Pages tagged browser:

Selector Shell

It "is a browser-based tool for testing what CSS becomes in different browsers. It works by taking some raw text, inserting a dynamic STYLE element into the HEAD with that raw text as its content, and then reading the CSSOM to see what the browser has parsed it into. It is written in Javascript."
ブラウザが解釈しているCSSがわかる「Selector Shell」
各種ブラウザで「Test It」してみればどんなCSSが利いているかが一目瞭然!
See how your browser is interpreting CSS code.
OperaTor - Opera + Tor. Surf anonymously | Arche Twist
OperaTor is a portable software bundle which allows you to browse the web anonymously. It combines the power of the Opera Browser, Tor and Polipo.
Opera + Tor. Surf anonymously | Arche Twist
A handful of Firefox tweaks that will double your browser speed : Boy Genius Report
clicktoflash - Google Code
A webkit plugin to prevent the automatic loading of Flash movies in your browser.
WebKit plug-in to prevent automatic loading of Adobe Flash content.
WebKit plug-in to prevent automatic loading of Adobe Flash content.
Safari plugin to prevent automatic loading of flash content.
WebKit plug-in to prevent automatic loading of Adobe Flash content.
To block flash from automatically loading
"WebKit plug-in to prevent automatic loading of Adobe Flash content."
webkit / safari plug-in to block automatic loading of flash contents
Conditional CSS
Browser detection with XSLT.
an interesting way to handle css conditionals
rentzsch's clicktoflash at master - GitHub
Only load flash on when you want it. For Webkit.
WebKit plug-in to prevent automatic loading of Adobe Flash content.
WebKit plug-in to prevent automatic loading of Adobe Flash content
This was mentioned on Daring Fireball today. Nice! Keeps flash from loading until you click on it.
Prevent loading of Adobe Flash content until you want it and speed up your browser in the process.
20+ Great Twitter Tools for Firefox
20+ Great Twitter Tools for Firefox
People love Twitter, and they love Firefox, so it only seems natural that there would be quite a few tools to merge these two items.
John Resig - Talk: The DOM is a Mess
I gave a talk last week at Yahoo (at the request of the YUI team) all about the DOM. I outlined some of the reasons why the current situation is such a mess, outline some strategies for working around it, and then give some examples of real world code that's being implemented in libraries today.
Designers Toolbox: Web Safe Area
Safe window sizes for browsers and computer operating systems.
greasemonkey の autopagerize のトラブルシューティング
var SITEINFO_IMPORT_URLS = [ '', '', ]
Is Google Chrome The New IE 6 For Web Designers? | Webdesigner Depot
přehled chyb google chrome
Just when you thought you were done with IE 6 and its hacks and exceptions, now you've got a new browser to consider: Google's Chrome. The good news is that
Here are some tips to get your web pages working in Chrome and hopefully looking the way they were designed to look.
No, but it does have problems all of its own!
Getting around some of the weirdness that Chrome brings to the table. Like Opera, Chrome is unusually unforgiving when it comes to HTML, CSS, and javascript
Twitlet - It's the fastest and simplest way to Twitter!
Twitlet is a javascript bookmarklet for fast updating your Twitter (microblogging service) status.
Now there is an easier way of posting webpages with Twitlet. Simply use words #link or #this to include current page’s URL in your tweet.
Gyors posztolás Twitterre a böngészőből.
When can I use...
Compatibility tables for features in HTML5, CSS3, SVG and other upcoming web technologies.
"Compatibility tables for features in HTML5, CSS3, SVG and other upcoming web technologies" (This page lists several advanced web features, like data URIs, for instance, and offers recommendations on when it may be safe to use them.)
Mozilla Labs » Bespin
Bespin is a Mozilla Labs experiment that proposes an open, extensible web-based framework for code editing that aims to increase developer productivity, enable compelling user experiences, and promote the use of open standards.
[JS]わずか「12文字」でIEを判別するスクリプト | コリス
Carrer Blog: Sketchbook for web designers
via swissmiss
When can I use...
Comprehensive listing of support for upcoming web features by the five major browsers.
DropBoxを駆使してFirefox全設定を完全シンクロさせる :教えて君.net
Run IE8/7/6, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, and Opera from the web
Run any browser from the web
Run IE8/7/6, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, and Opera from the web
Blackbaud Labs - Labs Article
iphone simulatorü
Ein iPhone Browser-Emulator für Windows - zeigt wie eine Website auf dem iPhone gerendert wird
IPhone Simulator for Windows
7 Fresh and Simple Ways to Test Cross-Browser Compatibility | Freelance Folder
browser compability
John Resig - Talk: Performance Improvements in Browsers
Video and slides from Feb 2009 presentation at Google on trends in Javascript performance, web applications, making use of higher performance, stateful browser clients.
reads like The not so far Future of the Web. Great.
Web ページを高速化する
ブラウザで X86 のマシン語を動かす! Google 謹製 Native Client をさっそく試してみる - IT戦記
Getting OpenID Into the Browser - O'Reilly Radar
Getting OpenID Into the Browser - O'Reilly Radar -
JSONView - View JSON documents in Firefox « Blog |
Xmarks | Bookmark-Powered Web Discovery
Bookmark-Powered Web Discovery
GotGame Rogue: In Game Web Browser
Navegador web para videojuegos
World of Wacraft In Game Browser
John Resig: "The DOM Is a Mess" on Yahoo! Video
John Resig: "The DOM Is a Mess"
Readability - An Arc90 Lab Experiment
Bookmarklet para ler páginas ilegíveis
Guide to Most Useful Bookmarklets for Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.
arc90 lab : experiments : Readability
Reading anything on the Internet has become a full-on nightmare. As media outlets attempt to eke out as much advertising revenue as possible, we're left trying to put blinders on to mask away all the insanity that surrounds the content we're trying to read. It's almost like listening to talk radio, except the commercials play during the program in the background. It's a pretty awful experience. Our friend to date has been the trusty "Print View" button. Click it and all the junk goes away. I click it all the time and rarely print. It's really become the "Peace & Quiet" button for many.
A bookmarklet for stripping unnecessary fluff from web pages, and style the text as you want it.
An app that clears away all the clutter, leaving just the content.
Collaborative Map-Reduce in the Browser -
After several iterations, false starts, and great conversations with Michael Nielsen, a flash of the obvious came: HTTP + Javascript! What if you could contribute to a computational (Map-Reduce) job by simply pointing your browser to a URL? Surely your social network wouldn't mind opening a background tab to help you crunch a dataset or two!
Realtime Twitter Search Results on Google (MT Hacks)
Article on the Twitter vs. Google debate.
It displays the most recent 5 tweets for the query that you are search for, giving both real-time Twitter search results and Google results on the same page:
During the past few weeks, there has been a lot of discussion about whether Twitter's "real time search" could pose a threat to Google. While I am not sure if Twitter poses a threat to Google, I think it is clear that real-time search is increasingly important. And you can be sure that Google knows it. Will Google try to acquire Twitter, or take some other approach? Time will tell, but rather that wait, I decided to get realtime twitter search results on Google today. I created a Greasemonkey user script that does exactly this. It displays the most recent 5 tweets for the query that you are search for, giving both real-time Twitter search results and Google results on the same page:
Chrome Experiments - Home
We think JavaScript is awesome. We also think browsers are awesome. Indeed, when we talk about them, we say they are the cat's meow – which is an American expression meaning AWESOME. In light of these deeply held beliefs, we created this site to showcase cool experiments for both JavaScript and web browsers. These experiments were created by designers and programmers from around the world. Their work is making the web faster, more fun, and more open – the same spirit in which we built Google Chrome. Naturally, if you've made something fun and fast with JavaScript, please send it in. We can't post everything, but we'd love to see it. Thanks for visiting, and happy experimenting.
