Pages tagged creativecommons:

tweetCC | Publish & license tweets with Creative Commons

tweetCC | Publish & license tweets with Creative Commons
Publish & license tweets with Creative Commons
Publish & license tweets with Creative Commons Send a message to tweetcc via Twitter including the words "@tweetcc: I license my tweets under a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication license" (via @jeanlucr)
Geek to Live: 6 ways to find reusable media
Illuminati 2012,Screenplays,Action Adventure Thriller,Religion,Government,Facebook, EthanSwan,Twilight,Hulu,Createspace,Obama,Maps,Chat,Free,Real Estate,radio, music,Ebay,Action Adventure,TV,business,Comics,Erotica,Philosophy,Politics,science fiction, Barnes and Noble,Borders,Movies,Film,IMDB,Alexa,Mininova,Myspace,Youtube IBP Info: Illuminati 2012: The most horrifying book you'll ever read! Description: Books, Book, Library, Libraries, Publisher's Weekly, Barnes and Noble, Borders, Bookworld, Book Review, Illuminati 2012 Movie, Film, Amazon, Google Books, Yahoo Books, AOL Books, MSN Books, Dogpile Books, Internet Books, E-Books, ISBN: 978-0-615-27176-7, Myspace Books, Facebook Books, Youtube Books, Action Adventure Books, Science Fiction Books, Fantasy Books, Twilight, Horror Books, Mystery Thriller Books
Free Music Archive
Free Music Archive
Twitter Handbook for Teachers
An overview of Twitter and ways of using it in education for a group of educators attending Twizza (Twitter & pizza) gathering in Perth, Western Australian on April 8, 2009. Created by Tomaz Lasic (@lasic, human edublog twitter lasic
Interesting overview and resource guide for using twitter.
uses skrbl tool to present tips for using Twitter
30+ Places To Find Creative Commons Media
In this day and age, it seems everything online has a price associated with it. Whether you're subscribing to a pay
A good listing of creative commons resources useful reference
Pictures of Animals -- Animal Photos!
animal photos
Best Sites to Find Public Domain Images and Sounds for Student Projects | audio public-domain reference images photos | Making Teachers Nerdy
Audio public-domain reference images photos for Student Projects from Making Teachers Nerdy
Welcome | Teaching Copyright
teaching copyright fair use
"EFF's Teaching Copyright curriculum was created to help teachers present the laws surrounding digital rights in a balanced way. Teaching Copyright provides lessons and ideas for opening your classroom up to discussion, letting your students express their ideas and concerns, and then guiding your students toward an understanding of the boundaries of copyright law."
There's a lot of misinformation out there about legal rights and responsibilities in the digital era. This is especially disconcerting when it comes to information being shared with youth. Kids and teens are bombarded with messages from a myriad of sources that using new technology is high-risk behavior. Downloading music is compared to stealing a bicycle — even though many downloads are lawful. Making videos using short clips from other sources is treated as probably illegal — even though many such videos are also lawful. This misinformation is harmful, because it discourages kids and teens from following their natural inclination to be innovative and inquisitive. The innovators, artists and voters of tomorrow need to know that copyright law restricts many activities but also permits many others. And they need to know the positive steps they can take to protect themselves in the digital sphere. In short, youth don't need more intimidation—what they need is solid, accurate information
EFF's Teaching Copyright curriculum was created to help teachers present the laws surrounding digital rights in a balanced way.
from EFF. Youth Curriculum
Bloomsbury Academic
Lessig doceert recht aan de Stanford Law School en noemt zichzelf 'activist tegen het copyrightextremisme'. Dat klinkt behoorlijk radicaal maar in zijn boeken (zijn andere werken kun je desgewenst ook gratis inzien of downloaden) ontpopt de auteur zich juist als een genuanceerd mens met oog voor alle kanten van het verhaal. Dat maakt Lessig niet alleen geloofwaardiger, het bewijst ook dat Lessig terecht wordt beschouwd als een van de grote denkers op dit gebied. Lessig, ook een van de mensen die aan de wieg stond van Creative Commons, is niet alleen een tegenstander van piraterij; hij pleit er ook voor dat copyright blijft bestaan, zij het in een andere vorm dan we het nu kennen. In Remix voert Lessig ons mee door de geschiedenis van copyright. Hij gaat uitgebreid in op de ontwikkeling van een 'Read Only Web' naar een 'Read Write Web' en toont daarbij aan hoe ver de bestaande wetgeving staat van de manier waarop informatie en entertainment anno 2009 geconsumeerd en geproduceerd wordt.
