Pages tagged c__:

Savoy » My iPhone is not a Mac Pro

This article is about enhancing the performance of iPhone applications using the power of Objective C++. By discussing a real-world problem from Savoy’s Spots application, the article shows the necessary optimizations to make the program run smoothly in three steps.
Using Objective-C++ on the iPhone application "Spots" to achieve acceptable performance in an intensive graphical application.
Re: [RFC] Convert builin-mailinfo.c to use The Better String Library. []
s written in C++, go play with Monotone. Really. They use a "real database". They use "nice object-oriented libraries". They use "nice C++ abstractions". And quite frankly, as a result of all these design decisions that sound so appealing to some CS people, the end result is a horrible an
c++ なくなってくれると,おれ楽なんだけどな...
googlemock - Google Code
Google C++ Mocking Framework (or Google Mock for short) is a library for writing and using C++ mock classes.
Google C++ Mocking Framework
Inside memory management
C/C++ のコードを Flash Player で動かす! Alchemy を速攻試してみる。 - IT戦記
The Positive Legacy of C++ and Java
<blockquote>...the true accidental brilliance of Java is that it has created a very smooth path for its own replacements, even if Java itself has reached the point where it can no longer evolve.</blockquote>
In a recent discussion, there were assertions that C++ was a poorly-designed language. I was on the C++ Standards Committee for 8 years, and saw the decisions take place. I think it's helpful to understand the language choices for both C++ and Java in order to see the bigger perspective.
< H X A 7 2 4 1 > : MiniLight minimal global illumination renderer
illumination renderer
A global illumination renderer written in several languages for comparison.
Interesting raytracer written in Scala, OCaml, Python, Ruby, Lua, Flex, and C++
NUI library looks pretty interesting...
Cross-Platform C++ Framework. Can be used to create all kinds of systems!
C++ framework for developing gui apps on a variety of platforms, including iPhone.
Google Japan Blog: C++ のプログラムのデバッグを楽にする方法
Google 流 C++ プログラムのデバック方法
Main Page - Eigen
Overview Eigen is a C++ template library for linear algebra: vectors, matrices, and related algorithms. It is: * Versatile. (See modules and tutorial). Eigen handles, without code duplication, and in a completely integrated way: o both fixed-size and dynamic-size matrices and vectors. o both dense and sparse (the latter is still experimental) matrices and vectors. o both plain matrices/vectors and abstract expressions. o both column-major (the default) and row-major matrix storage. o both basic matrix/vector manipulation and many more advanced, specialized modules providing algorithms for linear algebra, geometry, quaternions, or advanced array manipulation. * Fast. (See benchmark). o Expression templates allow to intelligently remove temporaries and enable lazy evaluation, when that is appropriate -- Eigen takes care of this automatically and handles aliasing too in most cases. o Explicit vectorization is
Main Page - Eigen
Eigen 2 is a C++ template library for linear algebra: vectors, matrices, and related algorithms.
derwiki - What I Wish I Had Known About Developing C/C++ From Linux Before I Started
FluidSolver [as3 port of MSAFluid] | astatic notes
2D Boy: I love you, 2D Boy! » Blog Archive » Rapid Prototyping Framework
game prototyping framework
Embedded Systems Design -
Reglas para mejorar la programación en c
tpl home page
Tpl works with files, memory buffers and file descriptors so it's suitable for use as a file format, IPC message format or any scenario where you need to store and retrieve your data.
A data serialization library for C.
History of the C family of languages
History, the C family of languages
List of freely available programming books - Stack Overflow
free programming books
List of freely available programming books - Stack Overflow
Sony Pictures Imageworks - Open Source
2009-07-04 - 当面C#と.NETな記録
Azul Systems - Cliff Click Jr.’s Blog
Cliff Click Jr.’s Blog
I just foolishly got caught in a You-Tube discussion on Java vs C performance. Foolish because You-Tube comments are a lousy way to present anything and because it's hard to keep the level of discourse scholarly. And foolish especially for me because I've had this discussion so many times and it always comes out the same way... so here's my attempt at distilling my arguments into something I can point people the *next* time I get caught in this silly discussion. Is Java faster than C/C++? The short answer is: it depends.
