Pages tagged class:

オブジェクトっぽい話が分かるかもしれないJavaScript講座 その1 | Takazudo Clipping*

"The Not-So-Hidden Politics of Class Online"
Discussion of the migration of myspace users to facebook, explores the way class, race, and social lines are distributed across social networking sites
fascinating look at social networks and class structure
social networking
"...increasingly, we're seeing people with similar levels of access engage in fundamentally different ways. And we're seeing a social media landscape where participation 'choice' leads to a digital reproduction of social divisions."
Does Social Networking Breed Social Division? - Gadgetwise Blog -
Studies suggest that users of Facebook and MySpace are breaking down along class and racial lines.
"Is the social media revolution bringing us together? Or is it perpetuating divisions by race and class?" (NYT)
Alimentan las redes sociales las divisiones del mundo real? Articulo en el Nwe York Times, basado en la investigacion de Danah Boyd, investigadora del Harvard Law School’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society
(2009, NYTimes) Article about recent research suggesting there is classism in the use of social media. The quality of the reporting is very weak - hard to say if I agree with the conclusions.
Symfony YAML - A PHP library that speaks YAML
Symfony Components - Standalone libraries for PHP
The Symfony Components are standalone and reusable PHP classes. With no pre-requisite, except for PHP, you can install them today, and start using them right away!
10+ extremely useful PHP classes
One of the numerous good points of the PHP programming language is its extensibility. In this article, I’m going to show you 10+ extremely useful PHP classes that will definitely make your developer life easier.
Sync up with the new generation of connected learners. The Digital Generation Project presents video portraits of the lives of young students from around the country who are using digital media to learn, communicate, and socialize in new and exciting ways.
Click here to get into course DED318
Does your social class determine your online social network? -
This article questions whether social networks may maintain some of the same cultural divides as regular networks.
Does it have less to do with class and more to do with age or maturity?
Ruby Best Practices - The Complete Class
# nversion to a printable string # equivalence # hash code calculation # comparability # cloning (clone and dup) # freezing # customized
write a class in Ruby - best practiceses
common class elements and implementation
There are some basic concepts (often called “aspects”) that need to be implemented for many classes although not all classes need all (or even any) of them: * initialization * conversion to a printable string * equivalence * hash code calculation * comparability * cloning (clone and dup) * freezing * customized persistence (Marshal and Yaml) * matching * math and operator overloading
Elizabeth Warren: America Without a Middle Class
While the middle class has been caught in an economic vise, the financial industry that was supposed to serve them has prospered at their expense. Consumer banking -- selling debt to middle class families -- has been a gold mine. Boring banking has given way to creative banking, and the industry has generated tens of billions of dollars annually in fees made possible by deceptive and dangerous terms buried in the fine print of opaque, incomprehensible, and largely unregulated contracts. And when various forms of this creative banking triggered economic crisis, the banks went to Washington for a handout. All the while, top executives kept their jobs and retained their bonuses. Even though the tax dollars that supported the bailout came largely from middle class families -- from people already working hard to make ends meet -- the beneficiaries of those tax dollars are now lobbying Congress to preserve the rules that had let those huge banks feast off the middle class.
Today, one in five Americans is unemployed, underemployed or just plain out of work. One in nine families can't make the minimum payment on their credit cards. One in eight mortgages is in default or foreclosure. One in eight Americans is on food stamps. More than 120,000 families are filing for bankruptcy every month.
Can you imagine an America without a strong middle class? If you can, would it still be America as we know it?
it's time to steal from the rich
The Rage of the Privileged Class As It Loses Its Privileges -- New York Magazine
It is difficult to sympathize with these people, their comments laced with snobbery and petulance. But you can understand their shock: Their world has been turned on its head. After years of enjoying favorable tax rates, they are facing an administration that wants to redistribute their wealth. Their industry is being reordered—no one knows what Wall Street will look like in a few years. They are anxious, and their anxiety is making them mad.
Wall Street people are not moral idiots (most of them, anyway)—it’s not as if they’ve never pondered the fairness of their enormous salaries. “One of my relatives is a doctor, we’re both well-educated, hardworking people. And he certainly didn’t make the amount of money I made,” a former Bear Stearns senior managing director tells me. “I would be the first person to tell you his value to society, to humanity, is far greater than anything that went on in the Bear Stearns building.”
In a witch hunt, the witches have feelings, too. As populist rage has erupted around the country, stoked by canny politicians, an opposite rage has built on Wall Street and other arenas where the wealthy hold sway. Its expression is more furtive and it’s often mixed with a kind of sublimated shame, but it can be every bit as vitriolic.
IBG-YBG: I’ll be gone, you’ll be gone
As the privileged class loses its privileges, a collective moan rises from the canyons of Wall Street.
It was the culture of what some called IBG-YBG: I’ll be gone, you’ll be gone,”
The High Cost of Poverty: Why the Poor Pay More -
Lost in the Meritocracy - The Atlantic (January/February 2005)
This was the system's great flaw, and it enraged us. A pure meritocracy, we'd discovered, can only promote; it can't legitimize. It can confer success but can't grant knighthood. For that it needs a class beyond itself: the high-born genealogical peerage that aptitude testing was created to supplant with a cast of brainy up-and-comers. But we still needed to impress them: the wasp New Englanders with weekend coke habits, well-worn deck shoes, and vaguely leftish politics devised in reaction to their parents' conservatism, to which they'd slowly return as they aged. They didn't have our test scores, but they had style, a charismatic aura of entitlement, and V and I were desperate for a piece of it.
A pure meritocracy, we'd discovered, can only promote; it can't legitimize. It can confer success but can't grant knighthood. For that it needs a class beyond itself: the high-born genealogical peerage that aptitude testing was created to supplant with a cast of brainy up-and-comers. But we still needed to impress them: the wasp New Englanders with weekend coke habits, well-worn deck shoes, and vaguely leftish politics devised in reaction to their parents' conservatism, to which they'd slowly return as they aged. They didn't have our test scores, but they had style, a charismatic aura of entitlement, and V and I were desperate for a piece of it.
Percentile is destiny in America. That's why we're here: we all showed aptitude. Aptitude for showing aptitude, mainly. That's what they wanted, so that's what we delivered. A talent for nothing, but a knack for everything. Nobody told us it wouldn't be enough. I'd never bothered to contemplate the moment when the quest for trophies would end and the game of trading on them would begin. Once, I'd had nowhere to go but up. Now, it seemed, I had nowhere to go at all.
The Mysterious Pseudo Class in CSS
Kid Safe Search Sites
Interactive Teaching & Learning
Salisbury University - Department of Teacher Education
Meet the Pseudo Class Selectors | CSS-Tricks
:last-child, :first-child etc etc
Pseudo class selectors CSS selectors with a colon preceding them. You are probably very familiar with a few of them. Like hover: a:hover { /* Yep, hover is
Google's Python Class - Google's Python Class - Google Code
Welcome to Google's Python Class -- this is a free class for people with a little bit of programming experience who want to learn Python
Nature Hill Blog Spot
Class blogspot
[Computer Techno Savvy] '''''''''''''''''''''''' NATURE HILL INTERMEDIATE ''''''''''''''''''''''''
Techno Savvy Site!!! YAY! I'm techno!
Center Consolidated School District 26JT
A complete guide to CSS pseudo-classes - Suburban Glory
not too much new stuff but a nice explanation
JpGraph - Most powerful PHP-driven charts
Most powerful PHP-driven charts
Know Your Icons Part 1 – A Brief History of Computer Icons | Psdtuts+
Know Your Icons Part 1 – A Brief History of Computer Icons | Psdtuts+