Google/Google Chrome推奨、canvas、ショーケース/ゲーム/投稿/デモ、物理演算/3D
IEBlog : Site Compatibility and IE8
Reports of broken sites are an important part of the feedback the IE team receives from the community. When we receive a report of a broken site, we take it and identify the core issue causing the problem. A number of these issues end up being side effects
Reports of broken sites are an important part of the feedback the IE team receives from the community. When we receive a report of a broken site, we take it and identify the core issue causing the problem. A number of these issues end up being side effects of changes we deliberately made in IE8, but even these are useful. They help us identify which IE8 changes have the broadest compatibility impact. In this post I'll share some of these issues with you so you can quickly identify problems affecting your site when migrating from IE7 to IE8.
Bring Down IE 6: a campaign by .net magazine
^^ this
Bring Down IE 6
a campaign by .net magazine
WOOHOOOOOO : the ultimate ajax file manager.
AjaXplorer is an easy-to-install file explorer for remotely managing files on a web server. Its “rich client” layout and actions make it accessible to any end-user for a variety of purposes: file management/sharing, photo gallery, code browsing, etc. Only PHP (4 or 5) is necessary, no database needed.
AjaXplorer is a free ajax file manager
IE Fix: Bicubic Scaling for Images
omg fantastic
-ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;
Browser Ball
Browser Ball attempts, with only moderate success, to allow the configuration of a seemingly endless array of continuous spaces using multiple overlapping browser windows. Within this multivariate space, users are invited to toss a beach ball both hither and yon. If this sounds like a ridiculous use of everyone's time, that's only because it is.
StatCounter Global Stats
Statistiken Browser, Search Engines, Mobile, ...
Hugs For Monsters :: The Work of Visual Artist Joe Lifrieri
"While working on this site, I made jokes to Mike Yuan about having really confrontational splash pages for anybody that visited the site using IE6. I swear, I’m not this much of a dick to my users, but as a former PC user/Xbox owner, I have enough pent up MS-Hate to fill a fucking water tower. Just remember it’s completely a joke, I don’t care what browser you use as long as you don’t expect me to support it. Thanks for stopping by, hope you laughed."
sevenup - Google Code
Just might be a good idea
Help rid the world of IE6 with one line of javascript!
With this code installed, a user with IE6 will receive a dialogue box that tells them their browser is outdated and how to get a newer version.
10+ Best Firefox Addons for Security and Privacy |
TabRenamizer and Page Title Eraser - Do your tabs give you away? Why not change their names with TabRenamizer or remove the names all together with Page Title Eraser? Both these addons let you play with the tab titles so that you can change them according to your will.
Increase Firefox Speed and Decrease Firefox Memory Usage +20 Tips | - Want to stay up to date?
In this article I am going to tell you how to decrease firefox memory usage and increase firefox speed. This article of mine has two parts. So, follow each part to the end to make your Firefox Faster and Reduce your Firefox Memory Usage:
Mempercepat firefox
If I couold be bothered...
understand my meaning better I have taken picture of my deskto
Expression Web SuperPreview makes cross-browser testing like moist delicious cake - istartedsomething
A handful of Firefox tweaks that will double your browser speed
Alkaline - Litmus
Alkaline tests your website designs across 17 different Windows browsers right from your Mac desktop in seconds.
Alkaline - Litmus -
mac アプリケーション
17 Windows browsers on your Mac.
[Mac]最近Firefoxが妙に重くなったなと感じているあなたm9(´Д`)の為のTips - ジャポニウム βlog
C:\Documents and Settings\<User Name>\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\<Random>.default
urlclassifier3.sqlite を消すとか。
SitePoint » How to Build the Best Browser Test Suite
Install Multiple Versions of Internet Explorer Multiple versions of IE can be installed on a single PC. Standalone versions of IE6 (and any version back to v3.0) can be downloaded from the browser archive. XP users can simply extract the files and create a shortcut to iexpore.exe. Unfortunately, they do not work in Vista. An alternative is the Xenocode Browser Sandbox which provides IE6, IE7, IE8, Firefox 2, Firefox 3, Chrome, Opera and Safari. These are single .exe files that use virtualization technology to ensure the browser runs in its own segregated environment without affecting your core system. Finally, there is IETester from DebugBar. This is certainly the easiest application
Good article we use some of this stuff. Something to consider
IE6問題に対処する10のテクニック | エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル
をおこなうべき / Weekend / Reportage - The genius behind Google’s web browser
The genius behind Google's web browser
Chrome attracted more than 10 million users in its first 100 days. Although that’s an impressive number, it still only translates into about 1 per cent of browser usage online. It will be a while before it can compete with Firefox, Internet Explorer and others. In December last year, Google announced that Chrome was now out of its development, or Beta, phase and is ready to be shipped as a pre-installed browser on some PCs. This could rapidly increase the number of users. Moreover, the European Commission’s antitrust battle with Microsoft over, among other things, how its own browser, Internet Explorer, is integrated into its Windows operating system may give competitors a chance Legislation and market share aside, the technical challenge has been laid down. “Microsoft will have to build something better than V8,” Bak says. Most tech watchers doubt that they will manage to any time soon: in tests, V8 processes JavaScript 56 times faster than the most used version of Internet Explorer.
Rails Searchable API Doc
Woot! Finally a neat and nice rails rdoc!
API Documentation Search facility for Ruby On Rails
IE1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8の確認が同時にできる -Internet Explorer Collection | コリス
how to make ie6 behave - work blog -
SaveIE6: Help us save the best browser around
These days we are inundated with bloated web browsers that overcomplicate our lives. However, there is one eminent exception: IE6. It has been around since 2001 and is still one of the most powerful and versatile browsers available.
You have been mislead by a vocal minority and are using firefox, which is clearly an inferior web browser to IE6. Please switch to IE6 and sign our petition.
Introducing Opera Face Gestures
Opera's April Fool's joke for 2009, they added "face gestures" to the browser. Similar to mouse gestures, it allows you to navigate the browser by making faces at it. "At the moment soul-patches crashes the browser and it refuses to relaunch, we are looking into this problem. Bushmen beards and emo haircuts are not supported."
PageZipper - Life's too short to spend clicking "Next" «
this is great - but it costs money.
Life's too short to spend clicking "Next"
PageZipper put broken up pages back together again but it lets you easily navigate sites where image galleries have been broken into dozens of sub-pages
ScreenCastle | One Click Screencasting
ScreenCastle is a One Click Screencast Recorder and Hoster. You can record and share a screencast directly from your browser without the need to install software or register anywhere.
Para grabar lo que aparece en tu monitor. Online. Permite descargar el vídeo.
ScreenCastle: launch the screencast recorder and record a screencast directly from you browser, please click the button on the right.
AdSweep - An ad blocker for Opera and Chrome (like Adblock)
An ad blocker for your favorite web browser, including Chrome
Just like it says this is an add blocking program like adblock. This one can be made to work with Google Chrome and IE too though.
