Pages tagged charts:

Chart Chooser by Juice Analytics: Download Tufte-compliance Excel and PowerPoint charts
16 Usable CSS Graph and Bar Chart Tutorials and Techniques : Speckyboy - Web Design, Web Development and Graphic Design Resources

Grapicas con CSS y PHP
"Have you ever even tried to create your own CSS graph? If you have, you will know how hard it is. Using Flash is one way to go, but you just can’t beat a beautifully crafted CSS Graph. Have a look at these tutorials and techniques."
JS charts – The free JavaScript chart generator
JS Charts is a free JavaScript based chart generator that requires little or no coding. With JS Charts drawing charts is a simple and easy task, since you only have to use client-side scripting (i.e. performed by your web browser). No additional plugins or server modules are required. Just include our scripts, prepare your chart data in XML or JavaScript Array and your chart is ready!
Lovely Charts | Free online diagramming application
Allows to create pretty charts for free.
Free online diagramming application
Lovely Charts is a drawing application that allows you to create professionnal looking diagrams of all kinds, such as flowcharts, sitemaps, organisation charts, wireframes, and many more… For free.
With Lovely Charts's extremely simple and intuitive drag'n drop drawing mechanism, you'll be able to focus on what really matters. You won't have to draw boxes and arrows, you won't have to worry about what symbol to use.
Lovely Charts is a drawing application that allows you to create professionnal looking diagrams of all kinds, such as flowcharts, sitemaps, organisation charts, wireframes.
Create Stunning Diagrams On The Web With LovelyCharts
online tool to create flow charts etc
Lovely Charts is an innovative web application allowing its users to create gorgeous diagrams (flowcharts, sitemaps, organisation charts, wireframes, …) of professional quality without requiring any drawing efforts or design skills.
ONLINE GRAPHS AND CHARTS | create and design your own graphs and charts online | INDEX
On you can design and share your own graphs online and for free We support a number of different chart types like: bar charts, pie charts, line charts, bubble charts and radar plots.
On you can design and share your own graphs online and for free. We support a number of different chart types like: bar charts, pie charts, line charts, bubble charts and radar plots.
create and design your own graphs and charts online | INDEX
Flowchart: Lovely Charts Creates Polished Diagrams
Comme gliffy
JS charts – Examples
Un composant Javascript d'affichage de graphes (line/bar/pie chart)
6 jQuery Chart Plugins For Your App | Steve Reynolds Blog
charting and plotting with jquery.
Useful scripts to plot charts in web pages
Awesome chart plotting scripts!
5 Javascript Chart Alternatives | Steve Reynolds Blog
Last week I did a review of 6 jQuery plugins that were great for implementing charts. Since then, I’ve had the opportunity to work with a couple more alternatives that are outside of the jQuery realm, and arguably look like they could be real contenders for removing Flash’s dominance in this area, so let’s check them out:
Timetric: making sense of statistics
Timetric's here to help you make sense of data. It focuses on time series analysis: graphing, tracking and comparing the movements of data over time. It creates tools to make it easy to build models on top of time series — updated whenever the data they're based on is updated — as it is to use a spreadsheet. You can use data in the program or upload your own.
Search for organizational charts with The Official Board. We provide constantly updated organizational charts of the world’s 20 000 largest corporations. A strong personal network is the key to professional success. The Official Board is constantly developed and updated by our members in real time. That means our members are the first to know. Free registration is required. Most of the information can be accessed for free by our members. Then, by adding to the database, they become allowed to search for deeper information in each organizational chart.
View the organizational charts of the world's 20 000 largest corporations.
Welcome to The Official Board. We provide constantly updated organizational charts of the world's 20 000 largest corporations.
org charts of companies
Ger information om företagets ledning. Wiki
org charts
"We provide constantly updated organizational charts of the world’s 20 000 largest corporations."
See also the techcrunch article.
10 Useful Flash Components for Graphing Data
In this article, you will find ten excellent Flash components that will help you in building stunningly attractive, complex, and interactive data visuals. These components will help you create an assortment of graphs and charts to aid in presenting otherwise boring and stale numerical data.
