Pages tagged celebrities:

Top 50 most popular Twitter celebrities - Times Online

Stephen Fry tops our Twitter league, but which other famous faces are we following?
"You know Twitter has made it into the mainstream when celebrities rush to join the micro-blogging service. But who is the most popular Twitterer of them all? We present our list of 50 Twittering celebrities, ranked in order of who has the most “followers”, or people signed up to read their messages. In essence, the list represents a Twitter Popularity Index."
You know Twitter has made it into the mainstream when celebrities rush to join the micro-blogging service. But who is the most popular Twitterer of them all?
The Twitter Approval Matrix -- New York Magazine
RT @AudioJungle: The Twitter Approval Matrix
An infographic showing the best and worst Twitterers
Horifically unfunny, but the fact it includes Kurt Andersen makes it a black hole of irony (via @eliztesch)
"Our deliberately oversimplified guide to whose tweets are worth following."
Our deliberately oversimplified guide to whose tweets are worth following.
45 Pros You Should Be Following on Twitter
This is a list of big wigs on twitter
If you love the Twitter like I love the Twitter, you know that it is much more than just a work diversion or a way to practice your editing skills. Part non-stop news feed, part networking luncheon/happy hour, part social commentary; Twitter is where the pros are hanging out. And you can learn a lot simply by reading and observing their Tweets. Ready to fire up your TweetDeck or Whirl? Then consider following these Pros—they come from various industries and have different styles, but they all personally update their accounts on a regular basis, and provide both interesting information, humor, and personal insights in their individual fields. Techies, Entrepreneurs, and Biz Folk Name: Robert Scoble Handle: @Scobleizer Why Follow: Widely regarded as one of the biggest (and most social) geeks on the internet. Scoble is a prolific Twitterer! Name: Guy Kawasaki Handle: @GuyKawasaki Why Follow: Marketing guru who earned his chops at Apple in the 1980’s. He is now enjoying success as a ven
However, if you are planning to engage in Twittering (or even if you’ve already jumped in with both feet) there are a few rules of etiquette—or Twittiquette—that you want to remember if you’re going to use the application for your business:
25+ Celebrity Twitter Users - Mashable
25+ Celebrity Twitter Users
From Britney Spears to Dave Matthews, Hillary Clinton to Barack Obama, here are over 25 celebrities who use Twitter.
'I'm better off dead. I'm done': How Michael Jackson predicted his death six months ago | Mail Online
The definitive tell-all.
* Genetic condition had ruined his lungs and left him unable to sing * He became so skeletal, doctors believed he was anorexic * He had nightmares about being murdered – and wanted to die * He used swine flu as an excuse to avoid coming to England * He thought he was agreeing to 10 concerts – it was 50 Whatever the final autopsy results reveal, it was greed that killed Michael Jackson. Had he not been driven – by a cabal of bankers, agents, doctors and advisers – to commit to the gruelling 50 concerts in London’s O2 Arena, I believe he would still be alive today. During the last weeks and months of his life, Jackson made desperate attempts to prepare for the concert series scheduled for next month – a series that would have earned millions for the singer and his entourage, but which he could never have completed, not mentally, and not physically.
Reminder: Roman Polanski raped a child - Broadsheet -
"Yeah, but, you know... he's a victim himself."
More:[quote]Polanski was "demonized by the press" because he raped a child, and was convicted because he pled guilty. He "feared heavy sentencing" because drugging and raping a child is generally frowned upon by the legal system. …The point is not to keep 76-year-old Polanski off the streets or help his victim feel safe. The point is that drugging and raping a child, then leaving the country before you can be sentenced for it, is behavior our society should not -- and at least in theory, does not -- tolerate, no matter how famous, wealthy or well-connected you are, no matter how old you were when you finally got caught, no matter what your victim says about it now, no matter how mature she looked at 13, no matter how pushy her mother was, and no matter how many really swell movies you've made. Roman Polanski raped a child. No one, not even him, disputes that.[/quote]
Roman Polanski may be a great director, an old man, a husband, a father, a friend to many powerful people, and even the target of some questionable legal shenanigans. He may very well be no threat to society at this point. He may even be a good person on balance, whatever that means. But none of that changes the basic, undisputed fact: Roman Polanski raped a child. And rushing past that point to focus on the reasons why we should forgive him, pity him, respect him, admire him, support him, whatever, is absolutely twisted.
Kate Harding's excellent, unflinching response to this Polanski debacle. Deserves to be circulated as widely as possible.
"The point is not to keep 76-year-old Polanski off the streets or help his victim feel safe. The point is that drugging and raping a child, then leaving the country before you can be sentenced for it, is behavior our society should not -- and at least in theory, does not -- tolerate"
Nic Cage as Everyone
Montagens com a cara do Nicolas Cage.
Rare Photos of Famous People (125 pics) | Crack Two
Anton LaVey
Pattie Boyd
5 Lessons Celebrities Can Teach Us About Facebook Pages
Mashable explains that authenticity, content, control and promotion are the keys to success on Facebook.
The World's Most Influential Person Is... - TIME,8599,1894028,00.html
ie, 4chan's founder. time got trolled, and this is an excellent example how the mainstream has no idea what is going on, and is deathly afraid of it.
This 2008 TIME poll names 21-year-old Christopher Poole, alias moot, as the world's most influential person. moot is renowned for creating the 'dark heart' of the Internet, 4chan- a website that all but dictates the ebb and flow of Internet memes and culture, and has been repeatedly branded as a terrorist organization.
moot announced winner of TIME, after 4chan prank
What Happens When Twitter Gets Mainstream Attention « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
Reading: What Happens When Twitter Gets Mainstream Attention [from]
Twitter is getting a tremendous amount of buzz from brands, celebrities, media, politicians, and athletes. Despite the hype, it’s still a very small social networking site (likely under 10mm), compared to the social giants like Google, Microsoft, Facebook and MySpace (150-300mm), see my stats page to learn more. I assert that mainstream attention is different than mainstream usage.
What Happens When Twitter Gets Mainstream Attention - the Twitterscape will undergo some significant changes. [from]
I like his approach here, and I agree with a lot of what he says--particularly about the "A-Listers" becoming "B-listers" once again and now needing to seek out new environments (possibly back to blogs, friend feeds, etc)
Why it's time to break out of Twitter (Scripting News)
Interesting article on how Twitter delivers disproportionate attention/audiences to recommended users, and why that flies in the face of fair Web practice.
Why it's time to break out of Twitter
"Why it's time to break out of Twitter" - Dave Winer (Scripting News) [from]
Why it's time to break out of Twitter First, so there are no misunderstandings, I am using Twitter, I will continue to use Twitter and I will recommend Twitter to others, as I have been for 2 or so years. This is not me slamming the door on the way out, something I dislike intensely. If you're leaving just go. But I'm not leaving. Permalink to this paragraph There was an event a few weeks back that convinced me that it's time to break out, like jailbreaking an iPhone. I don't like the relationship Twitter-the-service has with Twitter-the-company. Yesterday I was talking with a Twitter board member, Bijan Sabet, someone who is becoming a personal friend, and said that it was good that the phone company wasn't part of the conversation. That's exactly how I feel about the company he is on the board of. Yet they are very much part of the conversation. Permalink to this paragraph