Highscore - Programmieren lernen
Sie finden auf dieser Website qualitativ hochwertige Bücher und Artikel, die Sie in der Aus- und Weiterbildung zum Software-Entwickler unterstützen. Alle Inhalte sind unter einer Creative-Commons Lizenz veröffentlicht und dürfen von Ihnen heruntergeladen, gedruckt und zu nicht-kommerziellen Zwecken verbreitet werden.
Kostenloses Buch zum Lernen von c#
Kostenlose Bücher zur Programmierung, u.a. C#, C++, Java
TCMalloc : Thread-Caching Malloc
ooc is a modern, object-oriented, functional-ish, high-level, low-level, sexy programming language. it's translated to pure C with a source-to-source compiler.
The Go Programming Language
Google 発の開発言語
Home of the new Google Go language.
"a systems programming language expressive, concurrent, garbage-collected" -- BSD license
expressive, concurrent, garbage-collected
bithacks.h - bit hacks header file - good coders code, great reuse
This header file is called “bithacks.h” and it contains various macros for bit manipulations. I also wrote tests for all the macros in the “bithacks-test.c” program. The most beautiful part of “bithacks.h” is the “B8” macro that allows to write something like ” x = B8(10101010) ” and turns it into ” x = 170 ” (because 10101010 in binary is 170 in decimal). I have not yet added B16 and B32 macros but I will add them when I publish the article on advanced bithacks. The credit for the B8 idea goes to Tom Torfs who was the first to write it.
In game c++ map editor tutorial with IndieLib engine that dosen't use tiles but pieced images like in Braid or Aquaria games
ferent parallax layers and camera zooming. You can have several tilesets and you can of course to save / load the maps using XML files. This type of editor is used in games like Brai
アフォBlog C言語勉強したけどゲーム作れないぞコラって人向けに
ず、ゲームを作るときにはどのようなゲームか頭の中に完成形がないといけないわけです 「かいわれ育成ゲーム」想像してみてください 水をやったり、肥料をやったり 登場人物は・・・・天気は・・・・舞台は・・・・・
はい、色々想像できましたね? それ全部忘れてください。そんな複雑なの嫌です
アフォBlog C言語勉強したけどゲーム作れないぞコラって人向けに
ず、ゲームを作るときにはどのようなゲームか頭の中に完成形がないといけないわけです 「かいわれ育成ゲーム」想像してみてください 水をやったり、肥料をやったり 登場人物は・・・・天気は・・・・舞台は・・・・・
はい、色々想像できましたね? それ全部忘れてください。そんな複雑なの嫌です
Algorithm Library Design: Lecture Notes
Library design is language design. [Stroustrup] Course Goal To learn how to implement software libraries, such as STL, CGAL, LEDA, ..., that have a focus on algorithms and data structures. To learn advanced programming techniques in C++, such as templates, generic programming, object-oriented design, design patterns, and large-scale C++ software design.
smallpt: Global Illumination in 99 lines of C++
cdecl: C gibberish ↔ English
Facebook Developers | HipHop for PHP: Move Fast
With HipHop we've reduced the CPU usage on our Web servers on average by about fifty percent, depending on the page. Less CPU means fewer servers, which means less overhead. This project has had a tremendous impact on Facebook. We feel the Web at large can benefit from HipHop, so we are releasing it as open source this evening in hope that it brings a new focus toward scaling large complex websites with PHP. While HipHop has shown us incredible results, it's certainly not complete and you should be comfortable with beta software before trying it out.
HipHop for PHP. With HipHop we've reduced the CPU usage on our Web servers on average by about fifty percent, depending on the page. Less CPU means fewer servers, which means less overhead.
Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends, upload an unlimited number of photos, post links and videos, and learn more about the people they meet.
Bjarne Stroustrup on Educating Software Developers
other essential aspect was the range o
re2 - Project Hosting on Google Code
"an efficient, principled regular expression library"
RE2 is a fast, safe, thread-friendly alternative to backtracking regular expression engines like those used in PCRE, Perl, and Python. It is a C++ library.
Scott Hanselman's Computer Zen - The Weekly Source Code 33 - Microsoft Open Source inside Google Chrome
Higly informative read... Almost made me load up a wipe the dust off VC... almost...
Programming Languages - Google Code University - Google Code
Highscore - The Boost C++ Libraries
Highscore - The Boost C++ Libraries
Dynamic Programming Practice Problems
a collection of practice dynamic programming problems and their solutions.
This site contains a collection of practice dynamic programming problems and their solutions. The problems listed below are also available in a pdf handout. To view the solution to one of the problems below, click on its title. To view the solutions, you'll need a machine which can view Macromedia Flash animations and which has audio output. If you want, you can also view a quick review from recitation on how to solve the integer knapsack problem (with multiple copies of items allowed) using dynamic programming.
Nice problem examples.
PNGwriter - An easy to use C++ graphics library
PNGwriter is a very easy to use open source graphics library that uses PNG as its output format. The interface has been designed to be as simple and intuitive as possible. It supports plotting and reading in the RGB (red, green, blue), HSV (hue, saturation, value/brightness) and CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) colour spaces, basic shapes, scaling, bilinear interpolation, full TrueType antialiased and rotated text support, bezier curves, opening existing PNG images and more. Documentation in English and Spanish. Runs under Linux, Unix, Mac OS X and Windows. Requires libpng and optionally FreeType2 for the text support.
Cinder | The library for professional-quality creative coding in C++
Cinder is a community-developed, free and open source library for professional-quality creative coding in C .
Cinder is a community-developed, free and open source library for professional-quality creative coding in C++.
the bit twiddler
Frammenti di codice C per trucchetti
the bit twiddler
【ハウツー】Cアプリを高速化せよ! - 正式リリースされたgoogle-perftoolsを試す (1) google-perftoolsとは | エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル
> google-perftoolsには次に挙げる4つのツールが含まれている。* 高速メモリアロケータ TCMalloc * ヒープチェッカー * ヒーププロファイラ * CPUプロファイラ
ネットワークプログラムのI/O戦略 - sdyuki-devel
Clockwise/Spiral Rule
There is a technique known as the ``Clockwise/Spiral Rule'' which enables any C programmer to parse in their head any C declaration!
""There is a technique known as the ``Clockwise/Spiral Rule'' which enables any C programmer to parse in their head any C declaration!
"Technique [...] which enables any C programmer to parse in their head any C declaration".
"There is a technique known as the ``Clockwise/Spiral Rule'' which enables any C programmer to parse in their head any C declaration!"
Accurately computing running variance
The most direct way of computing sample variance or standard deviation can have severe numerical problems. [...] There is a way to compute variance that is more accurate and is guaranteed to always give positive results. Furthermore, the method computes a running variance. That is, the method computes the variance as the x's arrive one at a time. The data do not need to be saved for a second pass.
"This better way of computing variance goes back to a 1962 paper by B. P. Welford and is presented in Donald Knuth's Art of Computer Programming, Vol 2, page 232, 3rd edition. Although this solution has been known for decades, not enough people know about it. Most people are probably unaware that computing sample variance can be difficult until the first time they compute a standard deviation and get an exception for taking the square root of a negative number. It is not obvious that the method is correct even in exact arithmetic. It's even less obvious that the method has superior numerical properties, but it does."
A simple way to compute running sample variance (standard deviation).
Computing mean, variance and standard deviation on a stream of data.