Pages tagged css3:

20 Useful Resources for Learning about CSS3 - Six Revisions

Though W3C’s CSS3 specifications aren’t finalized yet, modern web browsers such as Mozilla Firefox, Opera, and WebKit-based browsers already have full or partial support for them.
Like the title says
RGBa Browser Support
Too bad it doesn't work in shitty IE..
RGBa is a way to declare a color in CSS that includes alpha transparency support. Since IE supports conditional stylesheets, we can bust out those and a proprietary Microsoft CSS filter to accomplish the same result.
5 CSS3 Techniques For Major Browsers using the Power of jQuery | Noupe
Many exciting new functions and features are being thought up for CSS3: text-shadow, box-sizing, opacity, multiple backgrounds, border-radius, border-image,
Rounded corners, drop shadows etc
This article presents 5 CSS3 techniques which can dramatically get you a stunning user interfaces and how to achieve almost the same effects using jQuery for browsers that are not compatible yet with CSS3 new features.
Eric's Archived Thoughts: Wanted: Layout System
Not surprisingly, there was a lot of community feedback asking for better layout mechanisms. Actually, people were asking for any decent layout mechanism at all, which CSS has historically lacked. Floats mostly work, but they’re a hack and can be annoyingly fragile even when you ignore old-browser bugs. Positioning works in limited cases, but does not handle web-oriented layout at all well.
ERic Meyers grundsätzliche Gedanke über ein Layoutsystem für Webseiten.
Eric Meyer elaborates on why we need a better layout mechanism for web content (whether it be via CSS or not). We know we shouldn't use tables for layout. Floats are a hack, positioning is flawed, and <code>display:table-cell</code> is no better than using a table itself. But Eric explains here why table <em>behavior</em> works moderately well for layout: <blockquote>... this is why the old “only use tables for layout” argument keeps coming up over and over: strip away the overheated rhetoric and obvious link-baiting, and you find the core of a real need. Because as powerful as CSS can be, table cells do certain things very easily that CSS makes very, very hard. Cells stretch vertically, keeping equal heights as a matter of their intrinsic nature. They stay out of each others’ way, while still being allowed to sit next to each other and use any sizing dimensions. They tie their layout to their parent elements, and vice versa.</blockquote>
Turning a bunch of divs or list items or whatever into table-role boxes is no better than just using table markup in the first place, and it’s arguably worse. Using element names other than table and td to create layout tables, and then claiming it’s not using tables for layout, borders on self-deception.
Creating a polaroid photo viewer with CSS3 and jQuery
High Performance Web Sites :: Performance Impact of CSS Selectors
ADC—CSS Recipes for WebKit
いま起きているWeb標準の進化、HTML5、CSS3、JavaScript 2.0 - Blog on Publickey
HTML も CSS も、すっかり動向を追わなくなって久しい。たぶん今書こうと思ったら相当忘れてるんだろうなぁ…。まだ進化するのですかー
ZURB – Super Awesome Buttons with CSS3 and RGBA
CSS3 Exciting Functions and Features: 30+ Useful Tutorials | Noupe
With version three of CSS, many exciting features will be implemented. CSS3 leads to greater flexibility and makes it much easier to recreate previously complex effects.
De lo nuevo que se pede hacer con CSS3 que ya se puede ver en los navegadores actualizados... pero de aquí a que IE actualice para esto, y lo que es peor, de aquí a que mis clientes actualicen su IE6 :(
The Style Master Blog » Apple’s Navigation bar using only CSS
Interesting breakdown of some cool CSS approaches.
css-template-layout - Google Code
css-template-layout -
The project aims at providing web designers with a way to use the W3's CSS Template Layout Module today. As a jQuery plug-in, the script parses a given set of CSS rules and displays the content as indicated in the specification. Options include the ability to select the CSS parsed, as well as an optional prefix to use for the CSS rules. Specifying a prefix allows style rules that are interoperable with a possible future browser implementations.
The project aims at providing web designers with a way to use the W3's CSS Template Layout Module today. As a jQuery plug-in, the script parses a given set of CSS rules and displays the content as indicated in the specification.
avaScript (jQuery) implementation of the CSS Template Layout Module
Take Your Design To The Next Level With CSS3 | CSS | Smashing Magazine
Smashing Magazine
Many cool things can be done with the next standard for web design
by Smashing Magazine
A nice overview from Smashing Mag about using CSS3 features.
CSS3 Unleashed – Tips, Tricks and Techniques | W3Avenue
Great reference for implementing CSS3
7 New Essential CSS 3 Techniques Revealed | tripwire magazine
rounded corners mostly, with jquery
A roundup of 7 CSS3 techniques that will be available in FF 3.5.
@font-face: The Potential of Web Typography
How can @font-face be used with currently implemented CSS selectors to create engaging, nuanced and more mature typography? Let's find out.
Como el SifR pero sin él... con Firefox 3.5
@font-face: The Potential of Web Typography
Firefox 3.5 is out. And the more users download it, the more designers will be able to take advantage of the @font-face CSS rule. How can @font-face be used with currently implemented CSS selectors to create engaging, nuanced and more mature typography? Let's find out.
beautiful fonts with @font-face at
CSS3 – a big storm is coming | Reinhold Weber
Version 0.9 is the initial public release of Modernizr. It includes tests for a variety of CSS 3 features and an HTML 5 element styling enabler.
Have you ever wanted to do if-statements in your CSS for the availability of cool features like border-radius? Well, with Modernizr you can accomplish just that!
Modernizr — это небольшая простая Javascript-библиотека, которая поможет получить ответ на вопрос поддерживает ли браузер пользователя такие технологии как: HTML5 Canvas rgba() hsla() border-image border-radius box-shadow Множественные фоновые изображения Прозрачность CSS-анимацию Столбцы Градиенты Отражения CSS-трансформацию CSS-перехды
古いブラウザでもCSS3セレクタを使ってWebページをデザインできるようにしてみた - latest log
HTML 5 and CSS 3: The Techniques You’ll Soon Be Using - Nettuts+
In-depth tutorial from NetTuts on combining existing HTML5 and CSS3 to create a slick web-design.
CSS 3 Cheat Sheet (PDF) | CSS, Freebies | Smashing Magazine
CSS3 Cheat Sheet(PDF)
Smashing Magazine » Snow Stack is Here
Carsonified » 30 Essential CSS3 Resources
Web designers around the world are extremely excited about the power of CSS3 and the creative freedom it offers. With that in mind, we’ve rounded up 29 resources for you to learn more.
Ready for use: CSS3 Template Layout | Fyrdility
I’m happy to announce the latest project I’ve been working on: A jQuery plug-in to provide support for the CSS Template Layout Module. For those of you unfamiliar with this specification, it provides a relatively easy way to make a table-like layout using CSS. Until recently it was known as the “CSS Advanced Layout Module”. The spec is still a “working draft”, so it can still change significantly. But while that status hasn’t stopped browsers from implementing other CSS3 modules, so far none have tried implementing this one. Inspired by Eric Meyer’s Call for a layout system as well as his suggestion that many CSS features can be made to work using JavaScript, I went to work. Why wait for browsers to implement something when we can have JavaScript take care of it today? The advantages to using this system include: * Source independence, so there’s lots of possibilities with the same markup * All the benefits of a table-like design without the drawbacks * Instant overvie
CSS3 Template Layout
A jQuery plug-in to provide support for the CSS Template Layout Module.
50 New CSS Techniques For Your Next Web Design | CSS | Smashing Magazine
The Power of HTML 5 and CSS 3 • Perishable Press
HTML 5 and CSS 3 are quickly gaining popularity, revealing their collective power with some exciting new design possibilities.
Web designers can do some pretty cool stuff with HTML 4 and CSS 2.1. We can structure our documents logically and create information-rich sites without relying on archaic, table-based layouts. We can style our web pages with beauty and detail without resorting to inline <font> and <br> tags. Indeed, our current design methods have taken us far beyond the hellish era of browser wars, proprietary protocols, and those hideous flashing, scrolling, and blinking web pages.
Forget About Photoshop: 5 CSS Hacks to Help You Stop Using Images - Cherrysave
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
Forget About Photoshop: 5 CSS Hacks to Help You Stop Using Images - Cherrysave -
Bringing Web Fonts Closer | Kernest
Text Rotation with CSS
Web designers: You are now free to design.
Thankfully, many of the popular browsers of today support the ability to rotate HTML elements. Even better? We can make it work in Internet Explorer (back to version 5.5 even).
The CSS3 border-radius property « Blogging CSS
One of the CSS3 properties designers have been longing the most for is undoubtedly the border-radius property. With CSS3 border-radius property it’s possible to create the so popular rectangles with rounded corners exclusively via CSS - no images needed. Cross-browser compatibility CSS3 aren’t supported by all browsers yet. The border-radius property is supported by Firefox (since version 3.0), Safari (since version 3.1) and Chrome (since the first version), but it’s not supported by Internet Explorer or Opera (it should be implemented in Opera 10). Since CSS3 aren’t standard yet, you must add prefixes to border-radius in order to work with the browsers that support it. If you want to work it with Firefox, you must write -moz-border-radius in the CSS; if you want it to work with Safari/Chrome, it’s -webkit-border-radius. Note that although Firefox, Safari and Chrome support this property, they do so in slightly different modalities.
i love those kind of poeple
Coding A HTML 5 Layout From Scratch | How-To, Tutorials | Smashing Magazine
An essential reading. From Smashing Magazine, as usual... :-D
5 CSS3 Design Enhancements That You Can Use Today | Webdesigner Depot
70 Must-Have CSS3 and HTML5 Tutorials and Resources | Web Resources | WebAppers
70 Must-Have CSS3 and HTML5 Tutorials and Resources - Open Source Resources for Web Developers
Ajaxian » Text rotation for all
Uma maneira bastante simples de rotacionar textos usando apenas CSS.
text rotation with CSS
You can pretty easily put in text rotation code for any browser. Well, the three major ones, anyway.
CSS3 rounded corners for every browser? An alternative quick solution without headache
Surfin’ Safari - Blog Archive » 3D Transforms
And pretty soon, you'll be able to do everything from Silverlight/XAML in CSS3 and HTML5. Wow.
Woah! 3d with CSS.
Fscking cool
Webkit based browsers support CSS 3D transforms. via liammcmurray
Taming Advanced CSS Selectors | CSS | Smashing Magazine
250+ Resources to Help You Become a CSS Expert | Webdesigner Depot
CSS is the second-most-important thing you can master when it comes to web design, right after HTML. And the capabilities of CSS can be staggering (especially with the new CSS3 standard already making appearances in some browsers). If you can imagine it, it’s likely someone has already figured out how to do it with CSS.
Create a Letterpress Effect with CSS Text-Shadow
The letterpress effect is becoming hugely popular in web design, and with a couple of modern browsers now showing support for the text-shadow CSS3 property it’s now simple and easy to create the effect with pure CSS. No Photoshop trickery here!
A Crash-Course in Advanced CSS3 Effects - Nettuts+
Webkit is one of the few - if only - browser engines that really embraces advanced CSS3 effects. Unfortunately, this presents somewhat of a double-edged
EDT 667
Elegant ScrollPanes with jQuery and CSS3
amazing solution for scrollbar (scrollpane) in Jquery
This is very simple using jSrcollPane, a jquery plugin which allows you to replace the browsers default vertical scrollbars on any block level element with an overflow:auto style.