An ad blocker for your favorite web browser (like Adblock)
Google Code Blog: Steve Souders: Life's Too Short, Write Fast Code (part 2)
Performance Video
High Performance Web Sites :: Performance Impact of CSS Selectors
ie6-upgrade-warning - Google Code
sage politely informin
he ie6-upgrade-warning is a little script (7.9kb) that displays a warning message politely informing the user to upgrade the browser to a newer version (links to newest IE, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome are provided). The webpage is still visible behind a transparent background, but access to it is prevented. The idea is to force users to upgrade from IE6 and avoid the website from a bad reputation that website is not rendering correctly in IE6. The script is completely translatable in any language, very easy to set-up (one line of code in webpage and one parametter configuration).
Implement in TYPO3
Lifehacker - Top 10 Must-Have Firefox Extensions, 2009 Edition - Firefox Extensions
Lifehacker - ScreenCastle Records Your Screencast without Software - Screencasts
If you need to create a simple screencast but don't want the hassle of installing and configuring software, ScreenCastle gets the job done from any Java-enabled web browser.
10 Cool Things We’ll Be Able To Do Once IE6 Is Dead
Some people think that IE6 is dead already. But only developers who have the luxury of a specialist audience, or who don’t have any business interest vested in their work, can think like that. For the rest of us, who have a real-world audience of ordinary, non-technical users to think about, IE6 is still very much a going concern. Now that IE8 is out we’ll see a greater number of users finally upgrading; there’s no doubt that Microsoft wil be pushing for this, and pushing hard. Quite apart from that, we’re seeing a slow but steady progression of users moving away from Internet Explorer altogether, and turning to Firefox and other browsers. Inevitably, there will come a time when IE6 has a sufficiently minor audience that we can treat it like we did Netscape 4 a few years ago — as legacy technology that it no longer behoves us to support, and its remaining users as willfully stubborn individuals whom we’re not required to pander to any longer!
When IE6 is gone, cool new web techniques will be implemented.
Or you could just do them now and avoid the rush later…
Elliott Kember dot Com
"What" ain't no rendering engine I ever heard of! They support CSS3 in "What"?!
Pulp Fiction, as told by browsers
Does it look... like... a box?!
The Future of Firefox: No Tabs, Built-In Ubiquity - ReadWriteWeb
Stubbornella » Blog Archive » Reflows & Repaints: CSS Performance making your JavaScript slow?
Going forward the performance community needs to partner more with browser vendors in addition to our more typical black box experiments. Browser makers know what is costly or irrelevant in terms of performance. Opera lists repaint and reflow as one of the three main contributors to sluggish JavaScript, so it definitely seems worth a look.
What causes reflows and repaints. These days usually not a big deal on websites targeted at regular PCs, but could be applicable to mobile devices.
"A repaint occurs when changes are made to an elements skin that changes visibility, but do not affect its layout. Examples of this include outline, visibility, or background color. According to Opera, repaint is expensive because the browser must verify the visibility of all other nodes in the DOM tree. A reflow is even more critical to performance because it involves changes that affect the layout of a portion of the page (or the whole page). Reflow of an element causes the subsequent reflow of all child and ancestor elements as well as any elements following it in the DOM."
Peacekeeper - The Browser Benchmark by Futuremark Corporation
<draco> interesting concept, but I think their testing methodology is slightly forced/false
Teste de desmpenho de navegadores
The Browser Benchmark by Futuremark Corporation
Find out which is the fastest browser on your system with Peacekeeper, the browser benchmark from Futuremark. Peacekeeper measures browser speed with a wide range of JavaScript tests and displays the results in an easy to understand format.
このFirefoxアドオンがすごい! Best10 【09年度版】 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
IE6 Update
IE6 Update looks like IE’s Information Bar, but instead of offering your visitors an ActiveX plugin, it offers a browser update.
Help kill Internet Explorer 6 IE6 is like an illness that just won’t go away, but we have the medicine. IE6 Update looks like IE’s Information Bar, but instead of offering your visitors an ActiveX plugin, it offers a browser update. Click here to see a demo! - Read the blog post. IE6 Update Install IE6 Update on your website Copy and paste this code before your closing </body> tag: <!--[if IE 6]> <script type="text/javascript"> /*Load jQuery if not already loaded*/ if(typeof jQuery == 'undefined'){ document.write("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"\"></"+"script>"); var __noconflict = true; } var IE6UPDATE_OPTIONS = { icons_path: "" } </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <![endif]--> And you're done! OR If you’re a feeling adventurous... Download the Code Buzz on Twitter Already using IE
Install IE6 Update
Trick people into updating IE6 to something far better.
"IE6 Update looks like IE’s Information Bar, but instead of offering your visitors an ActiveX plugin, it offers a browser update."……これはさすがにやり過ぎ感があります。
John Resig - JavaScript Testing Does Not Scale
TestSwarm is still a work in progress but I hope to open up an alpha test by the end of this month. Its construction is very simple. It's a dumb JavaScript client that continually pings a central server looking for more tests to run. The server collects test suites and sends them out to the respective clients. - Instant adventure gaming
police quest !! is the portal for reliving classic Sierra On-Line adventure games, multiplayer, in your browser.
Welcome to, the portal for reliving the classic Sierra On-Line adventure games. With its focus on instant fun and a unique multiplayer experience, hopes to win new gamers' hearts and promote the adventure game genre.
O3D API - Google Code
by google. Quote: an open-source web API for creating rich, interactive 3D applications in the browser
3D web API for creating rich, interactive 3D applications in the browser
Google Code
20 Excellent Plugins for Safari | Webdesigner Depot
Excellent reasons to switch from Firefox. From Webdesigner Depot
Safari actually does support plugins. While the choice is nowhere near as extensive as that of Firefox, there is still a good variety of them to choose from.
These days we have great choices for Web browsers: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome and the list goes on. Each browser comes with its own
Kevin: Delicious plugins, bookmarking plugins and ad blockers. It's all here. A good collection of plugins for Apple's Safari browser. - Statistical analysis and market research of Internet usage trends
"The information offered on this site provides valuable insight into Internet usage trends. We compile system data from numerous web sites and organize it into reports so you can stay current. We also put the power of market research and statistical analysis in your hands by allowing deep drill-down reporting as well as a powerful filtering system to limit data to only specific browsers, operating systems, search engines and even corporate versus residential usage!"
Statistical analysis and market research of Internet usage trends
ブラウザチェックに使える無料ツールいろいろ | DesignWalker
How to Bypass Firewalls & Get into Blocked Websites in School or at Work with FreeProxy (Windows) |
Ajaxian » CSS Browser Hacks
Paul Irish » Browser-specific CSS hacks
I wanted to document every browser-specific css selector and style attribute hack I've seen. Plus there's no way to provide stylesheets to only Safari, I believe.
"I wanted to document every browser-specific css selector and style attribute hack I've seen. Plus there's no way to provide stylesheets to only Safari, I believe."
7 JavaScript Differences Between Firefox & IE « Web Design Articles & Tutorials
A web design blog from a Toronto based web designer, with articles and tutorials covering practical web design tips and solutions.
常用中 Firefox 3 アドオンのまとめ | WWW WATCH
1年に 1回は書いているこのネタ、懲りずに私が個人的に日常利用している Firefox アドオン(+ Greasemonkey ユーザースクリプト)を挙げてみました。Firefox 3 対応のアドオンのみを集めています。
Chrome Experiments - Browse - Most Recent
Google Chrome with 3D
Google Chrome with 3D
april fools joke
Start Panicking!
ADC—CSS Recipes for WebKit
KIDO'Z - Safe,easy and fun internet for kids
Firefox Could Be the Real Facebook Challenger - ReadWriteWeb
Could Firefox compete with Facebook in the social scene? Or could Facebook compete against Firefox in the browser arena?
