Pages tagged casspeach:

Merlin Flashfiction - Obeisance by casspeach

Where Arthur avenges Merlin
"Apparently someone else agrees that I need to practice walking on my knees," he says eventually.
Ahhh possessive!Arthur! -- It's not that Arthur won't share his toys, just that he expects to get them back undamaged.
It's not that Arthur won't share his toys, just that he expects to get them back undamaged.
"It's not that Arthur won't share his toys, just that he expects to get them back undamaged." Aah, possessive!Arthur. Just what I needed after #amazonfail.
It's not that Arthur won't share his toys, just that he expects to get them back undamaged
Summary: It's not that Arthur won't share his toys, just that he expects to get them back undamaged
"It's not that Arthur won't share his toys, just that he expects to get them back undamaged."
Arthur avenges Merlin's honor.
Arthur fells Sprowston and straddles him, sword point at his throat. He gets a yield before he's even asked for it. "If you touch anything of mine again," Arthur growls. "I'll have your head." He feels better for the first time since Uther insisted on lending Merlin out. Part of it's just post-fight high, some of it's feeling like a wrong's been righted. He's going to be able to look at Merlin without seeing the marks on his back, the scabbed mess of his knees, without guilt gnawing at his guts.
casspeach: FIC: Spoils of War, Arthur/Merlin NC-17
Uther periodically sends his knights to takeover bordering unprotected land. On one such outing, Arthur attacks Ealdor and claims Merlin for his piece of the loot.
"Sorry if I'm not very good at being pillaged," Merlin spits back. "I'm sure I'll get better with practice."
Uther periodically sends his knights to takeover bordering unprotected land. On one such outing, Arthur attacks Ealdor and claims Merlin for his piece of the loot... sort of.
The village of Ealdor is embarrassingly easy to conquer. Just a handful of peasants, no protection from Cenred at all. It leaves Arthur still keyed up for a fight that didn't happen. He has the villagers assembled before him and looks them over with a critical eye from the vantage point of his mount. They're a motley crew, dirty rags for clothes and all bent heads and fake submission.
Written for kinkme_merlin prompt: Arthur/Merlin. Uther periodically sends his knights to takeover bordering unprotected land. On one such outing, Arthur attacks Ealdor and claims Merlin for his piece of the loot. Cute/blushing!Merlin.
Prompt: Arthur/Merlin. Uther periodically sends his knights to takeover bordering unprotected land. On one such outing, Arthur attacks Ealdor and claims Merlin for his piece of the loot.
Written for kinkme_merlin prompt: Arthur/Merlin. Uther periodically sends his knights to takeover bordering unprotected land. On one such outing, Arthur attacks Ealdor and claims Merlin for his piece of the loot.
Athur conquers Ealdor and meets Merlin. Takes Merlin. And in the end, all is well.