Pages tagged discussionboard:

Education World® The Educator's Best Friend

This is a resource I use for my major field, Early Childhood Education. This website is used by teachers to collaborate and discuss issues in the classroom. The website also provides lesson plans.
Education World®. The Educator's Best Friend. The surfing is over. Here you will find the best education links and original content the Net has to offer. Dozens of other features...
ProTeacher! Poetry lesson plans for elementary school teachers in grades K-6 including point of view, imagery activities, programs and thematic units, metaphor and simile skills curriculum, classroom and teaching ideas resources.
This site provides a lot of neat ways to teach poetry to younger children and activities for them to do.
Great for poetry, thematic units, metaphor, simile.
Poetry lessons
Although this website is intended for a younger age group than I intend to teach, it is always good to look at another perspective and use other ideas to help with your own classroom development. Plus, sometimes the older students like to do fun activities that are recommended for a younger age group.