Firefox doesn't keep track of the number of users it has but Asa Dotzler, Mozilla's director of community development, said today that the company estimates that there are ...
"It's only logical to extrapolate from that analysis that the line between browsers and social networks will become much less clear and the two types of software will very likely compete with each other."
FF Challenge Facebook?
Really liking "Firefox Could Be the Real Facebook Challenger - ReadWriteWeb" ( )
Webdesign and IE6 incompatibility - Fix your problems in 5 minutes | Themes Live
There are many web developers that make their custom design using standards XHTML and CSS codes. Nowadays we have many browsers using standards from W3C: Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, Google Chrome. When I develop a website, I find problems with IE6. There are many people that uses IE6 without upgrading to IE7, so, we have to check our website to works also with a non standard browser: Internet Explorer 6.
There are many web developers that make their custom design using standards XHTML and CSS codes. Nowadays we have many browsers using standards from W3C: Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, Google Chrome. When I develop a website, I find problems with IE6. There are many people that uses IE6 without upgrading to IE7, so, we have to check our website to works also with a non standard browser: Internet Explorer 6. Internet Explorer 6 (IE6), not support fully CSS and has a problem loading PNG with Alpha transparency. ie7js There are many CSS tricks to make IE6 compatible with PNG Alpha and other CSS codes, but every webdesigner must spend its time to develop a custom code working only for IE6 and using CSS Conditional Tags. Why spend so many times to develop for IE6? Fortunately, a Javascript Genius, Dean Edwards wrote a script called IE7. This amazing piece of code uses JavaScript to make Internet Explorer 5 and 6 behave like a standards-compliant browser. First of all, you must downl
Webdesign and IE6 incompatibility絶対入れたいFirefoxアドオン最強50選
Prism is an application that lets users split web applications out of their browser and run them directly on their desktop.
Zimbra Desktop uses Prism to deliver millions of messages each
Prism is an application that lets users split web applications out of their browser and run them directly on their desktop
A way to bundle webapps as a clickable desktop app
Access web apps from system taskbar or dock Prism apps run directly on your desktop and can be accessed just like any other application Rock solid web app stability Prism apps run separately from the browser, so they stay upeven if your browser doesn’t System tray icon and dock badges On Windows, the system tray icon can be changed to give information about application
opt out of internet ads
tracking cookie を無効化させる
The 7 Time Saving Firefox Add-Ons To Make Your Lives Easier - Opensource, Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers
The 7 Time Saving Firefox Add-Ons To Make Your Lives Easier
Index of /buildbot/snapshots/sub-rel-mac
chromium mac builds
How to Write a Chrome Extension in Three Easy Steps
How to write Google Chrome extensions.
Tutorial on creating and launching a Chrome Extension
5 Speedy Tips For Faster Browsing In Firefox |
If you've ever used Firefox you'll appreciate the fact that it's incredibly easy to use and intuitive right out of the box.  This is perhaps one of the key
From Make Use Of: Here are 5 excellent tips to make browsing even smoother and faster on Firefox.
Uzbl - the uzbl browser.
…a keyboard controlled (modal vim-like bindings, or with modifier keys) browser based on Webkit. very minimal interface. No unnecessary interface elements controllable through a FIFO and with external scripts.
…a keyboard controlled (modal vim-like bindings, or with modifier keys) browser based on Webkit. very minimal interface. No unnecessary interface elements controllable through a FIFO and with external scripts. what is not browsing, is not in uzbl. Things like url changing, loading/saving of bookmarks, saving history,.. are handled through external scripts that you write Uzbl keeps it simple, and puts you in charge.
MooTools based FileManager / Portfolio / Christoph Pojer
filemanager FTP attraverso il browser
Google Bets Big on HTML 5: News from Google I/O - O'Reilly Radar
How google sees the future in HTML5, some seldom known facts about the new version of this versatile markup language...
Definitely need to look into this more -- we've done one site with HTML 5 and it looks like more is already out there in the wild than we'd think.
Google doesn't want to repeat that mistake, and as a result, he said, "we're betting big on HTML 5."
"We knew then that the web had won. What was once thought impossible is now commonplace."
Bookmarklet Directory -
Find and review bookmarklets at
CSS - Contents and compatibility - mobile
How to Download Embedded Flash Files using your Browser
How to Download Embedded Flash Files using your Browser
Choose Your Own HTML 5 Adventure
Choose Your Own HTML 5 Adventure
Adobe Labs - Adobe BrowserLab
BrowserLab provides web designers exact renderings of their web pages in multiple browsers and operating systems, on demand. BrowserLab is a powerful solution for cross-browser compatibility testing, featuring multiple viewing and comparison tools, as well as customizable preferences. Since BrowserLab is an online service, it can be accessed from virtually any computer connected to the web. Also, Adobe Dreamweaver® CS4 software users have access to additional functionality such as testing local and active content.
QtWeb - QtWeb Home
QtWeb Internet Browser.Fast,portable,secure & compact browser.Customizable GUI. Privacy features. Qt&WebKit based.
QtWeb is a lightweight, secure and portable browser having some unique UI and privacy features. QtWeb is an open source project based on Nokia's Qt framework (former Trolltech) and Apple's WebKit rendering engine (the same as being used in Apple Safari and Google Chrome).
A new WebKit-based browser for Windows.
Kostenloser, portabler Web Browser mit WebKit Engine.
QtWeb is compact, portable and secure web browser having some unique UI and privacy features. QtWeb is an open source project based on Nokia's Qt framework (former Trolltech) and Apple's WebKit rendering engine (the same as being used in Apple Safari and Google Chrome).
"QtWeb is compact, portable and secure web browser having some unique UI and privacy features. QtWeb is an open source project based on Nokia's Qt framework (former Trolltech) and Apple's WebKit rendering engine (the same as being used in Apple Safari and Google Chrome)."
embedded kiosk
SitePoint » Microsoft SuperPreview: a New Way to Test Websites website-tester/website-tester MicrosoftSuperPreview
SitePoint Blogs: News, opinion, and fresh thinking for web developers and designers
CC - Games > The Space Game
Construct a well-fortified space station and mine asteroids.
Take Your Design To The Next Level With CSS3 | CSS | Smashing Magazine
Smashing Magazine
Many cool things can be done with the next standard for web design
by Smashing Magazine
A nice overview from Smashing Mag about using CSS3 features.
Sniffing Browser History with NO Javascript!
Uses HTML and CSS to determine your browsing history. Slowish but effective.
This is a method of sniffing your browsing history without using Javascript. If you haven't cleaned your browsing history recently, just click "Start Scan" and the system will get to work. If this doesn't shock you, it should: websites are not supposed to see this information. It has potential for anyone, in particular advertisers, to view your history and profile you.
IE6 Bugs, Problems, Fixes, Solutions, Tips & Tricks, Hints? NO MORE! .:.
RIPIE6 is the obituary notice of Internet Explorer 6's death.
IE6 Bugs, Problems, Fixes, Solutions, Tips & Tricks, Hints? NO MORE!
Opera Unite
Nouveau service du navigateur Internet Opera pour partager facilement des données comme on le fait actuellement sur le web en passant par des services tiers ou en configurant différents serveurs. Pour l'instant, on peut partager des documents, des photos, des notes ou encore de la musique en streaming. On peut également faire un salon de chat privé ou même publier un site Internet. De l'extérieur, chaque service peut être accédé publiquement à partir de n'importe quel navigateur ou avec une protection par mot de passe. Pour les développeurs, il est possible de créer ses propres services de partage pour Opera et on a donc avec Opera Unite une solution intéressante pour partager rapidement des données.
