Pages tagged creamcheese:

cream cheese pound cake + strawberry coulis | smitten kitchen

Meet my new favorite pound cake. I have had this cake bookmarked for, oh, 100 years or so and while some recipes that I unearth from their 100-year queue are the kinds of disappointments that did not improve with age, this is of the opposite variety: Why did it take me so long to make this? Here, let me kick myself a few times. crackly top I’d argue that it was fear. Pound cakes are of British origin, dating back nearly 300 years and their name came from the fact that original pound cakes contained one pound each of butter (four sticks), sugar (two cups), eggs (eight large) and flour (four cups), with no leaveners other than the air that was whipped into the batter. They tend to be a bit heavy and dense but it’s hard to argue that this type is not for you when anything else is not a true pound cake. strawberriesstrawberry couliscream cheese pound cakecream cheese pound cake When it becomes clear that a little erring from the pound cake doctrine is in order, one can go in a lot of d
Cheesecake Brownies - David Lebovitz
receitasespeciais 81 cheesecake brownies chocolate dessert baking
butter, chocolate, sugar, eggs, flour, cocoa powder, salt, vanilla extract, chocolate chips, cream cheese
carrot cake with maple-cream cheese frosting | smitten kitchen
smitten kitchen
cheesecake-marbled brownies | smitten kitchen