Pages tagged commenting:

A Crash Course in Comments |

Chris Brogan is one blogger that gives the real down low on how to do things right. I have been reading his stuff for a few years now, he's worth checking in on - from time to time his posts can be nuggets of gold.
Great ideas about commenting on blogs from Chris Brogan: "If comments matter to you, read on. Here are some thoughts to help improve your back and forth."
How to Build a Strong Reputation With Comments | Social Media Rockstar
Read about using comments
How to Build a Strong Reputation With Comments
This is one of Dennis' long held ideas, having even done this for some time on usability and web dev blogs and articles, giving tips when possible (and not giving away too much IP) and always linking back to the IE site. Combine this with the social media cheatsheet idea and comments can be left on the most popular blogs and articles of any topic.
How to Integrate Twitter to WordPress Blog Comments
Wouldn’t it be cool if the commenter provides URL to their twitter profile in the website URL field, and you can add a link to a cute little icon with “Follow Me!” text right next to their comment?