Pages tagged date:

DatePicker - jQuery plugin

interesting for SIFE?
Date Picker - jQuery plugin
JavaScript makes relative times compatible with caching - (37signals)
A pro-caching technique for presenting cachable relative times (e.g., "15 minutes ago")
I put together a new mini app for our new status site yesterday that needed exactly this technique. I wanted the content of the application to be entirely page cached, so it would withstand the onslaught if the terrible should happen and we need to redirect all trafic to the status site.
frequency decoder ~ Unobtrusive Date-Picker Widget V4
10 Best jQuery Datepickers Plugins | AjaxLine
Lifehacker - Display the Date a Web Page Was Published in Search Results - Search Techniques
This is invaluable! (Especially helpful for things like writing Silverlight 2 code, where the documentation is largely in blog posts, and the way to make CustomControls changed significantly between Beta 2 and RTW.)
Display the Date a Web Page Was Published in Search Results
EXIF Date Changer
Exchangeable Image File (EXIF) data is stored within JPEG images. Almost all digital cameras record and store the cameras settings, scene information, date/time the photo was taken etc within this EXIF data. This information can be really useful when it comes to sorting and viewing your digital photos, providing you keep the date and time settings of your camera up to date. While traveling this rarely happens, making the date/time values useless.
# Adjust EXIF Date/Time properties (time taken) of all images within a folder or folders # Rename all the images to include the Date/Time taken # Ability to customize the output file name format. Eg. 'TRAVEL_20061029_Australia.jpg' instead of '2006-10-29 13-35-47 - Australia.jpg'
Tips on using python's datetime module
Python's datetime module is one of those bits of code that tends not to do what one would expect them to do.
Python's datetime module is one of those bits of code that tends not to do what one would expect them to do. I have come to adopt some extra usage guidelines in order to preserve my sanity:
Important timezone brokenness in Python. PHP5's DateTime continues to be my gold standard for timezone wrangling.
Tips on using python's datetime module
PrettyTime - Timestamp format for Java | OcpSoft
"PrettyTime is an OpenSource time formatting library. Completely customizable, PrettyTime creates human readable, relative timestamps like those seen on Digg, Twitter, and Facebook. "
PrettyTime is an OpenSource time formatting library. Completely customizable, PrettyTime creates human readable, relative timestamps like those seen on Digg, Twitter, and Facebook. It’s simple, get started “right now!”
Relative time output like "3 minutes ago"
Date Display Technique with Sprites | CSS-Tricks
awesome demiş, really!
DatePicker - jQuery plugin
Calendario tanto ate para combobox
9 Useful jQuery Calendar And Date Picker Plugins For Web Designers
Event calendars and date pickers are really useful plugins for web applications. Wordpress does have a date picker, which allow bloggers to schedule the article. I am a big fan of jQuery, so i always use jQuery Calendar plugins to accomplish my tasks when the clients asked me to implement an event caldendar for them. In this article, i would like to share 9 really useful jQuery Event Calendar and Date Picker plugins that every web designers and developers should know.
9 Useful jQuery Calendar And Date Picker Plugins For Web Designers
Use CSS Sprites to Beautify your WordPress Post Dates
More examples of CSS sprite implementation
Ever wonder how to super style your blog’s post date? I am going to show you how to do this using CSS sprites in about 18 minutes.
A collection of 14 Excellent JavaScript Date Pickers
BugsVoice - turn bugs into opportunities
jQuery.calendarPicker A free ultra-light calendar
CalendarPicker is a unique lightweight jQuery plugin that allows users to change dates using a mouse wheel. In order to use CalendarPicker you also need to include Brandon Aaron’s Mousewheel Plugin that adds mouse wheel support.
Any+Time™ DatePicker/TimePicker AJAX Calendar Widget - AJAX, JSON and XML Consulting and Training by Andrew M. Andrews III (SM)
MySQL Format Date | date_format Tool
Show Time: 30 jQuery Calendar Date Picker Plugins
JQuery Plugins | jquery plugins
calendar, date picker, scrolling tabs, checkbox tree