Welcome to Opera Unite
Opera’s big announcement: a developer preview (“labs release”) of their new web-server-in-your-browser feature, Unite. Includes an Opera-hosted proxy to help break through your firewall. The web server can be customised using server-side JavaScript running in an Opera Widget.
Taking the Web into our own hands, one computer at a time
OperaUnite - Web browser and Webserver into one?
this seems to be a very nice feature:
mobile ar browser for android
The World’s First Augmented Reality Browser. Layar is a free application on your mobile phone which shows what is around you by displaying real time digital information on top of reality though the camera of your mobile phone.
augmented reality app for android
XRefresh is a browser plugin which will refresh current web page due to file change in selected folders.
really cool tool for web development
How to: add features to Firefox with Mozilla's new Jetpack - Ars Technica
Use Jetpack to integrate Digg in Firefox
Mozilla&#039;s new Jetpack project makes it easy to enhance the Firefox web browser by using conventional HTML and JavaScript. In this hands-on tutorial, we introduce you to Jetpack and use it to add a Digg counter to the browser&#039;s statusbar.
Mozilla's new Jetpack project makes it easy to enhance the Firefox web browser by using conventional HTML and JavaScript. In this hands-on tutorial, we introduce you to Jetpack and use it to add a Digg counter to the browser's statusbar.
Windows Internet Explorer 8: Get the facts
Jump to: Page Content, Site Navigation, Site Search, Site Map
the "IE8: Get the facts" link is damn funny. Comments and tags for this link on delicious is just as entertaining.
Support Details | Tech support anger management
Great tool to find out tech information and send to IT, project manager or developer when you have problems viewing web based content.
Get tech support info like OS/Browser versions, flash player details, javascript settings, etc.
A Detailed Look at the Z-Index CSS Property | Impressive Webs
z-index is probably the CSS property that is more speedily abandoned than any other. Very often — when I previously didn’t understand z-index — I would try to apply it to an element, hoping that the element would automatically “jump” to the top in the page’s stacking order.
Most CSS properties that a web developer deals with regularly are instantaneous in their application to elements on the page. For example, when you add the background-color or font-size property to an element on your page, in most cases you will see the results immediately upon page refresh. But other CSS properties are not quite as “plug and play” as we would like. The z-index property is one example of the latter. I would venture to guess that z-index is probably the CSS property that is more speedily abandoned than any other. Very often — when I previously didn’t understand z-index — I would try to apply it to an element, hoping that the element would automatically “jump” to the top in the page’s stacking order. But that didn’t happen, so I would abandon that method and try some other way to solve the problem. Maybe you’ve had the same experience. Hopefully this article will clear up some misunderstandings regarding z-index.
According to W3schools, “The z-index property sets the stack order of an element. An element with greater stack order is always in front of another element with lower stack order.”
A Detailed Look at the Z-Index CSS Property
The z-index property sets the stack order of an element.
Please Enjoy - The Work of Ji Lee
from Please Enjoy - The Work of Ji Lee
what is a browser ? - street survey
50 random people in NY don't know the difference between a browser and Google.
read it
The vast majority of people have no clue what a web browser is. (Ergo, the vast majority of people are quite stupid? I'm tempted to say yes.)
An introduction to Opera Unite - Opera Developer Community
An introduction to Opera Unite
In a nutshell, Opera Unite is a collaborative technology that uses a compact server inside the Opera desktop browser to share data and services. You can write applications — in the form of Opera Unite Services — that use this server to serve content to other Web users.
Code Style: Build better CSS font stacks
The font stack builder will help you build a better font stack from scratch, but what if you need a jump start, inspiration, or want to build on tried and trusted CSS font stacks? Start with this selection of pre-built font stacks and customise with your own preferred fonts.
JavaScript tests, compatibility tables and examples
phew. praise be to the universality of javascript.
"In this web site I have collected various JavaScript tests, to display code samples, have them run and check web browser compatibility." (This page tests various advanced JavaScript operators against common browsers.)
A report on compatibility of various JavaScript features & functionality against common web browsers.
Chrome and Firefox 3.5 Memory Usage
recently started using chrome, hmmm
Google Chrome
Milyen az új Chrome?
Problem. You are interested in how the Google Chrome 3.0 Dev, Firefox 3.5 RC, Safari 4.0 for Windows, and Opera 10b web browsers manage memory on the Windows Vista operating system over moderate usage, such as with 150 top web sites. These numbers can be measured but there are complexities involved in measuring memory. Solution. Here we look at a program that simulates a user visiting the top 150 web sites from Alexa from the command line, with visits occurring at short but varying intervals in many tabs.
So firefox is the best. Premature optimisation anyone?
MySpace's Performance Tracker
MySpace’s Performance Tracker is a browser plugin that help developers to improve their code performance by capturing and measuring possible bottlenecks on their web pages. MySpace’s Performance Tracker Features * Measure the CPU hit and memory footprint of your pages as they render on the client’s browser * Review screen shots of the page while it renders * Review the rendered HTML on each point of the page’s lifecycle * Measure and show estimates of the time it takes to render each section of the page in different connection speeds * Validate the content of your page against a set of proven “best practice” rules of web development * Review downloaded files and show download time estimation on different bandwidths MySpace’s Performance Tracker currently supports Internet Explorer 6 and up.
IEプラグイン、←YSlow/Google Page Speed、パフォーマンス/高速化/レンダリング
MySpace’s Performance Tracker MySpace’s Performance Tracker is a browser plugin that help developers to improve their code performance by capturing and measuring possible bottlenecks on their web pages. MySpace’s Performance Tracker Features * Measure the CPU hit and memory footprint of your pages as they render on the client’s browser * Review screen shots of the page while it renders * Review the rendered HTML on each point of the page’s lifecycle * Measure and show estimates of the time it takes to render each section of the page in different connection speeds * Validate the content of your page against a set of proven “best practice” rules of web development * Review downloaded files and show download time estimation on different bandwidths MySpace’s Performance Tracker currently supports Internet Explorer 6 and up.
Cause memory leaks love IE?....
ViewLikeUs Engine - V1
Différentes résolutions d’écran
Recurso online para comprobar una web en distintas resoluciones
View websites in multiple resolutions
Check out how your website looks in the most popular resolution formats.
Test website in different resolutions
Worldwide Real-Time Firefox Downloads
Watch Firefox 3.5 takeup in real time
Firefox 3.5をインストールしたらまず行う設定 : blog
7 MooTools Plugins You Should Use on Every Website
Version 0.9 is the initial public release of Modernizr. It includes tests for a variety of CSS 3 features and an HTML 5 element styling enabler.
Have you ever wanted to do if-statements in your CSS for the availability of cool features like border-radius? Well, with Modernizr you can accomplish just that!
Modernizr — это небольшая простая Javascript-библиотека, которая поможет получить ответ на вопрос поддерживает ли браузер пользователя такие технологии как: HTML5 Canvas rgba() hsla() border-image border-radius box-shadow Множественные фоновые изображения Прозрачность CSS-анимацию Столбцы Градиенты Отражения CSS-трансформацию CSS-перехды
古いブラウザでもCSS3セレクタを使ってWebページをデザインできるようにしてみた - latest log
Aviary Screen Capture : Talon
Capture any webpage by adding to the beginning of the URL! Plus a Firefox add-on which does da same.
soort printscreen functie: maakt een kopie van een website
Internet Explorer 8: Home page
Test Swarm
Distributed Continuous Integration for JavaScript
TestSwarm is a way for distributing JavaScript test suites to many browsers on many platforms - so you can get your results in a distributed manner.