CSS code structure for HTML 5: some useful guidelines
In this post I want to illustrate some useful guidelines about how to implement a well organized CSS code structure in view of introduction of HTML 5 markup language. They are not general rules but simple suggestions you can follow in order to improve the readability, manageability, and general organization of CSS code. These suggestions are especially useful if you have to work on complex CSS files that otherwise can be difficult to manage. I prefer to separate CSS code in three distinct sections: a first section that contains general HTML tags; a second section that contains structure tags; a last section with custom classes.
How To Create A Sexy Vertical Sliding Panel Using jQuery And CSS3 | Spyre Studios
More and more we see people using horizontal sliding panels on their websites. And they usually look very nice! Some will put a contact or login form in there, others will put some information about them and their website, or even things like a tag cloud or social networking buttons. Horizontal sliding panels are great for many situations, but like everything else, they’re not always ideal. It depends on the project. To see what I mean by ‘horizontal sliding panel‘, go have a look at my other site Design-Newz, and click on the ‘want more‘ button that’s on the right above the navigation bar.
In the Woods – @font-face and 15 Free Fonts You Can Use Today
Fonts are a huge part of design (as we all know). Text on the web needs to be much more dynamic than in any other media. We have solutions like Cufón, sIFR, etc. but perhaps one of the better options is using @font-face in CSS.
What is @font-face? @font-face is a CSS rule that lets web designers link to a font that visitors may not have installed. Using this, we can get around the problem of web-safe fonts as well as prevent creating additional dependencies in other methods such as Cufón, sIFR, etc.
How To Create a Pure CSS Polaroid Photo Gallery
CSS3で影と回転をつけ、ホバー時にz-indexをコントロール。/via コリス:
Use webkit to rotate/title images
Bulletproof @font-face syntax « Paul Irish
Minimising the CSS required for cross browser @font-face.
With all these CSS3 enhancements going on it's not hard to get confused. We're still trying to fond the best way of doing things. This is apparently the most bulletproof way of including the @font-face rule for IE and modern browsers.
3 Easy and Fast CSS Techniques for Faux Image Cropping | Css Globe
This article is a summary of a 3 fast and easy CSS techniques you can use to display only a portion of an image in your content. All techniques explained here actually need only couple of lines of CSS. However, it is not cropping in a real sense of the
These techniques can be very helpful if you need to keep images at a certain size, i.e. thumbnails in the news section or something similar. Being able to use CSS to control which portion of image to display is a great bonus.
11 Classic CSS Techniques Made Simple with CSS3 - Nettuts+
These are some time savers!
truques e dicas css
We've all had to achieve some effect that required an extra handful of divs or PNGs. We shouldn't be limited to these old techniques when there's a new age
HTML 5 And CSS3 Cheat Sheets Collection
CSS Wishlist: New Ideas, Debates and Solutions | CSS | Smashing Magazine
The future of CSS is arriving fast, and many tools, languages, and solutions have been developed that make CSS a job not just for Web
Home - Browserscope
js-powered css, acid3, etc. browser tests and results
Recent tests 12:13 p.m. Other acid3 100 12:13 p.m. Firefox 3.5 richtext 117/149 12:13 p.m. Firefox 3.5 selectors 99.3% 12:13 p.m. Firefox 3.5 acid3 93 12:13 p.m. Chrome 4.0.206 network 9/11 12:13 p.m. Firefox 3.5 network 9/11 12:12 p.m. Konqueror 4.3 richtext 0/149 12:12 p.m. Konqueror 4.3 selectors 0% 12:12 p.m. Firefox 3.0.14 richtext 117/149 12:11 p.m. Konqueror 4.3 acid3 89 Browserscope is a community-driven project for profiling web browsers. The goals are to foster innovation by tracking browser functionality and to be a resource for web developers. Gathering test results from users "in the wild" is the most important and useful feature of Browserscope - and you can participate!
Browserscope is a community-driven project for profiling web browsers. The goals are to foster innovation by tracking browser functionality and to be a resource for web developers.
21 Awesome @font-face Embeddable Typefaces | Spyre Studios
While @font-face may not work in all browsers, I think it’s still one of the best solution available today. Of course not all type foundries will let us embed their fonts on our webpages. There are solutions like Typekit which look very promising but today we’ll simply go over the @font-face CSS property and check out some typefaces you can use with @font-face :)
Welcome -
iphone dev. environment/resource
Design Mobile Apps (cross platform)
Online dev environment for creating HTML5/CSS3/JS-based apps for smartphones. iPhone now, "Pre and BBerry coming"
a free, collaborative, web-based, open-source mobile development environment where developers can easily create smartphone applications using standard web technologies (such as HTML 5, CSS, and Javascript) and distribute them as stand-alone applications to app stores.
12 Really Useful CSS3 Tips And Techniques | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
Object-Oriented CSS: What, How, and Why - Nettuts+
Object-oriented CSS, at its core, is simply writing cleaner, DRYer CSS. It's not a different language: still the same old CSS we all know and love. It's just a paradigm shift. Really, object-oriented CSS is a few simple patterns and best practices.
It sounds like an oxymoron, or at least an impossibility, doesn't it? How can a static language that's really more like markup than programming be
Objektorientiertes CSS in Verbindung mit HTML5. Das interessante an diesem Artikel ist das recht gute Beispiel eines HTML5 Dokument Aufbaus.
@font-face in Depth
Embedding fonts into your website
Browser support for CSS3 and HTML5, We've tested all the A-grade browsers for their CSS3 and HTML5 support using The results have been very interesting. : Deep Blue Sky Digital Ltd : Web designers and developers in Bath
Safari and Chrome do well, Firefox OK, and IE/Opera stink up the place. Should have displayed this data in a single chart. { content: "Homepage"; }
Say goodbye to the browser-specific properties and hacks cluttering your files and say hello to lean, mean CSS. With eCSStender, when you write the rules, browsers pay attention.
script for modernizing and extending css
Ajaxian » View Source Tutorial: Sticky Notes With HTML5 and CSS3
View Source Tutorial: Sticky Notes With HTML5 and CSS3
Modern CSS Layouts: The Essential Characteristics « Smashing Magazine
five characteristics of modern CSS websites: * Progressively enhanced, * Adaptive to diverse users, * Modular, * Efficient, * Typographically rich. In part 2 of this article, coming soon, we’ll go over the techniques and tools that will help you implement these important characteristics on your CSS-based Web pages.
Using Rounded Corners with CSS3 | Build Internet!
Using Rounded Corners with CSS3 |
Rounded corners have been included in the CSS3 specification. Here's how you can use them today in most modern browsers. A few years back, rounded
Utilizar bordes redondeados con CSS3.
Quickie CSS3 Tricks with Fallbacks | CSS-Tricks
25+ Tips and Tutorials of HTML & CSS « Powerusers
The Font-as-Service | i love typography, the typography and fonts blog
By Elliot Jay Stocks When Johno first asked me to write about Typekit, I jumped at the chance. I’d received a beta invite to try out the service about a week before, but deadlines had got in the way of actually getting round to it. Now I had the
i love typography, the typography and fonts blog
デザイナーのためのHTML5リソースまとめ | DesignWalker
Best Collection of CSS Rounded Corners Tutorials
La mejor colección de tutoriales acerca de bordes redondeados.
15 Ways to Optimize CSS and Reduce CSS File Size | Queness
You know CSS, but do you know how to optimize it? I have gathered a list of CSS optimization and CSS File size reduction tips and tricks that will help you writing a more effective and efficient CSS code.
Nice Web Type – How to use CSS @font-face
How to bring CSS3 features into your design « WelcomeToTheSky
15 Useful Resources to Get Clued Up on HTML5
500 Internal Server Error
An Awesome CSS3 Lightbox Gallery With jQuery – Tutorialzine
Galeria de Imagens com jQuery
23 Pure CSS Effects/Solutions to Make JavaScript Angry!-
24 ways: Working With RGBA Colour
using RGBA color
How To Support Internet Explorer and Still Be Cutting Edge - Smashing Magazine
Excellent tutorial and tips on webdesign in general
Everyone has been going on about how we should use CSS3 more and all of the possibilities and flexibility that come with it, but that we should still consider IE6 and other troubling browsers.
Pushing Your Buttons With Practical CSS3 - Smashing Magazine
Help you discocer the best
Super Awesome Buttons with CSS3 and RGBa - ZURB Playground -
Using descriptive class names and CSS3 properties like gradients and box shadows, we create a set of scalable button styles for links and buttons.
Awesome Buttons
50 Fresh CSS Techniques, Tutorials and Resources - Noupe
Buttons, more buttons and navigation menu's.
24 ways: Have a Field Day with HTML5 Forms
Radioactive Buttons with CSS Animations and RGBa - ZURB Playground -
(no description)
Advanced CSS だけでクリック時の効果も。
buttons radioativos
22 Advanced CSS Text Effects And Web Typography Tips | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
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Nice And Simple Toolbar For Your Website With CSS3 And jQuery | PV.M Garage
recently there are some famous blogs, like Abduzeedo and Mashable, that are using a fixed toolbar on the bottom of the page with useful button for the sharing.
"Nice And Simple Toolbar For Your Website With CSS3 And jQuery"
In this tutorial we'll learn how to build a nice toolbar for our website using some CSS3 properties and basic jQuery techniques.
Incredible Drop Down Menu Solution With CSS Only | AEXT.NET
There are plenty of drop-down menus using javascript and CSS already available, but most of them are either too basic (with CSS) or too complicated (with Javascript). That’s why I publish this drop down menu solution which is using CSS only, but it has a smooth drop effect and the css sprites that changes the toggle icon jQuery-likely. Honestly, this is the most completed menu solution using CSS which comes along with awesome effects.
33 Must Read CSS3 Tips, Tricks, Tutorial Sites and Articles | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
A Collection of HTML5 Resources and Tutorials : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Five Technologies That Will Keep Shaping the Web in 2010
Román Cortés » CSS 3D Meninas
CSS3 maakt #D view mogelijk!
24 ways: Going Nuts with CSS Transitions
The advent calendar for web geeks. Each day throughout December we publish a daily dose of web design and development goodness to bring you all a little Christmas cheer.
Do not attempt w/o exp designer present!
Stronger, Better, Faster Design with CSS3 - Smashing Magazine
Stronger, Better, Faster Design with CSS3 (via smashingmag) - In our last article about CSS3, Pushing Your Buttons With Practical CSS3, we talked about using new CSS3...
Analog is a company of friends who make web sites. It’s a co-operative where imagination, design, and engineering thrive; good people doing good work.
Andrei and company (via Mager)
Awesome Inline Form Labels - ZURB Playground -
How to make labels inline!
24 ways: CSS Animations
24 ways: CSS Animations
More hot CSS animation action. Thank you Tim Van Damme.
Very nice example: Building a loading/activity indicator.
