Pages tagged clipping:

Getting to Know Clipping Masks and Layer Masks in Photoshop

Today, we are going to look at two of Photoshop’s primary masking techniques – layer masks and clipping masks. We’ll be comparing the two by looking at how they work on a practical level, the basic similarities, and the much more significant differences. Finally, we’ll look at how we can actually get the two different types of masks to work together in a design. I know that a lot of people find the clipping mask to be something of a mindscrew, but I’m going to try to make this as simple and as painless as possible. So let’s get to it.
The Basics of Clipping Paths and Opacity Masks - Vectortuts+
tuto bonitinho e polvo no illustrator :)
In this tutorial, we're going to cover the benefits, some uses, and the 'how-to' of two powerful methods to hide or show areas of an Illustrator document
Le basi sui tracciati di ritaglio e le maschere di opacità