Protovis A graphical toolkit for visualization
#FollowFriday: The Anatomy of a Twitter Trend
@JitterbugBoy #followfriday = recommend other people to follow, on a Friday. For origins, see [from]
March 6th, 2009 | by Micah Baldwin
What if you didn’t know who to follow on Twitter? Would you randomly start following people? Would you follow people you see mentioned by those you already follow? Most likely you would ask your friends for recommendations since you can trust that your friends will suggest people who are worth following. Which is exactly how FollowFriday began.
wallstatsdatlarge.jpg (JPEG Image, 3500x2334 pixels) - Scaled (36%)
A Visual Guide to Where Your Tax Dollars Go Interesting, detailed poster. Obama's budget requests.
We Are Hunted - The Online Music Chart
Awesome social music tracking site.
We Are Hunted is the Online Music Chart. We aggregate social networks, forums, music blogs, Torrents, P2P Networks and Twitter to develop a daily chart of the 99 most popular songs online.
6 excellent charting libraries for php : CodeDiesel
Open source Charting tools using PHP. Useful for displaying data in charts.
The Omni Group - OmniGraphSketcher
Macintosh application for creating quantitive graphs of data.
Great looking graphing app from Omni - handy for all those 'management graphs' needed in presentations.
Graph Sketcher is now OmniGraphSketcher. A simple and easy to use graphing package.
Visual Representation of Tabular Information - How to Fix the Uncommunicative Table | FlowingData
table data visualisating
25 great free resources for making charts -
Here you have a new roundup about a bunch of great tools for making charts and graphs. You can choose between web generators, flash, javascript libraries, Silverlight or PHP classes. At the end of the post you find also 3 tutorials to make pure css bar graphs and another one for Adobe Illustrator. JS Charts (JavaScript based chart generator) - interactive charts online!
Over 1 billion charts, maps, plots and diagrams are found in print publications each year - but only 40 million online. This huge discrepancy is a reflection of the complexity to create & publish charts online. tears down the complexity of online visualizations - offers simplicity, ubiquity and interactivity instead.
Over 1 billion charts, maps, plots and diagrams are found in print publications each year - but only 40 million online. This huge discrepancy is a reflection of the complexity to create & publish charts online. tears down the complexity of online visualizations - offers simplicity, ubiquity and interactivity instead.
It’s a free, very intuitive, fast (Java-powered) website for generating embeddable graphs. All the basic types are there (line, bar, pie, etc.) along with some fun & unusual ones, like this “Google-O-Meter” (that’s what they call it!):
Many Eyes: Visualization Options
Need this for class.
Finding the right way view your data is as much an art as a science. The visualizations provided on Many Eyes range from the ordinary to the experimental. We're deliberately providing a wide array of possibilities since this is an experimental site...
Finding the right way view your data is as much an art as a science. The visualizations provided on Many Eyes range from the ordinary to the experimental. We're deliberately providing a wide array of possibilities since this is an experimental site—and expect to see more soon!
cool collection of visualizations
Lifehacker - Six Easy Ways to Graph Your Life - Charts
Your habits, behaviors, and the things you consume every day create patterns over time that say a whole lot about you as a person. It's time to graph your life.
Axiis : Data Visualization Framework
open source data visualization Axiis is an open source data visualization framework designed for beginner and expert developers alike. Whether you are building elegant charts for executive briefings or exploring the boundaries of advanced data visualization research, Axiis has something for you. Axiis provides both pre-built visualization components as well as abstract layout patterns and rendering classes that allow you to create your own unique visualizations. Axiis is built upon the Degrafa graphics framework and Adobe Flex 3.
jqPlot - Pure Javascript Plotting
jqPlot is a plotting plugin for the jQuery Javascript framework. jqPlot produces beautiful line and bar charts with many features including: * Numerous chart style options. * Date axes with customizable formatting. * Rotated axis text. * Automatic trend line computation. * Tooltips and data point highlighting. * Sensible defaults for ease of use. jqPlot is an open source project by Chris Leonello
Gráficos diversos com jQuery [EXCELENTE]
jqPlot - Pure Javascript Plotting
may be relevant to my interests...
jquery library for charts
RoamBi - Your Data, iPhone-Style
sweet iphone/touch app!
upload your data and turn them into interactive visualizations for the iPhone
Fun With Canvas: Create a jQuery Graph Plugin - Nettuts+ CreateajQueryGraphPlugin
Create a jQuery Graph Plugin
Today, we are going to create a bar graphing plugin. Not an ordinary plugin, mind you. We'll show some jQuery love to the canvas element to create a very robust plugin.