What You Need To Know About Behavioral CSS - Smashing Magazine
games flash fun online
What You Need To Know
A Look at Some of the New Selectors Introduced in CSS3 - Inspect Element
A Look at Some of the New Selectors Introduced in CSS3
[CSS]スタイルシートの実用的なテクニック集:エレメント・CSS3・Tips編 | コリス
Owltastic — by Meagan Fisher
Shadows and CSS3
Text Shadows
I’m currently working on a design that uses text-shadow and box-shadow, with RGBA in place to create the shadow color. I wanted to tweet about this technique because it’s simple and awesome, but to my surprise I couldn’t find a good, quick tutorial that covered the use of both text and box-shadow, along with RGBA. So I decided to create one.
how to use CSS3 to create drop shadows
Practical Uses of CSS3 | Viget Inspire
transm.js (javascript programmable image transitions)
Extending CSS with jQuery – A New Year’s Guide | | Where Web Businesses Grow
CSS-Tricks fame, recently gave an excellent presentation on how to extend CSS using jQuery. I remember seeing this wonderful presentation floating around recently but hadn’t been aware of who the author was until now. I would like to apologize to every one of my readers, including Chris, for posting this article up without any reference to the slides author – my original online source didn’t include any mention of him (or any author for that matter) so I had rather foolishly gone ahead with the use of them without investing more time into researching who put them up
extender css con la ayuda de jquery
12 Killer Tips for Designing in the Browser | Design Shack
webdesign css design tips browser Excellent site to test a site in diff browsers
CSS3 Gradient Generator
The CSS3 Gradient Generator was created as showcase of the power of CSS based gradients as well as a tool for developers and designers to generate a gradient in CSS. CSS gradients generate an image result, meaning the result of a CSS gradient can be used anywhere an image can be used, be it a background-image, mask,border, or list item bullet.
The CSS3 Webkit Gradient Generator is a showcase for the power of CSS webkit gradients. It also provides a simple graphical user interface for working with CSS webkit gradients, allowing a user preview real time what their gradient will look like and provide the code for the gradient they generated.
» Web Development for the iPhone: HTML & CSS Support :: CSS, JavaScript and XHTML Explained
10 Best Tutorials To Learn CSS3 | AEXT.NET
List of tutorials and cheat-sheets for leaning CSS3.
How to Create a Cool Anaglyphic Text Effect with CSS
overlap blue and red text using css
How To Create Depth And Nice 3D Ribbons Only Using CSS3 | PV.M Garage
No images. Just CSS & CSS3. All major browsers support the technique. Love it.
CSS3 + Progressive Enhancement = Smart Design • Perishable Press
article about progressive enhancement using css3 colours could be used for anna's website
covers Multiple Backgrounds, Background Sizing, Border Images, Rounded Corners, Drop Shadows, Text Shadows, Alternate Row Styles, Opacity & Transparency, Custom Fonts, Custom Text-Highlight Styles, Multi-Column Content Display, Box Sizing, RGBa Colors and Transparency, Word Wrap, Resizable Elements, CSS Transitions, CSS Color Gradients, Rotating Elements
Keith Clark - IE CSS3 pseudo selectors
Metoda na css3 w IE
ie-css3.js allows Internet Explorer to identify CSS3 pseudo selectors and render any style rules defined with them. Simply include the script in your pages and start using these selectors in your style sheets — they'll work in IE... Honest...!
The Ultimate Guide to CSS Typography | Three Styles
Typography is often overlooked in todays design specifically by web developers. It really is a shame because CSS gives us so much control over our type. That being said, we our limited to certain “web safe” typefaces but that shouldn’t decrease our creativity. Here are a few CSS tips for typography on the web.
CSS Transitions 101 | Webdesigner Depot
Despite people's expectation of change and movement on the screen, CSS and HTML have few controls that allow you to design interactivity, and those that exist
14 Helpful Cheat Sheets for Front-end Web Development | Web Design Ledger
For web developers and designers, it can be difficult to memorize the syntax for multiple programming languages and frameworks, especially since they are always
For web developers and designers, it can be difficult to memorize the syntax for multiple programming languages and frameworks, especially since they are always evolving and growing. This is where cheat sheets come in handy. Most cheat sheets are designed to be printer friendly, so you can have them laying around on your desk as quick reference cards. Here is a collection of useful cheat sheets specifically for front end web development that will help you with HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.
30 Cutting Edge Examples Of CSS Navigation | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
30 Cutting Edge Examples Of CSS Navigation | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials -
cssの情報・まとめ - かちびと.net
The New Hotness: Using CSS3 Visual Effects - Smashing Magazine
Great demo of some key CSS3 effects.
css3 is crazy
The Mysterious Pseudo Class in CSS
Creating Polaroid Style Images with Just CSS - ZURB Playground -
Román Cortés » Pure CSS Coke Can
Code a Backwards Compatible, One Page Portfolio with HTML5 and CSS3 – Inspect Element - Web Design & Development Blog
Great tutorial for a 1 page portfolio with HTML5 & CSS3 features.
This is a run through of the basics of HTML5 and CSS3 while still paying attention to older browsers.
» @font-face Browser Support & Tutorial :: CSS, JavaScript and XHTML Explained
Goede uitleg van @font-face en met overzicht van browsersupport
50 Brilliant CSS3/JavaScript Coding Techniques - Smashing Magazine
CSS3 is coming. Although the browser support of CSS 3 is still very limited, many designers across the globe experiment with new powerful features of the language, using graceful degradation for users with older browsers and using the new possibilites of CSS3 for users with modern browsers.
50 Brilliant CSS3/JavaScript Coding Techniques
iPhone CSS—tips for building iPhone websites — CSS Wizardry—CSS, Web Standards, Typography, and Grids by Harry Roberts
CSS3 & Flexible UI: Avoid Recutting UI Graphics for Mobile
pure css ui elements - buttons, input fields etc.
bordas com mais de uma cor, vários backgrounds em uma mesma div, bordas arredondadas
10 ways to make Internet Explorer act like a modern browser
10 ways to make Internet Explorer act like a modern browser
An introduction to CSS3 | Zen Elements
Uma introdução bem legal ao CSS3.
Sweet AJAX Tabs With jQuery 1.4 & CSS3 – Tutorialzine
In this tutorial we are making sweet AJAX-powered tabs with CSS3 and the newly released version 1.4 of jQuery
Sweet AJAX Tabs With jQuery 1.4 & CSS3 – Tutorialzine -
onglet et navigation
Web Designers' Browser Support Checklist, Web Designers' Browser Support Checklist : FindMeByIP : what browser am I using, how modern is my web browser, and what's my IP address?
Web Designers' Browser Support Checklist
47 Amazing CSS3 Animation Demos
Six Questions: Eric Meyer on CSS3 - Six Revisions
Six Questions: Eric Meyer on CSS3 December 9th, 2008 by Jacob Gube | 58 Comments | Stumble It! Delicious Eric A. Meyer knows a thing or two about standards-based CSS and HTML development. He’s a distinguished expert on CSS and HTML, an author of numerous books on CSS, co-founder of An Event Apart, a coveted guest speaker, a member of the A List Apart crew, and founder of Complex Spiral Consulting (I could go on – but I think you get the picture).
Six Questions
Quite an interesting article on CSS3 with Eric Meyer:
An Awesome CSS3 Lightbox Gallery With jQuery | Tutorialzine demo
An Awesome CSS3 Lightbox Gallery Drag the pics around to share them
CSS Rounded Corners In All Browsers (With No Images) | Jon Raasch's Blog
curved-corner - Project Hosting on Google Code
This is a behavior htc file for Internet explorer to make CSS property " border-radius " work on all browsers. At present, all major browsers other than IE shows curved corner by adding 4 lines of css
htc file for Internet explorer to make CSS property " border-radius " work on all browsers
A non-image based solution to make rounded corners work in IE
Rounded corner HTML elements using CSS3 This is a behavior htc file for Internet explorer to make CSS property " border-radius " work on all browsers. At present, all major browsers other than IE shows curved corner by adding 4 lines of css
CSS3 Techniques You Should Know
Many of you have probably heard all the buzz around CSS3, but exactly which techniques can we use today? In this article I’ll show you some different CSS3 techniques that work great in some of the leading browsers (i.e. Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera ), and how they will degrade well in the non-supported browsers (i.e. Internet Explorer). Using browser specific extensions, many of the proposed CSS3 styles can be used today!
Forget About Photoshop: 5 More Ways to Stop Using Images in Your Designs - Cherrysave
Multiple Backgrounds and CSS Gradients -
Multiple Backgrounds and CSS Gradients - -
Choosing The Best CSS Framework: A Complete Guide | DevSnippets
Choosing The Best CSS Framework: A Complete Guide | DevSnippets | HTML 5
of reasons to use a CSS Fr
52Framework - first ever html5 and css3 framework
Framework para HTML5 y CSS3
Forgotten CSS selectors | 456 Berea Street
Forgotten CSS selectors
Well, the market share of IE 6 is now finally at a level where we as developers can say that a site “supporting” IE 6 does not mean “looking pixel perfect”. Fortunately more and more clients understand this as well. IE 7 has been out for well over three years and IE 9 is on the horizon, so I think it’s time to revive those CSS selectors that you never got to use just because IE 6 doesn’t understand them.
The hidden power of border-radius « CreativityDen
In this post we will explore the property border-radius and how it can be used to create circles, semi-cricles and quarter-circles. It also has the potential to produce some terrific designs using just CSS – no images.
iPhone向けサイト構築 基礎文法最速マスター - EC studio デザインブログ
iPhone向けサイト構築 基礎文法最速マスター - EC studio デザインブログ
CSS3 Examples and Best Practices
More examples fo CSS3 from Web Design Wall.
The CSS3 trend is getting more and more popular. In fact CSS3 new features open a lot of new possibilities. Check out my previous post on "CSS3 Animation Demos" to see the things that you can do with it. However, don’t get too excited so soon because it is not fully supported by all browsers yet. But this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use it at all. So, when should you use CSS3 new features? Well, continue on this post to see some excellent examples.
CSS3 Click Chart by Impressive Webs
54 Awesome Tutorials To Satisfy The Appetite Of Any Web Developer | Tutorials |
Fun With Box Shadows « Markus Stange’s Blog
20 CSS3 Tutorials and Techiques for Creating Buttons - Speckyboy Design Magazine
In May last year we published an article entitled 22 CSS Button Styling Tutorials and Techniques, it proved to be pretty popular, and the most amazing thing about that post is that none of the tutorials even touch on the subject of CSS3.. What a difference a year makes!
Designing for the Future with HTML5+CSS3 : Tutorials and Best Practices | DevSnippets
18 Incredible CSS3 Effects You Have Never Seen Before
You Can Use CSS3 Right Now | Design Informer
You Can Use CSS3 Right Now | Design Informer -
50 Useful Coding Techniques (CSS Layouts, Visual Effects and Forms) - Smashing Magazine
[CSS]CSS3で何ができるの? という時にみておきたいサイト集 | コリス
CSS3で何ができるの? という時にみておきたいサイト集
Cross-browser drop shadows using pure CSS — Nick Dunn
Sexy Buttons Quick Start Guide and Demo
Sexy Buttons can be created using either <a> or <button> elements by adding class="sexybutton" and wrapping the text in double <span>s:
Click this button right now! Submit <button>
CSS3 Dropdown Menu
Ventanas desplegables
Jon Combe | Code | HTML clocks using JavaScript and CSS rotation
Süper saat uygulaması.
