviver
WordPress theming for beginners, an introduction | Design Reviver -
Ruby on Rails 3.0 Release Notes
Rails 3.0 is a landmark release as it delivers on the Merb/Rails merge promise made in December 2008. Rails 3.0 provides major upgrades to all of the components of Rails, including a complete overhaul of the router and query APIs.
Apple Publications Style Guide 2008
Expression usage guide for iPod etc.
The 2008 edition.
"The Apple Publications Style Guide provides editorial guidelines for text in Apple instructional publications, technical documentation, reference information, training programs, and the software user interface." Useful for third party developers as well, especially when you need to reference to some kind of unit/hardware that involves Apple.
Apple publications style guide
Apple's in-house style and usage guide.
Opera Unite developer's primer - Opera Developer Community
Opera Unite developer's primer
Opera Unite features a Web server running inside the Opera browser, which allows you to do some amazing things. At the touch of a button, you can share images, documents, video, music, games, collaborative applications and all manner of other things with your friends and colleagues. This article gets you started on the road to Opera Unite Service development — it describes how the Opera Unite Web Server in Opera works and how it can be used. Below I will briefly recap some of the basic concepts related to Opera Unite, show how you can enable the Web server in your browser, and give an example of how to write a simple Opera Unite blog service.
Opera Unite features a Web server running inside the Opera browser, which allows you to do some amazing things. At the touch of a button, you can share images, documents, video, music, games, collaborative applications and all manner of other things with your friends and colleagues.
Documentation and examples of unite services
Introduction Opera Unite features a Web server running inside the Opera browser, which allows you to do some amazing things. At the touch of a button, you can share images, documents, video, music, games, collaborative applications and all manner of other things with your friends and colleagues. This article gets you started on the road to Opera Unite Service development — it describes how the Opera Unite Web Server in Opera works and how it can be used. Below I will briefly recap some of the basic concepts related to Opera Unite, show how you can enable the Web server in your browser, and give an example of how to write a simple Opera Unite blog service.
AS3 hidden treasure in the mm.cfg file. Revealing and documenting many Flash secrets! « jpauclair
A Visual Git Reference
some day I need to read these things
Rails 3 Reading Material | Medium eXposure
Sinatra Book
Starting Out Organized: Website Content Planning The Right Way - Smashing Magazine
#content #webdev #writing How to plan website contents
Good info on content management process.
RD - | Blog » GX - Full-featured Javascript Animations Framework
RD - | Blog » GX - Full-featured Javascript Animations Framework -
Javascript Animations framework!
“GX is a full-featured, cross-browser, super-tiny (10kb uncompressed) Javascript Animations Framework. Using GX you can create complex animations working with every w3c CSS property. Currently, GX is designed in order to work with the jQuery Javascript Library and is being released under the MIT License“
JavaScript Dojo API Docs
easy to navigate guide with javascript base
Highscore - The Boost C++ Libraries
Highscore - The Boost C++ Libraries
Best Writing Advice for Engineers I've Ever Seen. Period.: Home
State your message in one sentence. That is your title. Write one paragraph justifying the message. That is your abstract. Circle each phrase in the abstract that needs clarification or more context. Write a paragraph or two for each such phrase. That is the body of your report. Identify each sentence in the body that needs clarification and write a paragraph or two in the appendix. Include your contact information for readers who require further detail.
Amberjack: Amazing On-Page Tutorials
Create on-page tutorials in javascript with Amberjack - better than manuals for most people
interesting #yam #dev #js #css #tooltips #framework
Django Conventions Project | Surfing in Kansas
Django conventions
Welcome to my project on Django Conventions. Below I will try and lay out a list of basic conventions that should be used when creating Reusable Django Applications. Nobody is going to force you to follow these rules, but I think that they will be a good reference point for Best Practices and Conventions. Please contact me if you have any questions or leave comments below. If this page is useful, please feel free to suggest more conventions that are applicable.
