Pages tagged compensation:

Why I Never Let Employees Negotiate a Raise, Corporate Culture Article - Inc. Article
Why I Never Let Employees Negotiate a Raise, Corporate Culture Article - Inc. Article

Great article on Fog Creek Software's founder's views, thoughts and implementation advice of a more objective and transparent compensation structure for his employees.
Coke Pushes Value-Based Agency Compensation Model - Advertising Age - News
Coca-Cola Co. is trying to start an industrywide movement toward a "value-based" compensation model like one it's adopted that promises agencies nothing more than recouped costs if they don't perform -- but profit margins as high as 30% if their work hits top targets.
how coke rewards advertising agencies, value/performance based compensation
Seth's Blog: The myth of big salaries (it's all marketing)
Great post from Seth Godin on the myth of $50m salaries [from]
The myth of big salaries (it's all marketing) /Seth's Blog/ - The failed bankers on Wall Street have been ... [from]
Excellent post that lifts the lid on the nonsense of self-justified bib money salaries
Seth Godin has posted a great post 'The myth of big salaries (it's all marketing)' on his BLOG.
The failed bankers on Wall Street have been whining that if they have to cut bonuses and salaries dramatically, they'll be unable to recruit great talent, and they need great talent to fix the situation. And for years, boards have...