Pages tagged custom:

Create an Options Page For Your WordPress Theme - In the Woods

In this article we will be incorporating an options panel for the ‘WordPress Classic’ theme. The methods you learn will allow you to very easily integrate it into an existing theme you’re working on.
100% Custom Shower Curtains? - Photo Shower Curtains
Custom Shower Curtains made from your photo or design! Fully imaged - 100% custom! Unique shower curtains not available anywhere else!
100% Custom Shower Curtains
Order one of these important bathroom items featuring an image of your choice. Kind of steep price-wise, but they do look pretty cool.
redswish - a web design blog » The power of Wordpress Custom Fields
all the meta-data for
Basic intro to Wordpress custom fields
Great blog
The Game Crafter - Your game REALIZED - Home
website where you can publish your own game
Print-on-demand comes to game making. Quite a cool resource for rapid prototyping.
They make boardgames that you design.
self publishing site for diy board games
It is time you took that game you created and publish it.
jQuery Custom Events: They Will Rock Your World! | Fuel Your Coding
Ok, maybe they won’t exactly “Rock Your World” but they might completely change the way you look at your jQuery development. At the very least, I hope this simple technique will help you build clean, reusable and extendable front-end code.
15 Places to Make Money Creating Your Own Products
Creating your own products used to mean a significant up-front investment — purchasing a minimum amount of the product as dictated by the manufacturer, paying for warehousing, packaging, point-of-sale systems, and other overhead costs. And that was all before you even took a single order! Thankfully, for many types of products, print-on-demand technologies have made it possible for anyone to create and sell goods over the Internet with little or no up-front costs. Below is a roundup of 15 great print-on-demand sites that will help you create and sell everything from t-shirts to clocks, from books to skateboards, from board games to fabric. If you know of additional print-on-demand sites to make and sell your own products, let us know in the comments.
Stat Key Designer Keys
keys in animal shapes
Use SUSE Studio to Build a Linux OS From Scratch - SUSE Studio - Lifehacker
Function Web Design & Development Blog - » Revisited: Creating Custom Write Panels in WordPress
My next web design will have a place for Blogs!
A wonderful way to add many types of custom information to your WordPress blog.
Creating Custom CCK Fields | Lullabot
Best of Best WordPress Cusom Login Page Designs
how to design a custom login page
Best of Best WordPress Cusom Login Page Designs -
There are so many things that you can customize in WordPress, but one of the things that does not get a lot of attention is custom login page designs. WordPress is being used as a membership site, or site where user registration is allowed. In those cases it is wise for businesses to brand the login page with their logo and other aspects to give it a unique touch that it deserves. In this article we will be showing you how you can create a custom login page design in WordPress as well as showcasing some of the best WordPress login page designs.
Wordpress Custom Fields and Hacks for Bloggers
Dicas boas!!
Outlaw Design Blog » 50 Custom Mac Desktop Screenshots
Site with 50 really cool customized desktops
Outlaw Design Blog
Allmyapps - Application Store for Windows XP, Vista and Seven to find and install the best applications
Allmyapps - Application Store for Windows XP, Vista and Seven to find and install the best applications
Element Bars - Custom Protein and Energy Bars
mass customized energy bars
How to use the new Facebook pages for business | Small Business Marketing Blog from Duct Tape Marketing
help with setting up custom tabs on facebook
ultimate example of what’s possible for business using Pages, but it should get your started.
10 Awesome Things To Do With WordPress’ Custom Fields |
Number 10 - awesomely useful.
wp custom fields
Custom fields are what turns WordPress from a blogging platform to a CMS. Want to do just about any project on WordPress but not sure it is up to the job? Custom fields are the answer. In this post, there are ten awesome things to do with custom fields in WordPress. Related posts:<ol><li><a href='' rel='bookmark' title='Permanent Link: Display Random Adverts in WordPress with Custom Fields'>Display Random Adverts in WordPress with Custom Fields</a></li><li><a href='' rel='bookmark' title='Permanent Link: Create An Awesome WordPress Theme Options Page (part 1)'>Create An Awesome WordPress Theme Options Page (part 1)</a></li><li><a href='' rel='bookmark' title='Permanent Link: Create An Awesome WordPress Theme Options Page (part 2 – implementation)'>Creat
Home - Uncommon
Uncommon is the first company to create truly customizable mobile phone cases, bringing together exceptional products, talented artists, and self-expression.
Custom iPhone/iPod cases. Use your own artwork or theirs.