JPC is the fast pure Java™ x86 PC emulator Use JPC to boot virtual computers right here in your browser....
JPC is the fast pure Java™ x86 PC emulator Use JPC to boot virtual computers right here in your browser....
"JPC is the fast pure Java™ x86 PC emulator"
33 Promising Web Development And Social Network Firefox 3.5 Plugins | Graphic and Web Design Blog - Inspiration, Resources and Tools
Google Drops A Nuclear Bomb On Microsoft. And It’s Made of Chrome.
RT @parislemon: Yeah. So this just happened: Google Drops A Nuclear Bomb On Microsoft. And It’s Made of Chrome. [from]
Wow. So you know all those whispers about a Google desktop operating system that never seem to go away? You thought they might ...
Mitte nächsten Jahres wird Google ein auf Chrome besierendes Betriebssystem auf dem Markt bringen. Spezialisiert auf Netbooks aber insgesamt, wie Techcrunch es formuliert, ist es der Frontalangriff auf Microsoft. Steht uns eine Revolution bevor??? Mehr bei Techcrunch.
Digg the Blog » Blog Archive » Much Ado About IE6
pasado por Fran
Sounds like we need a new approach
Basically, IE6 users are forced to use IE6 at work. Giving them a message saying, “Hey! Upgrade!” in this case is not only pointless; it’s sadistic.
Diggin blogi toteaa tutkimuksensa perusteella, ettei kaksi kolmesta IE6-käyttäjistä yksinkertaisesti voi päivittää. "Giving them a message saying, “Hey! Upgrade!” in this case is not only pointless; it’s sadistic."
July 2009 Survey at Digg shows that over 90% IE6 visitors can't, won't, or are forbidden to upgrade their browser.
15+ techniques and tools for cross browser CSS coding
15+ techniques and tools for cross browser CSS coding
10 handy Firefox about:config hacks | 10 Things |
If you really want to fine-tune your Firefox functionality, you have to roll up your sleeves and tinker with the about:config page. Jack Wallen shares some simple hacks to make Firefox work the way you want.
15+ Useful Firefox SEO Tools For Serious Bloggers And Web Designers
Search Engine Optimization, or SEO is the process of structuring your web page so that search engines can reach, read and index your page in a higher ranking and finally bring more organic traffic to you. So, who should perform SEO for our websites, the web designers or the bloggers? Obviously, SEO should be done by web designers as well as the bloggers. Why i said so? Web designers should design the page structure so that the page can easily be read and indexed by search engine while the bloggers should make sure the articles contain keywords that can really generate traffic.
Search Engine Optimization, or SEO is the process of structuring your web page so that search engines can reach, read and index your page in a higher ranking and finally bring more organic traffic to you.
ウノウラボ Unoh Labs: iモードブラウザ 2.0まとめ
iモードブラウザ 2.0まとめ
IE6 Must Die for the Web to Move On
Amen! Anyone who has any influence over corporate IT policies _needs_ to read this.
How to get HTML5 working in IE and Firefox 2 | html5doctor
The second approach is to serve Gecko XHTML. I’ve found this to be the easier approach if you’re either generating a page dynamically using something like PHP, or if you can create your own .htaccess file to make use of mod_rewrite.
HTML5 may be the latest and greatest technology, but some browsers don’t have native support for the new semantic elements. Let’s forget for a minute about the even sexier functionality that the elements can bring, such as full control over the <video> element, and just focus on getting the elements to be rendered. The problematic a-grade browsers are: IE8 and below, and Firefox 2 and Camino 1 (these two browsers use the same rendering engine, which is why they’re both affected).
HTML5 may be the latest and greatest technology, but some browsers don’t have native support for the new semantic elements. Let’s forget for a minute about the even sexier functionality that the elements can bring, such as full control over the <video> element, and just focus on getting the elements to be rendered. The problematic [...]
Solución a HTML5 en IE6
Google Chrome
Get Google Chrome dev preview for Mac (not just Chromium!): [from]
Backup and Restore Web Browser Settings
FavBrowser Backup - Windows-verktøy til å ta backup av innstillinger og feks utvidelser i div nettlesere: [from]
FavBackup is a simple solution for you to backup and restore web browser settings and other data on Windows 7/Vista/XP/2000 systems. No installation required. (thanks LC COOL CLARK)
membackup dan memperbaiki kesalahan pada penyettingan web browser anda...
Portable backup utility FavBackup archives your settings, bookmarks, passwords, and more from any of the major browsers. Using the utility is simple—just launch the no-install-required executable and go run through the wizard to backup or restore your browser profiles. The software handles backing up Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, and even Opera—there are still a few restore glitches with IE and Opera, but it's a useful utility worth a look for anybody looking to transfer settings from one machine to another. FavBackup is a free download for Windows only. For more, check out the five best Windows backup tools, the five best file syncing tools, or read about our first look at Windows 7's backup and restore center.
FavBackup permet de sauvegarder tous vos profils navigateurs en quelques clics. Plus besoin de passer par les systèmes d’import/export de vos profils sur chaque navigateur : vous choisissez les données à sauvegarder et FavBackup fait le reste.
YouTube Will Be Next To Kiss IE6 Support Goodbye
YouTube phasing out support for IE6. (via @wrumsby) Finally a motivator for corporate IT depts everywhere. [from]
This is great news. I've already started hearing more and more people feeling comfortable about not supporting ie6
@atoouefeito Calma, isto já está acontecendo! [from]
YouTube ukinja podporo za IE6! Isto je napovedal tudi Digg (tudi top 10 stran), tako da bi to znalo končno prisiliti preostale IE6 uporabnike da upgradajo.
Testing with IE6, IE7 and IE8 on VirtualBox | Shape Shed
testing websites with VirtualBox
Pick and choose what music you want to listen to. Create playlists, organize your music, listen online...
got a chuckle out of the sign-in/registration forms at the bottom.
online music streaming
Macrosoft Excel - Book1
Excel 風 2ch
Tweeting from the Web? Nine Alternative Web Clients - Semantic Information MAshup
While is by no mean the first data aggregator for the Semantic Web, its contribution is to show that the sum is really bigger than the single parts and exciting possibilities lie in a holistic approach for automatic semistructured data discovery and consolidation
Live, embeddable information summaries from sites which use RDF, RDFa or Microformats. Use it in your Blog, Tweets or as an API
Hallvord R. M. Steen - Most expensive javascript ever?
IE6ify Bookmarklet
After years of observation and reverse engineering I am proud to say I have been able to reproduce the IE6 algorithm to break even the most standards-compliant websites. IE6ify!
So sad but oh so true. A great way to explain to a client why IE6 shouldn't be catered for.
After years of observation and reverse engineering I am proud to say I have been able to reproduce the IE6 algorithm to break even the most standards-compliant websites.
13 Ways to Browser Test and Validate Your Work - Nettuts+
Ways to check to see if your website conforms to generally accepted standards of web design
重いFirefoxをなんとかして速くしたい | バシャログ。
古いバージョンのアプリケーションがダウンロードできるサイト5選 | コリス
The Ultimate Guide To Speeding Up Firefox 3.5
I like Firefox but it’s not as fast as it used to be. This is a comprehensive, safe guide to optimizing Firefox 3.5 for speedy browsing. For each suggestion,
i love those kind of poeple
Alex Faaborg - » The New Firefox Icon
Later this week we will be shipping the first Release Candidate build of Firefox 3.5, which is currently in the process of being evaluated by our exceptional QA team and testing community. This also means that we are now ready to finalize the design of the new Firefox icon. I want to thank everyone who provided feedback on the icon during the design process. But more importantly I want to thank the new icon’s creator Anthony Piraino from the Iconfactory. He did a great job with the design work, he very quickly adapted iterations as we changed our direction and sent feedback, and he wasn’t the slightest bit fazed by a completely transparent process that designers often find to be a bit uncomfortable.
for mozila icon all sizes
Firefox 3.5のicon、資料作成時に利用。
IE6 No More - Home
Campaign site for retiring the old Internet Explorer 6 browser for good.