Jon Combe | Code | HTML clocks using JavaScript and CSS rotation -
Design a Prettier Web Form with CSS 3 | Nettuts+
Gradient coloring
Thanks to advanced CSS properties, such as gradients and shadows, it's now quite easy to turn a dull web form into something beautiful - with minimal effort. I'll show you how in today's tutorial!
The Future Of CSS Typography - Smashing Magazine
There has been an increasing and sincere interest in typography on the web over the last few years. Most websites rely on text to convey their messages, so it’s not a surprise that text is treated with utmost care. In this article, we’ll look at some useful techniques and clever effects that use the power of style sheets and some features of the upcoming CSS Text Level 3 specification, which should give Web designers finer control over text.
50 Awesome CSS3 Animations | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
Browse: Home / Development / 50 Awesome Animations made with CSS3
CSS Border Radius
Border Radius syntax for CSS3, WebKit and Mozilla.
Coding a CSS3 & HTML5 One-Page Website Template – Tutorialzine
Today we are making a HTML5 web template, using some of the new features brought by CSS3 and jQuery,
Here we are using the new version of HTML - the fundamental language of the web, to make a web template, using some of the new features brought by CSS3 and jQuery with the scrollTo plug-in.
Speed Up with CSS3 Gradients | CSS-Tricks
WebKit browsers paved the way with CSS based gradients. Now Firefox 3.6 is out and is supporting them as well, which makes using them for progressive enhancement all the more appealing. More good news, CSS3 gradients fall into the camp where you can specify fallbacks (i.e. images) so that browsers that don’t support them just use the image instead. But wait… if you need to use an image anyway, why bother with declaring the gradient with CSS? That is kind of how I felt for a long time, but there is one important aspect that makes it worth it: browsers that support them don’t load the image fallback. One less HTTP Request = all the faster your site will load.
The Basics of CSS3
Less Framework
CSS3 loading spinners without images • CSS & (X)HTML • Kilian Valkhof
CSS transform (in Firefox 3.5+ and Webkit-based browsers) has a whole bunch of interesting functions, such as rotation, translation, scaling and skewing. To learn more about the different functions, check out the Mozilla developer center overview of CSS transform. After playing around with chaining different transforms and seeing the effect, I found out something interesting:
Future of CSS: The Flexible Box Model is a website for web developers and designers, providing tips, tutorials, resources and inspiration.
El modelo de cajas flexibles en CSS.
dynamic PNG shadow position & opacity - by Daniel Kurdoghlian |
Simulate Realism with CSS3 - Inspect Element
Inspected Element goes further with more examples of how to "simulate realism" with some clever CSS3 effects for images, buttons, and more.
Examples of simulating realism using CSS3 techniques, examples inc. polaroid photos and animated DVD cases.
Pure CSS speech bubbles – Nicolas Gallagher
Don't work in IE6, though...
CSS3 Please! The Cross-Browser CSS3 Rule Generator
Progressive enhancement: pure CSS speech bubbles – Nicolas Gallagher — Blog & Ephemera
Speech bubbles are a popular effect but many tutorials rely on presentational HTML or JavaScript. This tutorial contains various forms of speech bubble effect created with CSS2.1 and enhanced with CSS3. No images, no JavaScript and it can be applied to your existing semantic HTML.
Opera Logo with CSS · David DeSandro
I love this, it renders beautifully in Safari 4 and is an IE fail!
CSS3 Generator
This is a handy tool for generating CSS from the emerging CSS3 modules that you can use right now in modern browsers – includes tools to do web fonts, box shadows, text shadows, rounded corners, etc. (info from Joe)
Bom auxilio pro CSS3
RT @standardistas: Problems recalling your border-radius, box-shadow and other CSS3 selectors? CSS3 Generator has you covered: http://j. ...
5 Advanced CSS Pseudo Classes that will Save your Day | DevSnippets
5 Advanced CSS Pseudo Classes that will Save your Day
As it says on the tin.
47 CSS Tips & Tricks To Take Your Site To The Next Level | CSS | instantShift
Sneaking into Future: 25 Ultra Modern Websites Using HTML5 | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
Take a look and explore the code for an insight into the future of the internet. Be warned, however, few display properly in Internet Explorer. Here comes the 25 websites built using HTML5
Basic CSS3 Techniques That You Should Know
We'll be looking at a few of the essential things you need to know about CSS3. With all of these new features, it's important to place emphasis on the most important ones to get you up to speed.
Internet Explorer 9: Platform Demos
RT @joelmoss: Why is IE 9 advertising that it fails the Acid 3 test? (via @rbates)
Curtis CSS Typeface · David DeSandro
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ? ! . Q U I C K B R O W N F O X J U M P
Curtis is the name I’ve given for a family of geometric sans-serif fonts currently in development. Other incarnations exist as Fontstructions: Curtis Heavy and Curtis Pixel 14. This version takes form in CSS. All shapes are rendered by the browser, using a combination of background color, border width, border radius, and a heavily reliance on absolute/relative positioning. You can get a better idea of how the letters were formed with the Inspect display option.
css font
15 CSS3 Navigation and Menu Tutorials and Techniques - Speckyboy Design Magazine
Tutoriais para usar o CSS 3 agora
CSS3はゆっくり、しかし、確実に主流のウェブデザインにこっそり入っていますが、小線量でますます多くのデザイナーがそれを使用していますが、確かに、それははずみがついています。 本当にウェブデザインのためのおもしろい時間です。 数週間前では、私たちはCreating ButtonsがCSS3ボールをただ回転させ始めるように20CSS3 TutorialsとTechniquesと呼ばれる記事を発表して、今回、CSS3が提供する素晴らしい新しい資産を利用する何らかのメニューとナビゲーションのテクニックに焦点を合わせます。 念頭で剥き出してください。だいたいこれらのチュートリアルが荒野の用法のために書かれていなくて、それらが、より実験的です、何に関するデモンストレーションがあることができるかということであることは、達成されて、近い将来、使用されるでしょう。 これらのチュートリアルからのデモのすべてが完全によくChromeとSafari(それにしても小さい方の食い違いで)、Firefoxで2、3の(特に3.6にひどく見えさえするZurbs OS X Dock)との戦いをします、そして、IEはかなり驚いたことにデモの大部分を予想より良くしました。
CSS3 is slowly but surely creeping into mainstream web design, more and more designers are using it, albeit in small doses, but it is certainly gathering momentum. It is an exciting time for web design. A few weeks back we published an article called 20 CSS3 Tutorials and Techniques for Creating Buttons, just to start the CSS3 ball rolling, this time around we focus on some menu and navigation techniques that make use of the wonderful new properties that CSS3 offers.
menus de navegação com css3
CSS Bugs and Inconsistencies in Firefox 3.x | Webdesigner Depot
There aren't many articles covering incompatibilities, or CSS differences in Firefox alone — and for good reason. Firefox has always done an excellent
Good article on Firefox CSS bugs
Meet the Pseudo Class Selectors | CSS-Tricks
:last-child, :first-child etc etc
Pseudo class selectors CSS selectors with a colon preceding them. You are probably very familiar with a few of them. Like hover: a:hover { /* Yep, hover is
Cross Browser CSS Transforms – even in IE
3d Html Eleman Yapımı
How to Build a Lava-Lamp Style Navigation Menu | Nettuts+
A couple weeks ago, I created a screencast that demonstrated how to build a three-level navigation menu. In a response email, one of our readers requested a
A couple weeks ago, I created a screencast that demonstrated how to build a three-level navigation menu. In a response email, one of our readers requested a tutorial on how to build a lava-lamp style menu. Luckily, it’s quite a simple task, especially when using a JavaScript library. We’ll build one from scratch today.
HTML5 Rocks My Socks Off | Three Styles
RT @tweetlicius: HTML5 Rocks My Socks Off | Three Styles -
Grid Accordion with jQuery | CSS-Tricks
Cool collapsing column trick
Accordions are a UI pattern where you click on a title (in a vertical stack of titles) and a panel of content reveals itself below. Typically, all other open panels close when the new one opens. They are a clever and engaging mechanism for packing a lot of information in a small space.
An accordion grid created using CSS & Jquery
HTML5 Website Layout Tutorials and Inspiration | AcrisDesign
HTML5 Website Layout Tutorials and Inspiration | AcrisDesign -
50 Excellent Tutorials for Web Development Using CSS3 | Dzinepress
50 Excellent Tutorials for Web Development Using CSS3 | Dzinepress -
10 examples of futuristic CSS3 techniques
CSS3 techniques
jQuery MagicLine Navigation Demo
sweet magical slider behind the menuitems with jquery
How to reference fonts on the server
Some tips for implementing @font-face with your CSSes
CSS3 Dropdown Menu
with rounded CSS3 corners
Page de démo présentant des menus déroulants créés uniquement avec un fichier CSS 3 (sans javascript)
The fundamental problems with CSS3 | Matt Wilcox .net
This post brings to a head a lot of my thoughts and feelings with regard to CSS3 and the way the W3C is developing it. It does not aim to look at specific topics in detail, but to step back and question some fundamental issues that I feel need to be addressed.
my thoughts a
22 Handy HTML5 & CSS3 Tools, Resources And Guides | Graphic and Web Design Blog
CSS Opacity: A Comprehensive Reference | Impressive Webs Toronto
Drop shadow with CSS for all web browsers - Robert's talk
Como aplicar sombras con CSS en TODOS los navegadores web.
"One of the most common CSS effects is using shadows in various ways. Before, we needed to resort to images, but now we can offer this to all major web browser with CSS!"
Rendera - Online HTML5 Editor
éditeur HTML5, CSS3 et javascript avec jQuery en ligne permet l'export des codes générés
Colorful Sliders With jQuery & CSS3 – Tutorialzine
In this tutorial we are using jQuery and the new transformation features brought by CSS3 to create a three dimensional dynamic slider effect.
Web Design - HTML5 & CSS3 Checklist
Apple - iPad-ready websites
Rolling out Sly - The JavaScript Selector Engine » digitarald:Harald K – Internet Consultant & Contractor
Finally getting round to taking a look at Sly. Well, not much to it. It's light, it's fast and very easy to use.
Linear Gradients
Awesome tool for applying some still-proprietary CSS3 styles to browsers that support them.
Webkit browsers have very different syntax for gradients.
Free interactive tool to quickly code CSS3 gradients.