12 jQuery based chart
jQuery is a fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development. As Web developers we are always in search of new tutorials and resources, tips, tricks for our readers . Today we listed Most Desirable Collection Of powerful jQuery etc. We obviously cannot cover all the best from the web, but we have tried to cover as much as possible
listing out 12 JavaScript based chart .
12 jQuery based chart
20 Really Useful And Free Scripts To Plot Charts In Your Site Or Blog Pages @ SmashingApps
Notice how bad ass Wolverine is.
20+ CSS Data Visualization Techniques | tripwire magazine
Get inspired.
graph with css
Things to say during sex
„Twitterer empfehlen Twitterer“ - nach dieser Methode entsteht aus deinen Empfehlungen ein Verzeichnis der interessantesten Menschen auf Twitter. Die Ranglisten zeigen, wem sich zu folgen lohnt.
„Twitterer empfehlen Twitterer“ - nach dieser Methode entsteht aus deinen Empfehlungen ein Verzeichnis der interessantesten Menschen auf Twitter. Die Ranglisten zeigen, wem sich zu folgen lohnt.
jQuery Visualize Plugin: Accessible Charts & Graphs from Table Elements using HTML 5 Canvas | Filament Group, Inc., Boston, MA
Yes, finally. If I didn't find that I'd coded it myself now.
Oh Snap! Our Step-By-Step Guide To Getting Shot By The Sartorialist -Refinery29 Pipeline-
a great and very funny diagram / flow chart, by Christene Barberich & Piera Gelardi, design by Joshua Covarrubias, at the Pipeline ¶ by the way, we're a big fan of The Sartorialist
You know him. You love him. We do, too. But lest you think it's a snap getting expert Street Style lensman Scott Schuman of Sartorialist fame to spot you on the street, shoot you, AND post your pic on his site…well, think again. In fact, after perusing the past few months' worth of amazing street specimens preening for his expensive camera, we did pick up some interesting sartorial patterns at play. So, want a better shot at, well, getting shot by Scott? Here's our step-by-step guide to increasing the odds...and looking good doing it.
a flowchart Visualize Sports Stats - Powered by
Ese último link tendría que haber sido ; el link que envié apuntaba hacia el artículo que lo describe el sitio. [from]
Create interactive stat charts based on sports
Build graphical charts using NFL, NBA, College Basketball, College Football, and NASCAR stats. Each chart comes in three formats: interactive Flash, image, and thumbnail.
The Computer Hardware Chart Identifies Your PC's Parts - Computer Hardware - Lifehacker
Whether you're a first-time computer builder or a seasoned pro, deviantART user Sonic480's computer hardware poster, which helps you identify countless different types of hard drives, RAM, ports, CPU sockets, power connectors, and more, is a great reference.
Whether you're a first-time computer builder or a seasoned pro, deviantART user Sonic480's computer hardware poster, which helps you identify countless different types of hard drives, RAM, ports, CPU sockets, power connectors, and more, is a great reference. Chances are you don't know the ins and outs of every single connector or piece of computer hardware you'll come across (even if you do have experience), and while we're sure the poster could cover even more territory (if we're being picky), it's a pretty great visual reference.
13 Javascript libraries for visualizations on
As data visualization often needs to reach a broad audience the browser is becoming the number one tool to publish and share visualizations. A lot of visualizations require user-interaction to unleash their full potential, thus interactive applets that run directly in the browser are a a great way to analyze the data at hand. Beside the usual suspects like Flash, Silverlight and Processing, JavaScript is quickly gaining ground in the field of interactive visualization embedded in websites. We’ve collected 13 JavaScript visualization libraries that help you get started faster, keep it flexible and develop with higher reliability.
SEOmoz | 4 Essential SEO Infographics
I've been doodling a lot lately (see, for example, the whiteboard illustrations I turned into a slide deck for a presentation this Wednesday) and thought it would be fun to share a set of infographics - some humorous, some serious - about the field of search engine optimization. If you're uninspired by these...