Uncommon is the first company to create truly customizable mobile phone cases, bringing together exceptional products, talented artists, and self-expression. Our vision is to create a brand that supports artists and exposes the public to their artwork. We will continue creating more collections of premium blank canvas products and partnering with the world’s greatest artists and designers, inspiring millions of people.
Featured Desktop: The Windows 2019 Desktop
Life easier
Reader Painkilla05's stylish desktop was inspired from a Microsoft research video showing what computer interfaces might look like in the year 2019.
Create Custom Option Panels with Wordpress 2.9 | Build Internet!
Outlaw Design Blog » 28 Ways to Customize Your Mac Desktop
Pimp my mac!
#65 Advanced Uses for Custom Fields in WordPress
Add Custom Search to any site in two minutes
No need to register, sign up for anything, get a user ID, or anything like that. You can see the result on the right-hand sidebar of my blog.
TweetNotebook - Prints amazing notebooks from your tweets.
was es nicht alles gibt :) RT @wpSEO Notizblock mit dezent platzierten Tweets. € 12
Make a notebook from your tweets!
WHY would you do this? Utter cross-media bonkersness.
So you can create your own TweetNotebook with 320 pages of your tweets – shen heng (shenheng)
Extend WordPress With Custom Fields - Smashing Magazine
Using custom fields in a variety of ways in Wordpress.
Custom Dress Shirts | Custom Men's Dress Shirts
Site online onde você pode personalizar diversos tipos de camisas e camisetas nos menores detalhes.
recommended by RWW:
Custom Dress Shirts - YES PLEASE!
Custom post types in WordPress
Custom post types
Beautiful and Useful 404 Error Pages for Inspiration
Here is a collection of 30 beautiful and creative 404 Not Found error message pages.
Errors don’t need to be ugly. On the Web, any links that are broken result in a 404 Not Found error message. There are two ways you can address this issue when your user navigates towards a broken link. Option 1: Present the user with an old and boring default error page, which displays no information other than "There’s an error." Option 2: The second solution is to present them with a custom error page design that can suggest alternative things they can see or do in order to resolve their problem.
Introducing WordPress 3 Custom Taxonomies | Nettuts+
$os_list = get_the_term_list( $post->ID, 'operating_system', '<strong>Operating System(s):</strong> ', ', ', '' );
Good overview - includes syntax registering taxonomies
Tutorial de wordpress 3 taxonomies
$term = get_term_by( 'slug', get_query_var( 'term' ), get_query_var( 'taxonomy' ) );
WordPress version 3 does not allow you to create custom taxonomies from the administration screen. To initially define your custom taxonomies without a plugin, you’ll need to add a little bit of code to your theme’s functions.php file. This isn’t too difficult — just follow my lead. To add custom taxonomies, we need to edit the “functions.php” file found inside your theme directory. For instance, I’m using the default “twentyten” theme that comes with WordPress 3.0, and my WordPress installation is in a directory named “wp.” My functions.php file is then at: [website_root]/wp/wp-content/themes/twentyten/functions.php.
The Essential Guide to WordPress 3.0 Custom Taxonomies
Schau mir jetzt auch mal WordPress 3.0 etwas genauer an // The Essential Guide to WordPress 3.0 Custom Taxonomies #wp
In general, taxonomies are used to arrange, classify and group things. By default, Taxonomies in WordPress are tags and categories that WordPress is using for the posts. Apart from these two, WordPress makes it possible for theme developers to create their own taxonomies which are created within the functions.php theme file.
The essential guide to #WordPress 3.0 custom taxonomies
How to create a side blog with WordPress 3.0
Finally! WordPress 3.0 was released last week. Among other exiting features, custom post types are bringing lots of new possibilities to bloggers. In this tutorial, I'll show you how to create a side blog listing products using the WordPress 3.0 custom post type feature.
How to Create a Custom Twitter Background Design | Social Media Examiner
Customize your WordPress Backend for Personal Branding | Graphic and Web Design Blog
ow to create a custom WordPress login, and explain how to fit it to y
Create your first WordPress Custom Post Type | Carsonified
Create A Professional Portfolio Using WordPress 3.0 Custom Post Types | Voosh Themes
RT @teddyrised: Create A Professional Portfolio Using WordPress 3.0 Custom Post Types *Life saver!
Importante para aprender a mexer com WP 3
Utilissimo tutorial su come creare un Custom Post Type in Wordpress 3.0
Chocomize Personalized Chocolate Bars, Wedding Chocolate Favors. Design Chocolate Bars, Choose from over 90 Ingredients
birthday gift idea