レッシグのRemix 後で読む
'Lessig's proposals for revising copyright are compelling, because they rethink intellectual property rights without abandoning them.
Overview | Teaching Copyright
creativecommons law
"[A] detailed, customizable learning plan to help educators raise interesting questions about copyright, technology, and law . . ." -- About
no one listens
info about copyright issues
This curriculum is designed to give teachers a comprehensive set of tools to educate students about copyright while incorporating activities that exercise a variety of learning skills.
Find Creative Commons Images in Google Image Search
Blog posting announcing Google's new ability to search only Creative Commons images. Not available yet in the browser, but works from this blog posting.
search for images using CC license
Michael Geist - Harvard Study Finds Weaker Copyright Protection Has Benefited Society
17 jun 09 / Economists Felix Oberholzer-Gee and Koleman Strumpf have just released a new Harvard Business School working paper called File Sharing and Copyright that raises some important points about file sharing, copyright, and the net benefits to society.
Via James Graham
Economists Felix Oberholzer-Gee and Koleman Strumpf have just released a new Harvard Business School working paper called File Sharing and Copyright that raises some important points about file sharing, copyright, and the net benefits to society. The paper, which includes a helpful survey of the prior economic studies on the impact of file sharing, includes the following:
Official Google Blog: Find Creative Commons images with Image Search
From the Official Google Blog (so we know it's true?): "We're launching a feature on Image Search to help you find images that you can use for free, while respecting the wishes of artists and creators."
images, writing
Royalty free stuff | Teaching and Learning in the Digital Age
Royalty free stuff - Collections of free photos, sounds, music, gifs, clipart, fonts, icons, satellite images, cartoons, graphics, animations, etc.
Royalty free stuff
Collections of free photos, sounds, music, gifs, clipart, fonts, icons, satellite images, cartoons, graphics, animations, etc.
DiscoverEd from ccLearn
description needed- test too if the description can be pasted into the library's account
Discover the universe of open educational resources
Attempting to assist searching for educational resources on the web.
OAi en recherches sur la pédagogie
P2PU - Peer 2 Peer University / FrontPage
Free university level courses. The mission of P2PU is to leverage the power of the Internet and social software to enable communities of people to support learning for each other. P2PU combines open educational resources, structured courses, and recognition of knowledge/learning in order to offer high-quality low-cost education opportunities. It is run and governed by volunteers.
The Peer 2 Peer University (P2PU) is an online community of open study groups for short university-level courses. Think of it as online book clubs for open educational resources. The P2PU helps you navigate the wealth of open education materials that are out there, creates small groups of motivated learners, and supports the design and facilitation of courses. Students and tutors get recognition for their work, and we are building pathways to formal credit as well.
Learning agents and open education
An interesting peer to peer university drawing upon freely available resources.
Copyright Alliance Education Foundation
The issues surrounding copyright have never been more visible. But the classroom presents its own copyright-related challenges, for students and teachers alike. How is an educator to know what the rules are? How do those rules apply in the classroom? And how can we make sure that students know the rules as well? To help educators answer these questions, the Copyright Alliance has established the Copyright Alliance Education Foundation
Free curriculum for classrooms AND program for prof. development for teachers.
Has a video clip
videos and resources for teaching copyright
Digital Foundations
Learn to use the Adobe Creative Suite using the design principles of the Bauhaus school
opensource graphic design book
To Share or Not to Share, That is the Question – FreelanceSwitch
teacherlibrarianwiki / Copyright Friendly Image Sources
In the spirit of the open source movement, new copyright-friendly (and some copyleft) archives are emerging, removing many of the legal and ethical thorns relating to image use in student production. In addition, a number of government image archives provide their archives with limited restrictions. Check out this cool video for an explanation of new, alternate forms of licensing: Creative Commons Video Most of the images in the collections below include images with a variety of less restrictive licensing. Though students may not need to ask permission to use them when publishing on the Web for educational purposes, they should cite these images unless otherwise notified! Important: Any copyright notices on these pages, should be read carefully and heeded!
"In the spirit of the open source movement, new copyright-friendly (and some copyleft) archives are emerging, removing many of the legal and ethical thorns relating to image use in student production. In addition, a number of government image archives provide their archives with limited restrictions. Check out this cool video for an explanation of new, alternate forms of licensing: Creative Commons Video Most of the images in the collections below include images with a variety of less restrictive licensing. Though students may not need to ask permission to use them when publishing on the Web for educational purposes, they should cite these images unless otherwise notified! Important: Any copyright notices on these pages, should be read carefully and heeded!"