#1 - Pie Chart of SEO Time Expenditure #2 - Hat Color vs. Value Scatterplot of SEO Tactics #3 - Flowchart of SEO-Friendliness #4 - Venn Diagram of Internet Marketing Professions
Creating Flash Charts From Google Spreadsheets - Nettuts+
m initiates by declaring a v
Creating Flash Charts From Google Spreadsheets
from twitter, chart sharing
Service to share charts on Twitter
ChartGo - Create bar graph, line graph or pie chart
fajne narzędzie do tworzenia prostych wykresów
ChartGo - Create Charts Online Fast and Free. Create Pie Charts, Bar Charts, Line Charts or Area Charts. Create Graphs.
Need to create charts? Capture a statistic visually? This website makes this task a little easier.
What Visualization Tool/Software Should You Use? – Getting Started | FlowingData
Y Combinator
Comparar estadisticas de Hosting
Includes details on web host, email, dns, registrar
gRaphaël—Charting JavaScript Library
gRaphaël’s goal is to help you create stunning charts on your website. It is based on Raphaël graphics library. Check out the demos to see static and interactive charts in action.
raphael.js and any (or all) of g.line.js,, and g.pie.js into your HTML page, then use it as simple as:
gRaphaël’s goal is to help you create stunning charts on your website. It is based on Raphaël graphics library. Check out the demos to see static and interactive charts in action. gRaphaël currently supports Firefox 3.0+, Safari 3.0+, Opera 9.5+ and Internet Explorer 6.0+.
gRaphaël’s goal is to help you create stunning charts on your website. It is based on Raphaël graphics library.
The 50 Funniest Internet Infographics : COED Magazine
20 Essential Infographics & Data Visualization Blogs | Inspired Magazine
Nice collection of blogs specialising in good (and bad) data visualisation.
lista de blogs sobre graficos e infograficos
27+ Beautiful Examples of Infographics | Dzine Blog
27250901.jpg (JPEG Image, 2321x1426 pixels)
Charts showing the world today and 30 years ago.
New Scientist infographic
Chart with statistics and trends
good summary
the state of the world across a number of parameters
is the world getting better or worse?
Evidence of steady human progress but unsolved environmental issues
Cartographer.js – thematic mapping for Google Maps
Thematic mapping for Google Maps”—which means an easy way of adding heat maps (aka chloropleths), pie charts and point clusters as a layer over a Google map.
choropleths for google maps
A library that makes it easier to overlay various kinds of information over Google Maps.
from Tom — did a diagram like this by hand of software used per project over time, but this would be great to generate based on public scripts? [the script for Brick is online..]
so brilliant.
Chart of Moviecharacters,
9 Ways to Visualize Proportions – A Guide | FlowingData
Nice summary of some data visualization techniques
visualization data charts
"figure out what graph or chart suits your data best"
Nice range of options for viewing fractions... ratios...
YjWta.jpg (JPEG Image, 1024x767 pixels)
Pick the right chart based on what you are trying to convey.
Chart Suggestions - A Thought Starter
Chart Suggestions - A Thought-Starter. What would you like to show
Highcharts - Interactive JavaScript charts for your webpage
ota - The real-time collaborative application platform
ajax javascript charts visualisation web ; Not related to AJAX, shorthand for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML ; Platform is a pure javascript application framework for creating real-time collaborative applications that run in the browser. Platform radically changes the way you write applications:Live markup Markup and JSON api Collaborative backbone 100% open source software
świetny engine client side do wykresów itp, urywa głowę
25 Graph and Chart Solutions for Web Developers : Speckyboy Design Magazine
cool scripts for creating graphs
28 Rich Data Visualization Tools - InsideRIA
nice web based viz tools
Amazing collection of web graphing tools. Nice to see data-driven graphics, for a change!
dygraphs JavaScript Visualization Library
See downloads, gallery and open issues dygraphs is an open source JavaScript library that produces produces interactive, zoomable charts of time series. It is designed to display dense data sets and enable users to explore and interpret them.