3D Text Tower | CSS-Tricks
Have you seen David Desandro's site? It's pretty slick. His footer is especially fun: The technique is clever in it's simplicity. Let's take a
Nifty text shadow effect with CSS3
Amazing CSS3 Techniques You Can't live Without | Graphic and Web Design Blog
RT @1stwebdesigner Amazing CSS3 Techniques You Can't live Without | Graphic and Web Design Blog
RT @tweetmeme Amazing CSS3 Techniques You Can't live Without | Graphic and Web Design Blog
Creating a Realistic Looking Button with CSS3 | Inference
"Creating a Realistic Looking Button with CSS3" /by @jayair #css #css3 #ux #webdesign
Old School Clock with CSS3 and jQuery
programações legais
CSS: A tribute to selectors | For A Beautiful Web
About CSS attribute selectors.
advanced selectors
CSS3 support in Internet Explorer 6, 7, and 8
Script para forzar a Internet Explorer a soportar algunas propiedades de CSS3 /cc @chulini @cabrera @wiredlain
Cross-Browser CSS Gradient
Cómo hacer gradientes usando CSS3 que funcionen en Firefox, Safari, Chrome e Internet Explorer
gradiente por CSS em todos os browsers
Create Windows 7 start menu using CSS3 only
Snazzy Hover Effects Using CSS
Informacion sobre imagenes con Css:hover
With all these CSS3 effects and tutorials popping up every day that show all the new and wonderful things we can make happen, we sometimes forget about poor little old CSS2.1 and the great potential it still has. With very good browser support, we can do lots of cool things that we know will work in all major browsers. In this tutorial, I will be going over creating flexible advanced hover techniques using CSS2.1 properties.
Improve Your CSS Skills With Pure CSS UI Components | W3Avenue
Ajaxian » CSS Gradients in Action
มาดูตัวอย่างการเล่เฉดสีสวยๆ ใน CSS3 กัน
Gradients - Webkit only..
HTML5 presentation
HTML5 presentation
HTML5 Readiness
HTML5 & CSS3 Readiness #html #browser #css3
A Visualization of how ready different parts of HTML5/CSS3 are for day to day use
CSS3 Gradient Buttons
hover { text-decoration: none; } .button:active { position: relative; top: 1px;
15 CSS Habits to Develop for Frustration-Free Coding - Noupe
This is one of the best CSS tips/habits list to use, for sure.
12 Excellent CSS3 Button and Menu Techniques | Tutorials
Different Stylesheets for Differently Sized Browser Windows | CSS-Tricks
Different Stylesheets for Differently Sized Browser Windows
少しのコードで実装可能な20のCSS小技集 | Webクリエイターボックス
便利なCSSのTips 集。目新しいものはありませんが、実践で役に立ちそうなものばかりです。
7 Useful CSS3 Code Generators | Coding |
Touch The Future: Create An Elegant Website With HTML 5 And CSS3 | PV.M Garage
The CSS 3 Flexible Box Model ✩ Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog
The #CSS3 Flexible Box Model (Mozilla Hacks) -
30 Pure CSS Alternatives to Javascript - Speckyboy Design Magazine
With all the cool things that surround Javascript (especially with jQuery) its easy to forget that it’s possible to push pure CSS (with a touch of HTML) into an all singing and all dancing interactive site, with absolutely no scripting at all. The pure CSS techniques, outlined in this article, are neither new nor are they ground-breaking. What they do offer is CSS solutions to what would typically and traditionally be associated with Javascript, and as a demonstration that they do exist and could be quite easily used. Having said all that, we are in no way saying that these techniques are in anyway better than there Javscript equivalent, just an optional alternative and as a proof of concept. In this article we have concentrated on showing as many varied CSS techniques that cover the full spectrum of web site interactivity, thus we have intentionally minimized the number of pure CSS navigation methods, of which there are literally hundreds.
Splendid HTML5 app for 3D molecule modeling.
Contextual Slideout Tips With jQuery & CSS3 – Tutorialzine
Knowing the importance of HTML standards, we are making a set of contextual slideout tips with jQuery & CSS3, which are ideal for product pages and online tours. As a bonus, they are SEO friendly, so all the content is visible to search engines.
15 Useful HTML5 Tutorials and Cheat Sheets | Tutorials
HTML5 is giving web designers and developers new capabilities that were things of fantasy with previous versions of HTML. Web pages will now be more semantic with the use of structure specific tags. Visual elements like rounded corners are now built in, and so is the ability to create drag and drop interactivity. Even though HTML5 is not fully supported in major browsers, there are those that are pushing forward and experimenting with its new features. In an effort to encourage you to do the same and to prepare you for the future, we’ve rounded up 15 useful HTML5 tutorials and cheat sheets.
CSS3 Solutions for Internet Explorer - Smashing Magazine
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(color='#969696', Direction=145, Strength=3);
Ultimate Collection of HTML5 and CSS3 Resources
HTML 5 and CSS 3: The Techniques You’ll Soon Be Using
In this “Ultimate Collection of HTML5 and CSS3 Resources“, you will find articles and tutorials covered on different websites. Demos and examples are also included in this list. I tried my best to collect all useful and related information to put at one place. Still if you find something missing, kindly share it in the comments below.
12 Elegant, Free & High Quality HTML5+CSS3 Templates | DevSnippets
html 5 css3
When can I use...
Compatibility tables for features in HTML5, CSS3, SVG and other upcoming web technologies
Ah, how exactly this matches what I wonder on a daily basis...
den stora frågan med html5 är när vi kan använda alla features. ger delvis svaren... #w2e – Martin Belak (belak)
15 Useful CSS3 and HTML5 Templates and Frameworks - Speckyboy Design Magazine
Modern CSS Layouts, Part 2: The Essential Techniques - Smashing Magazine
All There Is To Know About HTML5 and CSS3 | Design your way
HTML5 has definitely become a trend alongside its lil’ brother CSS3 because of their functions and utilities which makes them the next best thing in web design. Better even than Flash, maybe, in some situations. Being the next best thing will not determine you to use it, but the fact that it introduces and enhances a wide range of features including form controls, APIs, multimedia, structure, and semantics will do. The most important thing for you to know is that you can’t learn it just by reading, you have to work with it, step by step, using these new techniques from the tutorials that I’m bringing you here and by the time HTML5 and CSS3 properties will be supported on every browser you’ll be a rockstar coder.
HTML5 Unleashed: Tips, Tricks and Techniques | W3Avenue
Tips, Tricks and Techniques | W3Avenue
Awesome Bubble Navigation with jQuery | Codrops
navigation for my company
Webkit CSS Properties
I've been using/abusing many of these but how do they differ from "filter:alpha(opacity=50)" etc?
-webkit- reference
Beautiful CSS3 Search Form
HTML5 presentation
ProtoFluid - HTML5 and CSS3 Web App Prototyping
Cómo aparece nuestra web en diferentes navegadores y tamaños. Sólo tenemos que indicar la url, el dispositivo y el tamaño, mostrando un popup con el resultado.
The ProtoFluid App Facilitates web app testing on various screen sizes, orientations and browsers. Lets you design for CSS3 compliant (mobile) browsers using Media Queries. Particularly suited to the early development of fluid layout based web applications. Use all your favourite web browser development tools (Firebug etc.) This approach is particularly relevant considering the upcoming tablet tsunami. Encourages modern design flexibility. No browser sniffing or user agent strings here!
Ultimate Black Belt Test ’10: Greensboro, AL
Spice Up Your Web Typography with @Font-Face
The @font-face is commonly referred to as a new CSS3 feature, but has actually been around for some years. The only problem was there weren’t any browsers to support it (apart from IE’s obscure EOT methods), so it sat collecting dust at the back of the CSS2 specification. Recently however, browsers have started implementing support for the @font-face rule. First came Safari (3.1), then Firefox (3.5), Opera (10) and Chrome (4.0). So now, any @font-face implementation will be available for a large chunk of your visitors. What’s more, if you insist on IE support you can even get everything working with a quick fumble around with Microsoft’s WEFT tool.
14 tutoriais CSS3 para facilitar nossa vida
CSS 2.1 and CSS 3 Help Cheat Sheets (PDF) - Smashing Magazine
Sexy Interactions with CSS Transitions | Carsonified
ThinkVitamin - Carsonified's blog about the web
Sexy Interactions with CSS Transitions - – Smashing Magazine (smashingmag)
Sexy Interactions with CSS Transitions
CSS 3 Modules
Create Beautiful CSS3 Typography :: Echo Enduring Blog
Create Beautiful #CSS3 Typography
It has been suggested that beautiful and usable websites are created on a foundation of beautiful and usable typography. I’ve even read an article that suggests that the web is actually comprised of 95% typography. I’m not convinced that there is any empirical evidence for this figure, but I think that the point is a good one. And, that makes typography a pretty important element that you will want to look at very carefully.
CSS Infos
13 Pure CSS Techniques for Creating JavaScript-like Interactions | Tutorials
13 CSS techniques for creating JavaScript-like interactions
13 Pure CSS Techniques for Creating JavaScript-like Interactions
Sliding Panel Photo Wall Gallery with jQuery | Codrops
Today we will create a stunning full page photo wall gallery. The idea is to have a whole page full of thumbs with a nice light effect when we hover. When an image is clicked, a panel slides up from the bottom revealing the full picture. When clicking on the full image, the thumbs panel slide back from the bottom. This effect will give the impression that we are stacking the panels on top of each other every time we change the mode. In the full picture view we add some nice transition effect when we browse through the photos.
Today we will create a stunning full page photo wall gallery. The idea is to have a whole page full of thumbs with a nice light effect when we hover. When an image is clicked, a panel slides up from the bottom revealing the full picture. When clicking on the full image, the thumbs panel slide back from the bottom. This effect will give the impression that we are stacking the panels on top of each other every time we change the mode. In the full picture view we add some nice transition effect when we browse through the photos. In addition, we will use a function for resizing the full image, adapting it to the size of the screen. So, when the screen get’s resized, our image will adapt automatically!
Galería de fotos html+jQuery.
Google Code Blog: Introducing the Google Font API & Google Font Directory
Web Design Trends 2010: Real-Life Metaphors and CSS3 Adaptation - Smashing Magazine
In our earlier article about Web design trends for 2010 we covered the strong influence of print design techniques, keypress navigation, horizontal layouts, rich...
Tendencias del diseño web para 2010, metáforas de la realidad y adaptación a CSS3
Web Design Trends 2010
Video JS | HTML5 Video Player
Another JavaScript library for dealing with the video support shenanigans across browsers.
looks like a nice player.
Video JS is a javascript-based video player that uses the HTML5 video functionality built into advanced browsers. In general, the benefit of using an HTML5 player is a consistent look between browsers.
HTML5 Watch
html examples
Collecting examples of creative, innovative, and unexpected use of emerging web technologies such as HTML5 and CSS3.
Using CSS3 Transitions, Transforms and Animation
These demos are showing of CSS transitions, transforms (2D and 3D) and animations.
Dynamic Page / Replacing Content | CSS-Tricks
#Dynamic #Page / Replacing Content #jquery
great CSS tutorials
Annotated link
Let’s say you wanted to make a website where clicking buttons in the nav would dynamically load some content. Kind of like the organic tabs thing, only the content is loaded dynamically. Say something like this: There is no excuse for the navigation of a website to be completely broken without JavaScript enabled. So the best approach here is just to create these pages and the navigation as plain ol’ semantic HTML. You know, like it’s 2001. The navigation links to the files that contain that content, and are fully formed functional pages on their own.
Cambio de secciones con efecto fade in/out
TouchScroll, a scrolling layer for WebKit mobile [update] « – the Ajax and JavaScript Experts
Scrolling layer for WebKit Mobile.
TouchScroll, a scrolling layer for WebKit mobile
Button Maker
スライダー slider
マークアップエンジニアじゃなくても覚えておきたいHTMLとCSSの話(~HTML5・CSS3、IE8 それぞれの準備に向けて) - livedoor ディレクター Blog(ブログ)
John Resig - CSS Animations and JavaScript
Apple, and the WebKit team, have recently proposed two different additions to CSS: CSS Transitions and CSS Animations.