In the spirit of the open source movement, new copyright-friendly (and some copyleft) archives are emerging, removing many of the legal and ethical thorns relating to image use in student production. In addition, a number of government image archives provide their archives with limited restrictions.
Doctorow's Project: With a Little Help - 10/19/2009 - Publishers Weekly
Cory seems to understand the new publishing perspective from an author's point of view as well as anyone
Cory Doctorow kicks off a unique publishing experiment--and a monthly PW column
This makes Overclocked into a fine control for my little experiment. It is a good book. It sold well and was critically acclaimed. But it is solidly a midlist title, a short story collection published by a house turned upside down by bankruptcy. It will be the baseline against which I compare the earnings from With a Little Help. And those earnings will be diverse—like the musicians who've successfully self-produced albums in a variety of packages at a variety of price points (Radiohead, Trent Reznor, David Byrne and Brian Eno, Jonathan Coulton), I have set out to produce a book that can be had in a range of packages and at a range of price points from $0.00 to $10,000.
New publishing experiment by Cory @Doctorow via @inkyelbows @bencrowder @1rick [from]
Librarian by Day » How to attribute a Creative Commons photo from Flickr
How to attribute a Creative Commons photo from Flickr
Yes, the absolute correct way! I previously asked how you credit a CC photo from Flickr. Since then I’ve been doing my research and here are the results – The correct way to credit a photo. - via Mark Rabnett
Yes, the absolute correct way! I previously asked how you credit a CC photo from Flickr. Since then I’ve been doing my research and here are the results – The correct way to credit a photo. – beta is the home of Australian government public information datasets. We encourage you to make government information even more useful by mashing-up the data to create something new and exciting! Make sure you pay attention to the licence attached to the datasets you are interested in using. is the home of Australian government public information datasets. Like, it has a wide variety of downloadable government data on topics such as crime, weather, and public lands--as well as some very Australian topics, such as the location and attributes of barbecues on public lands.
the home of Australian government public information datasets. We encourage you to make government information even more useful by mashing-up the data to create something new and exciting! Make sure you pay attention to the licence attached to the datasets you are interested in using. Each licence should make clear what you can and can’t do with the data. If you’re unsure, please contact the contributing agency. is the home of Australian government public information datasets. We encourage you to make government information even more useful by mashing-up the data to create something new and exciting! Make sure you pay attention to the licence attached to the datasets you are interested in using. Each licence should make clear what you can and can’t do with the data. If you’re unsure, please contact the contributing agency.
The Art of Community Now Available For Free Download | Art Of Community Online
@johnlsheridan: "RT @timoreilly: The Art of Community by @jonobacon available for free download under CC license: (JLS: good book)" (from
When I started work on The Art of Community I was really keen that it should be a body of work that all communities have access to. My passion behind the book was to provide a solid guide to building, energizing and enabling pro-active, productive and enjoyable communities. I wanted to write a book that covered the major areas of community leadership, distilling a set of best practices and experiences, and illustrated by countless stories, anecdotes and tales.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to explain this to you [dive into mark]
I was about to write “gives third parties the right,” until I realized that there are no third parties because there are no second parties.
Homepage | Eclipse Phase
Sprixi - Free images to choose and use!
Choose a freely licenced image then use it immediately. Download and link images for your presentation, blog, profile, email or instant message.
Buscador de imagenes libres
FairShare -- Watch how your work spreads. Understand how it is used.
Watch how your work spreads. Understand how it is used.
* Home * Feedback * Help * Sign in Watch how your work spreads. Understand how it is used. To get started, please enter the feed URL containing your work.
Ferramenta que permite rastrear o conteúdo de seu blog pela web e saber como e por quem ele está sendo utilizado. O lançamento é uma parceria da empresa de monitoramento Attributor com a Creative Commons, que oferece licenças mais brandas de direitos autorais. Depois de cadastrar o RSS de seu blog, você recebe um outro RSS, que disponibiliza links de sites que estão utilizando o seu conteúdo.
FairShare is a free service that enables you to claim your work, watch how it spreads and learn how it is used across the Web.
Copyright for Educators
Great Slideshare presentation (about 50min) by Wes Fryer outlining copyright issues that educators need to know
Thoughtcrime Experiments
FairShare -- Watch how your work spreads. Understand how it is used.
Kto ma taką treść jak ja?
A free service that enables you to claim your work, watch how it spreads and learn how it is used across the Web.
Verfolgen der eigenen Creative-Commons-Werke. Wer gibt sie weiter? Wer bearbeitet sie? Wer verletzt vielleicht die gewählten Bedingungen? Anzahl beobachteter Werke ist limitiert. Benutzung ohne Limit ist gewiss kostenverursachend. Trotzdem ein guter Ansatz.