haded areas show its m
the cool
Python Open Flash Chart (pyOFC2) — Home
some slick python charting software
10 Useful Flash Components for Graphing Data
Good review of flash components for graphing
TufteGraph: beautiful charts with jQuery
Make pretty graphs with javascript, using jQuery
JavaScript charting tools: an overview « Eltit Golb
Charts: Flowchart Decides Which Chart Style is Best for Your Data
PHP/SWF Charts > Introduction
PHP/SWF Charts is a simple, yet powerful PHP tool to create attractive web charts and graphs from dynamic data. Use PHP scripts to generate or gather the data from databases, then pass it to this tool to generate Flash (swf) charts and graphs. Any other scripting language (ASP, CFML, Perl, etc.) can be used with XML/SWF Charts (the XML version of the same tool.) PHP/SWF Charts makes the best of both the PHP and SWF worlds. PHP scripts provide integration, and Flash provides the best graphic quality.
Spice Advice
11 Ways to Visualize Changes Over Time – A Guide | FlowingData
15 Awesome Free JavaScript Charts / JavaScripts / SPLASHnology - Web Design & Web Technology Community
20 Fresh JavaScript Data Visualization Libraries
CSScharts - bar charts created with pure CSS
CSScharts - bar charts created with pure CSS -
bar chart pure css
How to Make a Heatmap – a Quick and Easy Solution | FlowingData
tutorial R
Highcharts Demo Gallery
gráficas chart usando javascript
10 Best Free JavaScript Charts Solutions | AjaxLine
13 Useful JavaScript Solutions for Charts and Graphs | Resources
Google Code Blog: Announcing Google Chart Tools
Five Best Online Diagramming Tools @ SmashingApps
Data in, Brilliance Out | Tableau Public
JavaScript charts which also work in IE6
visualize and share your data in minutes, and embed in your website. Free (but not opensource)
Google Chart Tools - Google Code
Grafico javascript charting library
Grafico is a javascript charting library based on Raphaël and Prototype.js. It is originally developed as Ico by Alex Young, but this version was developed by Kilian Valkhof at Wakoopa. Grafico's basic principles are to provide good, clean looking graphs inspired by work of Stephen Few and Edward Tufte, while still being flexible to implement and providing numerous api options to tweak the look of the graphs.. Some key things Grafico has: * Flexible ranges Grafico select the best range to display your data at * Hover options display additional information such as the value when hovering over charts * Mean lines A single line that display the mean. * Watermarks Use an image as a watermark over your graphs
35 Great Social Media Infographics | pamorama
You may have seen some of these before, but there are some new ones here.
Google - public data
Limited data but nice and clear interface
Datasets and visualization
The Google Public Data Explorer makes large datasets easy to explore, visualize and communicate. As the charts and maps animate over time, the changes in the world become easier to understand. You don't have to be a data expert to navigate between different views, make your own comparisons, and share your findings.
Graficación animada desde diferentes fuentes de info pública
humble software development - Finance Financial Graphs
BBC News - The top 100 sites on the internet
RT @estima7: BBC가 선정한 인터넷TOP 100 미국중심이지만 분류를 잘해놨네요. 세력분포를 이해할 수 있어 좋음!
Most Promising Free Javascript Charting Libraries and Plugins | INSIC 2.0 Web Development & Design Blog
Most Promising #Javascript Charting Libraries & Plugins
most promising Free javascript charting libraries and plugins. - 10 of them
The Best Jobs In America
Problematic gender representation. Design is confusing: what are the units? color coding could have benefited with key directly underneath.
5 Top jQuery Chart Libraries for Interactive Charts | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
jquery 图表插件
22 Useful Online Chart & Graph Generators | Tools
Useful Online Chart & Graph Generators
22 different chart generators
John Mellencamp: On My Mind: The State of the Music Business
Over the last few years, we have all witnessed the decline of the music business, highlighted by finger-pointing and blame directed against record companies, artists, internet file sharing and any other theories for which a case could be made. We've read and heard about the "good old days" and how things used to be. People remember when music existed as an art that motivated social movements. Artists and their music flourished in back alleys, taverns and barns until, in some cases, a popular groundswell propelled it far and wide. These days, that possibility no longer seems to exist. After 35 years as an artist in the recording business, I feel somehow compelled, not inspired, to stand up for our fellow artists and tell that side of the story as I perceive it. Had the industry not been decimated by a lack of vision caused by corporate bean counters obsessed with the bottom line, musicians would have been able to stick with creating music rather than trying to market it as well.