IE6 No More
IE6 No More! Popular Web Companies Start Project to Kill IE6
Twitter users and the Digg community both rallied behind our battle cry. But now a high-profile group of startups, most funded by the well-known early stage venture firm Y Combinator, have started their own initiative, IE6 No More.
We've made no attempt to hide our belief that Internet Explorer 6 must die. IE6 is an ancient browser that does not support many of the major innovations of
We’ve made no attempt to hide our belief that Internet Explorer 6 must die. IE6 is an ancient browser that does not support many of the major innovations of the last 8 years. Yet it is still used by 15-25% of Internet users – and that fact alone is holding us back from a new area of web applications.
Code Samples - IE6 No More
Devo aggiungere una para di questi banner
home of official greasemonkey, ff ext port ,and the google chrome ext
ページごとに分けられたWebページを自動で読み込み継ぎ足し表示を行うブラウザ拡張です。 AutoPagerizeは様々なWebサイトで利用でき、効率的なWebブラウジングを提供します。 (via
You Deleted Your Cookies? Think Again | Epicenter |
More than half of the internet’s top websites use a little known capability of Adobe’s Flash plugin to track users and store information about them, but only four of them mention the so-called Flash Cookies in their privacy policies, UC Berkeley researchers reported Monday.
internet privacy
15 Tools for Testing your Website
15 Tools for Testing your Website
If you want to have the same experience over multiple browsers and different machines then testing your website is vital. In this article I’ve gathered some of the most important tools that you can use in testing your site against various errors – CSS Errors, HTML Errors, Crossbrowsing Errors etc.
10 Safari plugins that could make you drop Firefox
10 plugins safari
Flickr Photo Download: IE6 denial message for
Flickr ist die wahrscheinlich beste Online-Fotoplattform der Welt. Präsentieren Sie der ganzen Welt Ihre Lieblingsfotos, zeigen Sie sicher und privat Ihren Freunden und Familienmitgliedern Fotos, oder bloggen Sie die Fotos und Videos, die Sie mit dem Handy aufgenommen haben.
Flickr is almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world. Show off your favorite photos and videos to the world, securely and privately show content to your friends and family, or blog the photos and videos you take with a cameraphone.
RT @paulnorthup @UltraNurd Heres a little something to help your IE code rage A-W-E-S-O-M-E! [from]
Surfin’ Safari - Blog Archive » 3D Transforms
And pretty soon, you'll be able to do everything from Silverlight/XAML in CSS3 and HTML5. Wow.
Woah! 3d with CSS.
Fscking cool
Webkit based browsers support CSS 3D transforms. via liammcmurray
Ryan Parman - Flailing Wildly - Run Internet Explorer 6 (or IE7, or IE8) images in VMware Fusion on Mac OS X
"By now, most front-end web developers have heard of the Standalone Internet Explorers (Wikipedia article). Although these are incredibly useful, they’ve always been hacky at best. Because of that, we need to go the long way. We’ll download the “officially sanctioned” VirtualPC images containing a time-limited version of Windows XP SP3 and Internet Explorer 6.0, and then we’ll convert these images to the kind that work with VMware Fusion (which works on Mac OS X). This should only need to be done every 3 or 4 months when the images expire. These instructions are loosely based on the ones found at Running IE6, IE7 and IE8 on your Mac."
I've avoided IE 8 so far, but guess I'll need to give it a whirl soon. Harrumph. (via Tom Taylor)
IE6, 7 and 8 testing images, premade for VMWare Fusion on OSX. Works very well, but they expire on August 31st, when Microsoft will release another set.
Pre-made images of Windows for use with VMWare Fusion. Hooray!
ブラウザを選ばずWebテストを自動化するSelenium (1/3) - @IT
7 Awesome Resources to Test Cross Browser Compatibility of Your Website
27 Firefox Addons For Power Blogging - slodive
These plug-ins are for the blogger who knows exactly what he or she needs to get the job done quick and efficiently. Helping to automate certain tasks is a must when deadlines are looming and with these Firefox add ons you will do just that. This list also serves as a great way for casual bloggers to find new techniques that may turn one into a power blogger.
RequestPolicy Font Finder FireFTP FireShot Dummy Lipsum
Oliver's simple fluid dynamics simulator
Exclusive: First Look at Blue Spruce, IBM's Next Generation Browser Platform - ReadWriteWeb
IBM's browser as platform project
He replied that customers have been consistently telling them for 1-1.5 years now that they don't want to do installs anymore. Their customers want the rich experience that desktop apps have traditionally provided, but they want to have it in the browser. Collaboration and sharing data is also a trend that IBM is tapping into with Blue Spruce.
Interesting piece about what IBM's Emerging Technology team is up to.
ReadWriteWeb was given an exclusive first look at Blue Spruce.
How to Fix Annoying YouTube Jumpiness in Firefox - Firefox - Lifehacker
Apparently, this fix for jumpy video in #firefox works with any general Flash-related jumpiness too...
Set Up Space-Saving, Permanent Gmail and Reader Tabs in Firefox - Firefox - Lifehacker
So here&#039;s the deal. I like having my Gmail always open. (Who doesn&#039;t, right?) It&#039;s literally the first thing I go to in Firefox. But I don&#039;t want it to be my homepage, and frankly, I don&#039;t like the fact I have to always leave a full sized tab open just to keep an eye on my inbox. I am a fan of minimal, yet functional and attractive interfaces.
So here's the deal. I like having my Gmail always open. (Who doesn't, right?) It's literally the first thing I go to in Firefox. But I don't want it to be my homepage, and frankly, I don't like the fact I have to always leave a full sized tab open just to keep an eye on my inbox. I am a fan of minimal, yet functional and attractive interfaces.
12 add-ons every Firefox user must have | News | TechRadar UK
Listing of good FireFox add-ons
Quick Tip – Resizing Images Based On Browser Window Size | Build Internet!
Build Internet!
Methodologie Web Canvas
v swissmiss
Nice overview of web canvas sizes and their audiences
A canvas of websafe browser sizes.
Current statistics of user's screen size laid out in a nice visual representation. Definitely worth checking out.
Shows canvas with pixel size
Find the right website size for every audience with the Web Canvas | Methodologie
Encuentra el tamaño perfecto para tu website con Web Canvas
14 Alternative Browsers That Are Not Internet Explorer 6
Here are 14 fantastic alternative web browsers that are not Internet Explorer 6.
Känner du till alla på den här listan?
Project Code Rush | Movement
documentary about Netscape developers and the release of Mozilla
Code Rush, produced in 2000 and broadcast on PBS, is an inside look at living and working in Silicon Valley at the height of the dot-com era.
Documentary about Netscape's release of browser into open source dev community.
doku über netscape. "Code Rush by David Winton is licensed under a CC 3.0 US License. "
Oh man. I remember watching Code Rush on PBS while in college, shortly after it originally aired. As odd as it sounds, it was then that I knew that I really wanted to be a programmer. (Working on real apps, with real users.)