Watch how your work spreads. Understand how it is used.
JSUR | Journal of Serendipitous and Unexpected Results
This could be good if it takes off...
"The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not 'Eureka!', but 'That's funny…'" -Isaac Asimov
Copyright Toolkit home page
There are many legal textbooks on the subject of intellectual property, or, more specifically, copyright. Briefing documents have also been produced which aim to make senior university managers and others in the field of education aware of the need to manage copyright so as to reduce institutional liability. This toolkit is not aimed specifically at these audiences. Instead, it provides practical, pragmatic advice, within an understanding of the legal framework, on how to license copyright works, who to approach, how best to approach them and how to negotiate the best deal.
Covers the copyright clearance of content across all media, together with sample contracts.
Practical, pragmatic advice, within an understanding of the legal framework, on how to license copyright works, who to approach, how best to approach them and how to negotiate the best deal.
Practical tool for understanding copyright.
YouTube Blog
Youtube is also testing an option that gives video owners the ability to permit downloading of their videos from YouTube. Partners could choose to offer their video downloads for free or for a small fee paid through Google Checkout. In an effort to promote the sharing of information, we are testing free downloads of YouTube videos from Stanford, Duke, UC Berkeley, UCLA, and UCTV (broadcasting programs from throughout the UC system). YouTube users who are traveling or teachers who want to show these videos in classrooms with limited or no connectivity should find this particularly useful.
Date YouTube adopted CC
Announcement from YouTube about the "Download Video" link now available on select videos in the public domain or with Creative Commons Licenses. First of the groups do do this was Obama's organization that posted all his transition speeches on YouTube. Announcement also includes links to several universities who are posting lectures and other videos for download.
A Short Guide To Open-Source And Similar Licenses - Smashing Magazine
dig.ccmixter “You already have permission…”
Find the perfect music, liberally licensed, for your project or listening
Great music, all of which is liberally licensed under a Creative Commons license so you already have permission to use this music in your video, podcast, school project, etc.
Música con licencias CC
Part of CC Mixter, more to choose from categorized by need
Main Page - Copyright for Librarians
Note: March 24, 2010 - Cambridge, Mass., and Rome, Italy - The Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University today announced the launch of a new online, open access curriculum, “Copyright for Librarians” ( <> ), developed in conjunction with “Copyright for Librarians” aims to inform librarians about copyright law in general, as well as the aspects of copyright law that most affect libraries, especially those in developing and transition countries.
Copyright for Librarians online course
Modules for self-directed study of copyright for librarians.
Copyright for Librarians is a joint project of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society and Electronic Information for Libraries (eIFL), a consortium of libraries from 50 countries in Africa, Asia and Europe. The goal of the project is to provide librarians in developing and transitional countries information concerning copyright law.
Module based course for librarians and other educators created by Harverd and eIFL
More specifically, it aspires to inform librarians concerning: * copyright law in general * the aspects of copyright law that most affect libraries * how librarians in the future could most effectively participate in the processes by which copyright law is interpreted and shaped.
50 Inspirational Images From Flickr Under Creative Commons
Both personally and professionally, I’m a huge fan of Creative Commons. It actually goes beyond being an advocate – I license all my art under Creative Commons and encourage other artists and creatives to do the same, at least for some of their works. I’ve written up some of the tangible benefits before, and for it that post received coverage on Techdirt (a popular tech blog) as well as on the Creative Commons official blog.
Digital Commons at Penn State | A Common Approach to Digital Content Creation
New guidelines for Fair Use! - Home - Doug Johnson's Blue Skunk Blog
More media literacy
ClearBits™ - Hosting and Distribution of Open Licensed Media
ClearBits – Download de torrents con contenido Creative Commons
Give Each Blog Post a Pretty Face With Flickr |
100 Intro Open Courses on Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Learn | Best Colleges Online
Stack Overflow Creative Commons Data Dump - Blog - Stack Overflow
Awesome, Stack Overflow release all of their public web data under a CC license.
Techlearning > > The New Rules of Copyright > October 15, 2008
Copyright discussion for educators on TechLearning
A review of the online copyright from Ahrash Bissell, head of Creative Commons ccLearn division.
Free stock photo search engine - the largest free stock photo resource available on the Internet.
The largest free stock photo resource available on the Internet.
St Marie on the Behance Network
St Marie Thin is a preview for the upcoming release of a new typefamily, but this time i want to go further with that freefont-thing. There will be one normal Open-Type-Font and an optimzed Webfont, so you can design online and offline with a hiqh quality freefont from Stereotypes.