Apple, and the WebKit team, have recently proposed two different additions to CSS: CSS Transitions and CSS Animations. The two specifications are confusingly named - and it's hard to tell what the difference is between them at first glance. However, to put it simply: CSS Transitions are easy to use, while CSS Animations are made for programmers. CSS Transitions CSS Transitions provide you with the ability to force CSS property changing to occur smoothly over a period of time, rather than immediately and coarsely.
Apple - HTML5
Mozilla evangelist Chris Blizzard voiced his concern about the issue in a recent blog entry. He characterizes Apple's HTML5 showcase as a misguided marketing stunt and explains why it is detrimental to the browser ecosystem. He says that the browser block on the demos is a "F**k You" to the people who make and run other standards-compliant browsers. He also voices some criticism of Google, which he says has made similar mistakes in promoting its Native Client technology and other nonstandard features.
You’ll need to download Safari to view this demo.
A List Apart: Articles: Responsive Web Design
Ethan Marcotte schreibt auf A List Apart über verantwortungsvolles Web-Design und seinen Versuch eines Flexible Grids. Umfrangreich, aber lesenswert.
from Event Apart Boston
About creating flexible web layouts that adapt to screen size.
An excellent article by Ethan Marcotte that's very relevant for designing for mobile devices and flexibility ...
CSS Three — Connecting The Dots - Smashing Magazine
CSS Three — Connecting The Dots - Smashing Magazine
sweet css tips n tricks
20 Awesome jQuery Enhanced CSS Button Techniques - Speckyboy Design Magazine
The Essential Guide to @font-face
A List Apart: Articles: Web Fonts at the Crossing
Good Web Fonts for Online Text
10+ Free HTML5-CSS3 Website Templates (To Start Designing For Tomorrow)
Free Web Resources Everyday - WebResourcesDepot
If you didn't already, it is a good idea to warm your hands on HTML5 and CSS3 as they offer so much. Here are 10+ free HTML5-CSS3 website templates to help you get inspired and started:
Safari Technology Demos - Safari Dev Center - Apple Developer
View the examples below and learn how to use web standards such as HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript to deliver rich experiences in your website.
cool HTML 5 effect
Appleによる、 HTML5とCSS3とJavaScriptでこれだけのリッチなものが作れるというデモ集。Safariでしか動きません。でもiPad用(あるいは iPhone用)のコンテンツなら、今すぐこういったものが作れるということですよね。
50 New Useful CSS Techniques, Tools and Tutorials - Smashing Magazine
Creating 10 Most-Used Javascript Techniques Using Pure CSS Styling | DevSnippets
Our Solar System — An experiment with CSS3 border-radius, transforms & animations.
An experiment with CSS3 border-radius, transforms & animations. Love it.
Попробуйте открыть это и в Internet Explorer 8 — у него свое видение нашей солнечной системы :)
A Solar System infoviz using CSS3 features: border-radius, transforms & animations.
Une belle réalisation en CSS3 Impressionnant... with Thomas Fuchs » Blog Archive » Making an iPad HTML5 App & making it really fast
Making an iPad HTML5 App & making it really fast
"Images show things down immensely - get rid of them"
The CSS white-space Property Explained
font dragr | A HTML5 web app for testing custom fonts | The CSS Ninja
Drag and drop your truetype (ttf), opentype (otf), scalable vector graphics (svg) or Web Open Font Format (WOFF) fonts in the left hand side module and it will be added to the list.
Quickly test those new fonts
Works only in Firefox
The Ultimate Roundup of Indispensable and Helpful HTML5 Tutorials
BounceBox Notification Plugin With jQuery & CSS3 – Tutorialzine
Notificação estilo alert
jQuery & CSS3
Ultimate List of HTML5 and CSS3 Tools | Admix Web
HTML5 and CSS3 are really revolutionizing the worlds of web development and web design, because they are bringing so many new features to work with to the fields. I have been spending much of my time working with both HTML5 and CSS3 in order to learn more about the two, and have learned that you can do everything from animation to rounded corners to amazing effects and fonts to easy offline line capabilities. In this post, I tried to collect some great tools that can help you to master these new features of both HTML5 and CSS3, by putting together an ultimate list of tools. Even though many of these features are not fully supported yet, as web developers and designers we should always be thinking about the future! I hope you find these tools helpful! Enjoy!
An awesome list of tutorials for HTML5 and CSS3
Herramientas CSS3 y HTML5, algunas bien bizarras
HTML5 Showcase: 48 Potential Flash-Killing Demos | Design
#HTML5 Showcase: 48 Potential #Flash-Killing Demos
HTML5 and CSS3 Books to Watch for in 2010 | Webdesigner Depot
Great books to look into for the HTML 5. Caution though! What may change in the future?
a list of eleven books that will be released in 2010 that focus on HTML5 and CSS3
Over the past year, new techniques and tricks involving HTML5 and CSS3 enhancements have been shared on a number of websites, giving developers new
Free iPad CSS layout with landscape/portrait orientation modes
Maxvoltar - -webkit-font-smoothing
Schöne Schrift in Webkit-Browsern. Endlich.
Tim erklärt bei Maxvoltar wie man mit einem CSS-Befehl für Webkit Schriften schöner rendern lassen kann. Aktuell funktioniert das in Chrome und den Webkit-Nightlies.
I’m not a big fan of the default text rendering in WebKit, in my opinion, it’s too heavy. There used to be a workaround where setting text-shadow would make the text thinner, but updating to Snow Leopard rendered that useless. Then someone found another hack (using -webkit-text-stroke) that seemed to work nicely, but it wasn’t usable on text-heavy pages, causing performance issues when scrolling.
Kick-ass CSS3 Support in IE6, 7, and 8 | AEXT.NET MAGAZINE
Kick-ass CSS3 Support in IE6, 7, and 8 #css3
Compatibilidad CSS3 para Internet Explorer con un fichero htc
Semantic CSS3 Lightboxes
I would really like to go thru this tutorial! It has some really neat features, but what I worry about is that this method of creating content does not lend itself to deep understanding on the part of the reader according to much of the recent research. The hyperlinks could be construed as distracting -- would be worth looking at though.
Semantic CSS3 Lightboxes -
Fancy Sliding Form with jQuery | Codrops
ทำ from เลื่อนซ้ายขวา
Today we are going to create a fancy sliding form that shows some validation feedback to the user after each step. This form saves a lot of space and is easy to access – it basically works like a slide show, just that we have fieldsets of a form instead of images.
jQuery Form
The Ultimate HTML5 Toolbox: 60+ Articles, Tutorials, Resources and Inspiring Showcases | CreativeFan
Sliding Checkbox Actions Menu with jQuery | Codrops
mobile-google inspired floating toolbar
CSS Sprites w/out Using Background Images | HTML/CSS Tutorials | Web Design Tutorials and Front-end Development Blog by Soh Tanaka
ここまでできる!CSS3を使ったチュートリアルまとめ | DesignWalker
Multiple Backgrounds and Borders with CSS 2.1 – Nicolas Gallagher — Blog & Ephemera
Using CSS 2.1 pseudo-elements to provide up to 3 background canvases, 2 fixed-size presentational images, and multiple complex borders for a single HTML element. This method of progressive enhancement works for all browsers that support CSS 2.1 pseudo-elements and their positioning. No CSS3 support required.
fallback for multiple bg, border support. nice.
Build a HTML5/CSS3 Website Layout Without Images – Part 1 | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without A Hitch
Build a HTML5/CSS3 Website Layout Without Images – Part 1 | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without A Hitch -
ついにウェブでも有名書体が使える!ウェブフォントサービス Web Fonts β版が運用開始 - フォントブログ
TypekitやFontspringなどに続き、オンラインフォントショップFonts.comが、ウェブフォントサービス Web Fonts を開始しました。クラウド型フォント埋め込みサービスです。現在はβ版となっており、登録制でサービスを利用することができます。 他のサービスに比べて、とにかくすごいのが有名書体を数多く取り扱うLinotype、Monotype、ITCの3社のフォントを使うことができるという点。 Frutiger、Univers、DIN、Gill Sans、Serpentine、VAG Rounded、…あの書体、この書体何でもあります!現在は2,000書体以上が使えますが、今後もどんどん増えていく模様。これまで画像等でしか実現できなかったことが、CSS (+ Javascript)で実現できるようになりました。IEは4から対応しています。 そして何よりも注目なのが、英語以外にも中国語や韓国語、そして日本語にも対応してる点です。β版では平成明朝、平成角ゴシック、平成丸ゴシックの 3書体6ウェイトが用意されていますが、今後どのような書体が追加されていくのでしょうか。こちらも楽しみです。
Create GitHub-Style Buttons with CSS and jQuery, MooTools, or Dojo JavaScript
I’m what you would consider a bit of a GitHub fanboy. We all know that GitHub is the perfect place to store repositories of open source code, but I think my love of GitHub goes beyond that. GitHub seems to understand that most repo sites are usually boring so they’ve spiced their site up with some catchy CSS and great JavaScript features. One tiny piece of the GitHub design I love are the basic buttons. Lets examine how we can create our own GitHub-style buttons with a bit of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
CSS3 Button Maker | CSS-Tricks
Jo JavaScript Application Framework for HTML5
jo is a lightweight JavaScript framework designed for HTML5 apps. jo does * Embrace JavaScript's object model and loosely typed nature * Leverage CSS3 to handle as much of the pretty presentation and animation as possible * Provide a consistent and modular event model between objects * Wrap DOM and device-specific events into a cohesive gesture system * Insulate developers from different persistent storage solutions * Play nicely with other libraries like PhoneGap jo doesn't * Use a lot of resources * Depend on other frameworks * Have a lot of browser dependent code * Require detailed knowledge of the DOM * Force you to deeper into its framework than you want to go * Use $ and other arcane looking symbols in place of proper identifiers Author Dave Balmer:, follow @balmer on Twitter, or email Downloads Available from GitHub as a git repo or a zip file. Philosophy If you want to jam an exi
Why and how to create Microsoft Office Minibar with jQuery and CSS3
Why and how to create Microsoft Office Minibar with jQuery and CSS3 – Javascript News (del_javascript)
Start Using CSS3 Today: Techniques and Tutorials - Smashing Magazine
Smashing Magazine
Nice round up of all the best trick including a great 3D tower effect
Sexy Tooltips with Just CSS
Thus, we’re going to look at how using the evolving CSS standard can enhance some lovely cross-browser tooltips.
A complete guide to CSS pseudo-classes - Suburban Glory
not too much new stuff but a nice explanation
How to Use the New Google Font API | Design Shack
Sencha · Introducing Sencha Touch · HTML5 Mobile App Framework
Sencha Touch is the world's first app framework built specifically to leverage HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript for the highest level of power, flexibility, and optimization.
Sencha Touch allows you to develop web apps that look and feel native on Apple iOS and Google Android touchscreen devices.
Alloy UI - A project of Liferay
一个 web 框架
Alloy is a UI metaframework that provides a consistent and simple API for building web applications across all three levels of the browser: structure, style and behavior.