The Open Graph Protocol
The Open Graph protocol enables any web page to become a rich object in a social graph. For instance, this is used on Facebook to enable any web page to have the same functionality as a Facebook Page. While many different technologies and schemas exist and could be combined together, there isn't a single technology which provides enough information to richly represent any web page within the social graph. The Open Graph protocol builds on these existing technologies and gives developers one thing to implement. Developer simplicity is a key goal of the Open Graph protocol which has informed many of the technical design decisions.
Ubuntu Manual - Home
Getting Started with Ubuntu is a free 165 page ebook produced by a team of writers and editors. The manual covers everything an end-user would need to know about how to use Ubuntu. You can download the ebook for free or order it as a bound book from Lulu.
El nuevo proyecto del Manual de Ubuntu (todavía está incompleto y no traducido al castellano). Inglés.
Welcome | Twitter API Explorer -
CSS 3 Modules
Robert Sosinski » The Difference Between Ruby Symbols and Strings
テキストに知性があるかないかを見分ける10のポイント - ハックルベリーに会いに行く
知性のある文章は、それが「伝わるかどうか」だけを考えれば良いというものではない。それが「どう伝わるか」ということも考えのうちに入れておかなければならない。 そこで重視されるのがスピードだ。それがパッと直感的に伝わるのか、それともじわじわ染み込むように伝わるのか、そこに気を遣えるのが知性のある文章だ。 例えば、「辛い」という言葉がある。これは「つらい」とも「からい」とも読めるから、直感的にはどういう意味かは伝わらない。だから、スピードを重視したいのに「辛い」と書くのは知性のない文章だ。なぜなら、そこでは意味が直感的に伝わらないため、どうしてもスピードが落ちてしまうからである。この場合は、ふりがなを振るか、もしくはひらがなで書くのが、伝わり方に気を遣えた、すなわち知性のある文章ということになるだろう。
Doug Hellmann: Writing Technical Documentation with Sphinx, Paver, and Cog
Writing Technical Documentation with Sphinx, Paver, and Cog.
I knew in the back of my mind that Doug Hellman had a sphinx workflow for his blog posts. Now, how did I not notice how close it was to my needs? Includes lots of tasty tips for tweaking output etc
"Writing Technical Documentation with Sphinx, Paver, and Cog I've been working on the Python Module of the Week series since March of 2007. During the course of the project, my article style and tool chain have both evolved. I now have a fairly smooth production process in place, so the mechanics of producing a new post don't get in the way of the actual research and writing. Most of the tools are open source, so I thought I would describe the process I go through and how the tools work together."
Git Reference
This is the Git reference site. This is meant to be a quick reference for learning and remembering the most important and commonly used Git commands. The commands are organized into sections of the type of operation you may be trying to do, and will preset the common options and commands needed to accomplish these common tasks.
The Startup Toolkit
Visual worksheet for startups. Document and communicate your business model #startdo
Writing great documentation
How to write technical documetns: overview, API document, walkthrough...
jQuery Fundamentals
Drupal Cheat Sheet Desktop Wallpaper - Smashing Magazine
Announcing jQuery Fundamentals: An Open-Source jQuery Training Curriculum |
Announcing jQuery Fundamentals: An Open-Source jQuery Training Curriculum |
Rebecca Murphey (@rmurphey) Announces the initial release of her open-source #jQuery training material – jQuery (jquery)
Great Ways to Learn jQuery » Learning jQuery - Tips, Techniques, Tutorials
Great Ways to Learn jQuery
Great Ways to Learn jQuery » Learning jQuery - Tips, Techniques, Tutorials
IORAD, The Instructional Appliance
the instructional appliance
Сервис для создания пошаговых инструкций
Ruby Procs And Lambdas (And The Difference Between Them)
jQuery Deconstructed
jQuery Deconstructed
SECTION : jQuery Core
jQuery Deconstructed
jQueryのコードをインタラクティブ&グラフィカルに読み解いていくことができる『jQuery Deconstructed』
graphical jQuery code