Statement about the state of teh music industry
As Mellencamp states rock and roll used to spur "social movements" that were influential enough change the fabric of our society. Rock was born in cotton fields South morphed into blues became when white kids started play blues. Then came hippies then punks rap. In every case music a protest for those who felt oppressed some way. What sucks is this medium has been take over by very people it meant oppose: old rich guys. . .(who are probably fat too. .)."--via comment.
Read this later.
Mellencamp paints a hopeless picture. I think he's never seen myspace. MB new release on vinyl? [from]
On My Mind: The State of the Music Business - The Huffington Post
13 useful graphing solutions for web developers
Update to jQuery Visualize: Accessible Charts with HTML5 from Designing with Progressive Enhancement | Filament Group, Inc., Boston, MA
lling the visualize() method
9lessons: Draw Charts with Google Visualization API.
A Tour through the Visualization Zoo - ACM Queue
Rich survey of advanced data visualization techniques – Maria Popova (brainpicker)
A survey of powerful visualization techniques, from the obvious to the obscure
Infographics news: i from infographics
Infographics news: i from infographics
i from infographics
3D円グラフを使うのはやめよう | Okumura's Blog
そもそも 2D で表現できる情報を 3D で表現するのはまったくの無駄
Popular favorite images tagged with "infographics" on
Popular favorite images tagged with "infographics"
Popular favorite images tagged with 'infographics' on - a showcase of visual content for inspiration or simply delight of the spectator based on people recommendations
Imagine A Pie Chart Stomping On An Infographic Forever - Smashing Magazine
A certain category of design gaffes can be boiled down to violations of audience expectations. Websites that don’t work in Internet Explorer are a heck of a nasty surprise for users who, bless their souls, want the same Internet experience as everyone else. Websites that prevent copying, whether through careless text-as-image conversions or those wretched copyright pop-ups from the turn of the century, cripple a feature that works nearly everywhere else on the Internet. Avoiding this category of blunders is crucial to good design, which is why I am upset that one particular pitfall has been overlooked with extreme frequency.
Some cool examples of info graphics.
A critique of some poor infographics
A importância de apresentar dados de forma clara e um showcase de infográficos ruins
Huge Infographics Design Resources: Overview, Principles, Tips and Examples | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without A Hitch
Some good resources, including software links and other references.
The Graphs 2 - One graph collection to rule them all
After the huge success of the first release made exclusively for Smashing Magazine, we give you the second release of "The Graphs"! With 169 vector icons "The Graphs 2" is the largest and the most flexible graph icon collection on the web.
JpGraph - Most powerful PHP-driven charts
Most powerful PHP-driven charts
Create Beautiful 3D Graphs and Charts in Illustrator | Tutorial9
There is something gorgeous in aesthetically pleasing, visual representation of data. In this tutorial I'll show you how to put some style into graphs generated in Adobe Illustrator.
Wicked CSS3 3d bar chart
How to create a very cool 3D barchart with CSS3.
Using Charts and Graphs for Content
Nice essay on using chart and graphs in design
Using Charts and Graphs for Content
@danielpink RT @Larryferlazzo: Using Charts and Graphs for Content
A Protovis Primer, Part 1 | eagereyes
7 Basic Rules for Making Charts and Graphs
RT @flowingdata 7 Basic Rules for Making Charts and Graphs
Primer or Reminder RT @JuiceAnalytics 7 basic rules for creating charts #MR
SEOmoz | How To Make Awesome Ranking Charts With Excel Pivot Tables
How to Picot a Ranking Report by time and SE
On the "So You Want to Test SEO?" panel at this year's SMX Advanced Seattle, Branko Rihtman from SEO Scientist presented some spiffy looking ranking charts, measuring positioning by keyword, over time. A few people asked me how exactly you make a chart like that. Being something of an Excel fan, I was instantly inspired to share the approach with my fellow SEOmozzers. Here's a step by step on how to create a rankings chart using Excel.