Alloy UI - metaframework for HTML5, CSS, and JS
CSS3 Watch
Best HTML5 And CSS3 Frameworks
HTML5 & CSS3 frameworks – fgrmt (fgrmt)
HTML5 And CSS3 Frameworks is what can make your job easier with structuring and presenting content on the World Wide Web. Features like video playback and drag-and-drop that have been previously dependent on third-party browser plug-ins such as Adobe Flash, Microsoft Silverlight, and Google Gears are being incorporated in HTML5. Although the full recommendation of HTML5 is very far away (2022), but browsers are being making there moves already. As a designer myself I really am watching closely on developments, articles on HTML5 and CSS3, and today I would like to present the frameworks for HTML5 and CSS3. - share JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS
JavaScript、HTML5、 CSSの投稿共有コミュニティサイト
What you can learn from Panic's approach to email marketing - Blog - Campaign Monitor
How to send html email that is optimized for mobile email clients.
Google Font API - Google Code
Web Fonts用のAPIをGoogleが用意。
Google Font Directory provides high-quality web fonts that you can include in your pages using the Google Font API.
Demo: CSS3 Buttons
Pure CSS Twitter Fail Whale - By Steve Dennis
RT @tweedlebop: CSS animated Fail Whale:
steve dennis made the twitter whale only with css
CSSで作られたアニメーションするFail Whale(Chrome/Safari専用)
Pure CSS Twitter Fail Whale - Subcide
Works well on Palm Pre.
If you’re using a Webkit browser (Safari or Chrome), it should also be animated using the webkit-animation CSS functions. If you are viewing in IE8 or below, well, this isn’t an experiment for you.
CSS Twitter Whale
Flickr Photobar Gallery | Codrops
CSS+HTMLのみで実装出来る、クロスブラウザ対応のWebデザインテクニック集 - かちびと.net
見出しデザインの参考にしたい CSSで作るhタグのサンプル集 | 日刊ウェブログ式
How to Create a Drop-down Nav Menu with HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery | Nettuts+
How to Create a Drop-down Nav Menu with HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery - – Smashing Magazine (smashingmag)
In this tutorial, we’ll take a look and see what we can achieve with HTML5 and CSS3 when it comes to the staple of current web sites: the humble drop-down
dropdown menu with gradient bg
【HTML5】新規でサイトを作るのに使えそうなの一式。Ver 1|CSS HappyLife
HMTL5になった事で、 のリセットスタイル(v1.4.1)を使っています。 また、フォントサイズは、YUIのv2.8.1を使っております。
A List Apart: Articles: Taking Advantage of HTML5 and CSS3 with Modernizr
A List Apart: Articles: Stop Forking with CSS3
Introducing a script (eCSStender) that deals with CSS3 and translates it to expressions that older browsers can handle. May be a nice thing to use.
Is a library the solution? Will be useful for a while though.
HTML5 Starter Pack by Radu Chelariu |
HTML5 Starter Pack by Radu Chelariu | -
The Ultimate CSS3 Toolbox: 50+ Resources, Tutorials and Articles | CreativeFan
CSS Corners, CSS3 Gradient
Finally | a fluid Hicksdesign | The Hickensian | Hicksdesign
I’ve been wanting a fluid layout on this site for about 5 years. I had a brief redesign back in 2005 where I flirted with it for a few months, but it was soon switched back to fixed as I couldn’t get it right. Last year, I discovered CSS media queries while working on the internal pages of the Opera Browser, and tried to implement it here. It was half-assed and was removed, again after a few months. It took Ethan Marcotte’s excellent article for A List Apart Responsive Web Design to motivate me to do it properly, as well as know HOW to do it properly. I don’t think I’ve read anything as exciting and inspirational for a long time. So I started from scratch, working on the basic skeleton of the layout, getting the various resolution dependant layouts in place, before re-implementing the design (making a few changes long the way of course). So now, you’ll see the layout and type size change depending on the available width.
HTML5Rocks - Home
common css mistakes - work blog -
HTML5 presentation
RT @deliciouspb: #HTML5 presentation
Good overview of HTML5 and the possibilities.
10 HTML5 Demos to Make You Forget About Flash | Inspiration
10 Pure CSS3 Image Galleries and Sliders - Speckyboy Design Magazine
A collection of links to amazing css3 image gallery code on the web
10 Pure CSS3 Image Galleries and Sliders
Pimp Your Tables with CSS3 | Codrops
HTML and CSS Debugging Tools | Design Shack
Targeting the iPhone 4 Retina Display with CSS3 Media Queries - WaltPad
Targeting the iPhone 4 Retina Display with CSS3 Media Queries - WaltPad
One area of Web design that is going to become more important in the coming years is high DPI
the iPhone 4 Retina Display with CSS3 Media Queries
Blog | Graphicpeel — iOS Icons Made in Pure CSS
iOS icons made in pure css. no images involved.
"11 iOS icons made in only CSS, no images whatsoever."
Beautiful Photo Stack Gallery with jQuery and CSS3 | Codrops
In this tutorial we are going to create a nice and fresh image gallery. The idea is to show the albums as a slider, and when an album is chosen, we show the images of that album as a beautiful photo stack. In the photo stack view, we can browse through the images by putting the top most image behind all the stack with a slick animation.
Cross-browser kerning-pairs & ligatures
Improved handling of kerning pairs and ligatures in modern browsers using the text-rendering: optimizeLegibility; declaration.
Improved handling of kerning pairs and ligatures in modern browsers using the text-rendering: optimizeLegibility
It's all about a declaration. Try: text-rendering: optimizeLegibility; and you're done.
CSS statement supported by Webkit and Firefox.
iOS Icons in Pure CSS | Graphicpeel
Shut up ! Only CSS ! That is ridiculous
Firefox 4: CSS3 calc() ✩ Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog
CSS 로 크기 따위 계산하기..
Firefox 4: CSS3 calc()
10 Mind-Blowing Experimental CSS3 Techniques and Demos - Speckyboy Design Magazine
HTML5で構築されたテンプレート・フレームワークいろいろ | DesignWalker
Sexy Image Hover Effects using CSS3 | Nikesh Hayaran's Blog
Transparency in Web Design | CSS-Tricks
La trasparenza nel web design
How is it done? Let's take a gander at four different ways. Each of them handling the illusion in a different way, and each completely appropriate depending on
The State of CSS3 in Email Templates | Nettuts+
On the heels of some of our recent findings regarding the state of CSS in email, I reckoned it was high time to shake things up a bit. So here goes - CSS3 in
On the heels of some of our recent findings regarding the state of CSS in email, I reckoned it was high time to shake things up a bit. So here goes – CSS3 in email lives. Ok, so I’m sorry if I made you drop your toast, there. I know you’re thinking, “But… It’s still largely experimental… In the browser, to boot!” Yes, CSS3 support is even more fickle amongst a swag of email clients that can’t even get CSS2 right. But that doesn’t mean that it’s too soon to touch any of it. In this article, I’ll go through two properties you can use in your email templates, alongside some practical examples. So, brush off your toast and let’s get down to business.
In this article, I’ll go through two properties you can use in your email templates, alongside some practical examples.
CSS3 no e-mail marketing
CSS3 Rounded Image With jQuery
CSS3 Rounded Image With jQuery
Aral Balkan · How to make your web content look stunning on the iPhone 4’s new Retina display
The moment you first lay eyes on the iPhone 4's new Retina display, you are ruined. No other display will ever make you happy. Not unless it, too, is a Retina display. You start seeing pixels everywhere. My beloved MacBook Pro's screen? Pixels. The iPad I bought a few months ago and couldn't leave aside? Pixels.
Aral suggests some techniques to target the new super amazing display. The methods include media queries, javascript, svg and a few other sneaky techniques.
Cool blog/site about mobile dev and design and stuff
iPhone 4 でイメージを美しく表示させるためのコーディング方法
If you want your applications and web sites to look beautiful on the iPhone 4's new retina screen, you're going to have to create high-resolution versions of your bitmaps and/or use vectors.
Wrapping Long URLs and Text Content with CSS • Perishable Press
Web Design Concepts For Non Web Designers
inspiration concepts for web design
Présentation HTML5
CSS3 Best Practices
RT @css3watcher: RT @brunobertolini: RT @yogodoshi: CSS3 Best Practices
Early best practices for CSS3
Type Folly—Google Font API web fonts preview
Get CSS3 or HTML code for custom font/text layouts.
With TypeFolly you can create, save and export your type projects. All projects can be saved in our database or exported as compliant css / html.
Google Font API で手軽に始めるフォント遊び : could
Wicked CSS3 3d bar chart
How to create a very cool 3D barchart with CSS3.
25 Completely Free Fonts Perfect for @fontface - Speckyboy Design Magazine
free fonts are awesome (links to more free fonts @ the bottom)
In this post we have collected 25 of the best completely FREE headline fonts that could be easily used with @fontface property and all packaged with a web-font license.
25 Completely Free Fonts Perfect for @fontface - Speckyboy Design Magazine -
Web Speaks: 25 Incredibly Useful CSS Tricks You Should Know
The Experiments of Hakim El Hattab
HTML5 Canvas Experiments - – Smashing Magazine (smashingmag)
Experimentos increíbles con canvas
Examples of CSS3 in the Wild
Wikidot & CSS3: Infobox with Pure CSS 3D Ribbon
SuperStretch! – A Vertically Fluid Layout Using CSS | Devon Web Design and Development - MightyMeta
A vertically fluid layout using CSS.
It results in a layout that stretches both horizontally and vertically to the browser viewport. It includes a vertical navigation bar where button heights also stretch. It works in FF, Safari, Chrome, Opera, and IE 6-8 ++++
A List Apart: Articles: Supersize that Background, Please!
Create properly scaling backgrounds.
Good use of background cover property and @media queries
Instead of using one fixed background size, a better solution would be to scale the image to make it fit within different window sizes. Unfortunately, CSS 2.1 has no means of scaling background images. There are a couple of workarounds, however these all rely on the HTML img element (instead of CSS backgrounds). They also use absolute positioning for layering and tables or scripting to enable resizing. Additionally, not all of these techniques preserve the image’s ratio, which results in unrealistically stretched backgrounds.
Awesome Cufonized Fly-out Menu with jQuery and CSS3 | Codrops
HTML5 presentation
Demo of HTML5 via a set of "slides". Requires HTML5 enabled browser ...
A demonstration of the new effects of HTML5
RT @doxaras: HTML5Rocks in a nutshell
CSS Content | CSS-Tricks
:after :before
CSS Media Queries & Using Available Space | CSS-Tricks
I found this very interesting - Bill.
CSS Media Queries & Using Available Space | CSS-Tricks -
different stylesheets depending on browser window size
"CSS Media Queries & Using Available Space" by @chriscoyier #tech #webdev – Elijah Manor (elijahmanor)
Showing and hiding content with pure CSS3 - Opera Developer Community
Showing and hiding content with pure CSS3
using :focus pseudo-class
from Opera Developer Community
show/hide without using JS
Modern websites and applications are more dynamic than old style web pages, with several pieces of well-placed JavaScript providing smoother content updates, more intuitive user feedback and more responsive controls. One very common feature is the expanding/collapsing or shown/hidden box, whether this is a tabbed interface, a content "tray" on the side that can be slid out and then put away again, or a complex tree menu with expanding/collapsing sub-menus. Generally, these features are implemented via JavaScript, however using CSS3 it is possible to create such content using only HTML and CSS — no JavaScript required. In this article I'll show you how this works, including a few examples to get you started.
Complete Toolbox: 55 CSS Menu And Button Coding Tutorials
iPhone CSS3 | A CSS3 Experiment by
No images whatsoever. That's right. Nothing but carefully crafted markup and slightly over-the-top CSS.
A List Apart: Articles: Prefix or Posthack
problems of browser specific css
A really good article about how CSS evolved and how it should have evolved. Pretty good read and I agree with the conclusion.
Great article by Eric Meyer on the need of vendor-prefixed CSS properties.
Prefix or Posthack /by @meyerweb via @alistapart #css #css3 #webdesign
iPhone CSS3 | A CSS3 Experiment by
No images whatsoever. That's right. Nothing but carefully crafted markup and slightly over-the-top CSS.
Create A Clean and Stylish CSS3 Contact Form | Voosh Themes
Building stylish contact forms typically requires the use of images (and maybe some JavaScript) to create something that looks professional. However, with CSS3 it’s now much easier to create some nice effects that don’t require the use of any images, yet can still look clean and stylish. In this tutorial we’re going to look at a range of different CSS3 effects – in particular, we’ll be creating background gradients, adding shadows to elements, applying some rounded corners, and adding a couple of simple animation effects.
A List Apart: Articles: Prefix or Posthack
So the next time you find yourself grumbling about declaring the same thing four times, once for each browser, remember that the pain is temporary. It’s a little like a vaccine—the shot hurts now, true, but it’s really not that bad in comparison to the disease it prevents.
problems of browser specific css
A really good article about how CSS evolved and how it should have evolved. Pretty good read and I agree with the conclusion.
Great article by Eric Meyer on the need of vendor-prefixed CSS properties.
iPhone CSS3 | A CSS3 Experiment by
No images whatsoever. That's right. Nothing but carefully crafted markup and slightly over-the-top CSS.
Create A Clean and Stylish CSS3 Contact Form | Voosh Themes
Create A Clean and Stylish CSS3 Contact Form
A List Apart: Articles: Prefix or Posthack
So the next time you find yourself grumbling about declaring the same thing four times, once for each browser, remember that the pain is temporary. It’s a little like a vaccine—the shot hurts now, true, but it’s really not that bad in comparison to the disease it prevents.
problems of browser specific css
A really good article about how CSS evolved and how it should have evolved. Pretty good read and I agree with the conclusion.
Great article by Eric Meyer on the need of vendor-prefixed CSS properties.
iPhone CSS3 | A CSS3 Experiment by
No images whatsoever. That's right. Nothing but carefully crafted markup and slightly over-the-top CSS.
12 Valuable CSS Cheat Sheet For Upcoming Web Designers
12 Valuable CSS Cheat Sheet For Upcoming Web Designers
12 Valuable CSS Cheat Sheet For Upcoming Web Designers
12 Valuable CSS Cheat Sheet For Upcoming Web Designers
Super Cool CSS Flip Effect with Webkit Animation
10 Awesome CSS3 Techniques You'll Want To Start Using | CreativeFan
10 Awesome CSS3 Techniques You’ll Want To Start Using
Some nice CSS effects - rounded corners etc.
웹 개발자와 디자이너에게 도움이 될 10가지 CSS3 테크닉 모음
35 Fresh CSS3 Articles & Tutorials / CSS / SPLASHnology - Web Design and Web Technology Community
This is cool collection of most wanted, usefull tutorials and articles by CSS3. In this article you find out how make cool CSS3 Gradient Buttons, Sliding or bouncing Navigation without JavaScript, Slide effect menu with the Apple-Style and much more.
35 Fresh CSS3 Articles & Tutorials / CSS / Splashnology - Web Design ...
Coleccion de tutoriales de css3
CSS Starbursts with CSS3 transforms and transitions
huh: #css #dev #yam
CSS3 Starbursts - By @mattjamestaylor (via @ImpressiveWebs) – W3Avenue (w3avenue)
Create a CSS3 Call to Action Button
25 Essential HTML5 Tutorials and Techniques | Template Monster Blog
25 tutoriales y técnicas esenciales para HTML5
CSS3 Design Contest Results - Smashing Magazine
Loq se puede hacer con el CSS3
CSS3 Design Contest and encouraged designers to experiment and get creative with CSS3. As expected, we have received many creative and original submissions. To choose the winners of the contest, we considered the originality of the technique or approach and its uniqueness. The idea mattered more than the execution
CSS3 Design Contest Results - Smashing Magazine
25 Essential HTML5 Tutorials and Techniques | Template Monster Blog
25 Essential HTML5 Tutorials and Techniques | Template Monster Blog -
CSS3 Design Contest Results - Smashing Magazine
25 Essential HTML5 Tutorials and Techniques | Template Monster Blog
We are always close to the latest technologies – you know that, so today let’s cover some more info on the new fundamental markup language for the web – HTML5 that you all love so much. When saying about HTML5, developers mean the new semantic structural tags, API specs like canvas or offline storage, new inline semantic tags, etc. HTML5, in fact, is aimed at creating a comprehensive markup language for front-end development, able to provide qualitative information on the different elements of the page. But to help make some sense of what’s new and essential in HTML5, you could review some helpful and indispensable HTML5 tutorials that go over many of the major HTML5 aspects and new standards.
We are always close to the latest technologies – you know that, so today let’s cover some more info on the new fundamental markup language for the web – HTML5 that you all love so much. When saying about HTML5, developers mean the new semantic structural tags, API specs like canvas or offline storage, new inline semantic tags, etc. HTML5, in fact, is aimed at creating a comprehensive markup language for front-end development, able to provide qualitative information on the different elements of the page. But to help make some sense of what’s new and essential in HTML5, you could review some helpful and indispensable HTML5 tutorials that go over many of the major HTML5 aspects and new standards.
I ♥ BLUR - Once again, I got distracted... | simurai
"I ♥ BLUR - Once again, I got distracted experimenting with CSS3. ;-) So far I just knew how to make text look blurry by adding a lot of text-shadows like in this example by David. But it’s more a glow, because the text still stays in front. But what if you wanna turn text into smoke? Luckily you can set the text-fill-color to transparent and that gives your text a really nice smoky blur. color: transparent; text-shadow: #fff 0 0 100px;"
I ♥ BLUR - Once again, I got distracted experimenting with CSS3. ;-) So far I just knew how to make text look blurry by adding a lot of text-shadows like in this example by David. But it’s more a glow, because the text still stays in front. But what if you wanna turn text into smoke? Luckily you can set the text-fill-color to transparent and that gives your text a really nice smoky blur.
color: transparent; text-shadow: #fff 0 0 100px;
Text blur using CSS - amazingly simple.
40 Excellent Tutorials For Web Development Using CSS3 and HTML5 » DJDESIGNERLAB – Find All Your Design Inspirations From This Laboratory
the future is webapps
40 excellents tutoriels sur le développement web utilisant HTML5 et CSS3
Build a HTML5/CSS3 Website Layout Without Images – Part 2 | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without A Hitch
สร้าง Websote ด้วย html5/css3 โดยไม่ใช้ภาพเลย #ตอนที่ 2
Great 2-page tutorial on building a website with html5 and css3 without images - + #html5 #css3 – quplo (quplo)
CSS3 Support For IE 6-7-8: IE-CSS3
Quick Tip: Multiple Borders with Simple CSS | Nettuts+
Quick Tip: Multiple Borders with Simple CSS | Nettuts+
Using CSS to create a tabbed content area, no JS required | HTMLRockstars - You Design, We Code.
This is only relevant in the latest (as of April 2010) FireFox, Safari, and Chrome, and is not something you'd want to rely on in a production site. :target is
demo links are broken, use css-tricks version instead
Quick Tip: Multiple Borders with Simple CSS | Nettuts+
Quick Tip: Multiple Borders with Simple CSS | Nettuts+
Drop Shadows with CSS3 | Nimbupani Designs
Cool drop shadows, wrapped.
[CSS]実例から学ぶCSS3の効果的な使い方 | コリス
10 Best And Useful CSS Tutorials For Web Designers
10 Best And Useful CSS Tutorials For Web Designers
Every designer want to improve their knowledge in web designing by learning new skills in CSS.
10 buenos y útiles tutoriales CSS para diseñadores.
How To Use CSS3 Media Queries To Create a Mobile Version of Your Website - Smashing Magazine
10 Best And Useful CSS Tutorials For Web Designers
Every designer want to improve their knowledge in web designing by learning new skills in CSS. So, this time we are here compiling a list of best CSS tutorials that helps you to gain knowledge in CSS. I am sure these tutorials will help you to create some awesome designs.
How To Use CSS3 Media Queries To Create a Mobile Version of Your Website - Smashing Magazine
In this article I’ll explain how, with a few CSS rules, you can create an iPhone version of your site using CSS3, that will work now. We’ll have a look at a very simple example and I’ll also discuss the process of adding a small screen device stylesheet to my own site to show how easily we can add stylesheets for mobile devices to existing websites.
Understanding border-image | CSS-Tricks
แนะนำการใช้งาน CSS3: border-image
"Understanding border-image" by @norabrowndesign #tech #webdev – Elijah Manor (elijahmanor)
The new CSS3 property border-image is a little tricky, but it can allow you to create flexible boxes with custom borders (or drop shadows, if that’s your thing) with a single div and a single image. In this article I explain how the border-image shorthand property works in today’s browsers.
Understanding border-image | CSS-Tricks
Understanding border-image in CSS - – Smashing Magazine (smashingmag)
20+ Free CSS3 Code Generators | Design Shack
20+ Free CSS3 Code Generators
Carrer Blog: Bulletproof CSS3 media queries
Bulletproof CSS3 media queries
How to get around media queries and older browsers (>IE9, >FF3.5, >S3, >07). Uses conditional comments and js to load appropriate style sheets. Seems kludgy, but no better solution known and will work in a pinch.
CSS3 media queries are very handy to target various devices with various monitor (screen) size. With the help of the CSS3 media queries we can have site optimized for iPhone and other mobile devices, with the same solution we can have site optimized for iPad and all other tablets . This CSS solution will be much more cheaper than building new mobile web site something like or . Can we start using the CSS3 media queries today? Yes we can!
Awesome Bubble Navigation with jQuery
idea for soccer site
Fancy Image Hover Using CSS3 | Web Designers Desk
Web Designers Desk
ココを押えておけばCSS3がだいたい分かるツール集 | 日刊ウェブログ式
ココを押えておけばCSS3がだいたい分かるツール集 | 日刊ウェブログ式 #css #web – CSSニュース (css_j)
Awesome Bubble Navigation with jQuery
Awesome Bubble Navigation with jQuery
New Adventures In Web Design conference | Nottingham | 20th January 2011
interactive explanations
10 Interesting CSS3 Experiments and Demos
CSS3 Experiments and Demos
CSS3 demos
10 interesting #CSS3 experiments and demos