20 Must-Have Bookmarklets For Your Web Browser
get these
A great group of Bookmarklets that are proving to be very useful
ブラウザにいれておくべき Bookmarklet 20選。All bookmarklets were tested on Firefox 3.5 and Safari 4
What the Internet knows about you
Smart Clients: ReverseHTTP & WebSockets -
Seems like we need the equivalent of an ssh connection with a reverse tunnel. The browser can initiate (and control) the connection, and the web server can ‘touch’ the browser directly.
Web Socket/HTML 5、onopen/onread/onclose、←Opera Unite/Webhooks、最近の一連のブラウザサーバー関連まとめ
Polling architectures, as pervasive as they are today, did not come about due to their efficiency. Whether you are maintaining a popular endpoint (Twitter), or trying to get near real-time news (RSS), neither side benefits from this architecture. Over the years we've built a number of crutches in the form of Cache headers, ETags, accelerators, but none have fundamentally solved the problem - because the client remains 'dumb' the burden is still always on the server. For that reason, it's worth paying attention to some of the technologies which are seeking to reverse this trend: ReverseHTTP & WebSockets.
It feels dirty... but seems like a useful concept
【特集】詳解! HTML 5と関連APIの最新動向 - Webアプリ開発編 (1) 本特集の趣旨 | エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル
アプリケーションキャッシュ, クロスドキュメントメッセージング, Web Workers, Web Storage, Web Database, Web Sockets, Geolocation API など
4 Cool Firefox Tools That Are Not Addons
4 Cool Firefox Tools That Are Not Addons
Detecting HTML5 Features - Dive Into HTML5
Home - Browserscope
js-powered css, acid3, etc. browser tests and results
Recent tests 12:13 p.m. Other acid3 100 12:13 p.m. Firefox 3.5 richtext 117/149 12:13 p.m. Firefox 3.5 selectors 99.3% 12:13 p.m. Firefox 3.5 acid3 93 12:13 p.m. Chrome 4.0.206 network 9/11 12:13 p.m. Firefox 3.5 network 9/11 12:12 p.m. Konqueror 4.3 richtext 0/149 12:12 p.m. Konqueror 4.3 selectors 0% 12:12 p.m. Firefox 3.0.14 richtext 117/149 12:11 p.m. Konqueror 4.3 acid3 89 Browserscope is a community-driven project for profiling web browsers. The goals are to foster innovation by tracking browser functionality and to be a resource for web developers. Gathering test results from users "in the wild" is the most important and useful feature of Browserscope - and you can participate!
Browserscope is a community-driven project for profiling web browsers. The goals are to foster innovation by tracking browser functionality and to be a resource for web developers.
Browser Sandbox - Run any browser from the web
Browser Sandbox - Run any browser from the web
IE6のバグや仕様の解決方法のまとめ -Ultimate IE6 Cheatsheet | コリス
JSNES: A Javascript NES emulator
A few months ago, I stumbled across Matt Westcott's excellent JSSpeccy. I had seen some pretty imaginative canvas creations, but Javascript emulators? What a perfect idea for a daft new project. I got underway shamelessly porting vNES into Javascript. Although not the most efficient, it didn't have any of the pointer memory mapping magic associated with emulators written in lower level languages. As such, it was more or less a direct port, bar a few tweaks to compensate for the lack of static typing, and obviously a rewrite of all the I/O. I highly recommend you use Google Chrome to play JSNES. Thanks to its high performance canvas element, and a clever optimisation by Connor Dunn, it runs at full speed on modern computers. Mac builds are also available. Otherwise, it just about runs on Firefox 3.5 or Safari 4, but it's hardly playable. The source is available on Github, contributions welcome!
I highly recommend you use Google Chrome to play JSNES. Thanks to its high performance canvas element, and a clever optimisation by Connor Dunn, it runs at full speed on modern computers. Mac builds are also available. Otherwise, it just about runs on Firefox 3.5 or Safari 4, but it's hardly playable.
Maximize Firefox 3.5's Viewing Area for Your Netbook - Firefox - Lifehacker
Maximize Firefox 3.5's Viewing Area for Your Netbook
Your netbook's screen is tiny and processor less than mighty, so you want to maximize the web page viewing area without any performance-killing Firefox extensions. Here's how to consolidate Firefox 3.5's chrome for your Windows or Linux-based netbook.
Home - testswarm - GitHub
TestSwarm provides distributed continuous integration testing for JavaScript. It was initially created by John Resig as a tool to support the jQuery project and has since moved to become an official Mozilla Labs project.
Javascript testing framework.
TestSwarm provides distributed continuous integration testing for JavaScript.
Google Chrome Frame - Google Code
Google Chrome Frame is an open source plug-in that seamlessly brings Google Chrome's open web technologies and speedy JavaScript engine to Internet Explorer
Enable open web technologies in Internet Explorer. Google Chrome Frame is an early-stage open source plug-in that seamlessly brings Google Chrome's open web technologies and speedy JavaScript engine to Internet Explorer. With Google Chrome Frame
Chromium Blog: Introducing Google Chrome Frame
"To start using Google Chrome Frame, all developers need to do is to add a single tag: <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="chrome=1">"
Renders pages as Chrome inside an IE window.
Download details: Expression Web SuperPreview for Internet Explorer
Expression Web SuperPreview for Internet Explorer is a stand-alone visual debugging tool that makes it faster and easier to migrate your sites from Internet Explorer 6 to Internet Explorer 7 or 8. With Expression Web SuperPreview for Internet Explorer, you can ensure that your Web sites work correctly in Internet Explorer 8 while also maintaining compatibility with earlier versions of Internet Explorer.
Expression Web SuperPreview for Internet Explorer is a visual debugging tool that makes it easier to migrate your web sites from Internet Explorer 6 to Internet Explorer 7 or 8.
SuperPreview for Internet Explorer
Google Has A Solution For Internet Explorer: Turn It Into Chrome
"Yes, it’s both hilarious and awesome (or hilariously awesome, if you will) that Google seems to dislike IE so much that it has spent its own time improving it."
Woah! IE6 Hacks be gone? RT @mike9r: New IE plugin from Google plugin puts Chrome's rendering engine INTO IE [from]
ll difference is pretty small since Chrome is designed to give resources back to y
People hate IE6; they've made that abundantly clear on the web. Unfortunately, plenty of people are still stuck using it for reasons such ...
GoogleがWebの問題児Internet Explorer対策を発表: IEをChromeにしてしまう
った。でも、今のところターゲットはIEだけだ。 それは正当な行為だと思える。IEはGoogleの宿敵Microsoftの製品だが、ユーザ数ナンバーワンのWebブラウザであると同時に、Webの標準規格から外れたところの多い問題児だ。IE7からはやや良くなったが、まだほめられたものではない。標準性の問題だけでなくパフォーマンスも良くない。Chrome Frameは、ChromeのWebkitとJavaScriptエンジンの最
Official Google Blog: Help and learn from others as you browse the web: Google Sidewiki
As you browse the web, it's easy to forget how many people visit the same pages and look for the same information. Whether you're researching advice on heart disease prevention or looking for museums to visit in New York City, many others have done the same and could have added their knowledge along the way. What if everyone, from a local expert to a renowned doctor, had an easy way of sharing their insights with you about any page on the web? What if you could add your own insights for others who are passing through? Now you can. Today, we're launching Google Sidewiki, which allows you to contribute helpful information next to any webpage. Google Sidewiki appears as a browser sidebar, where you can read and write entries along the side of the page.
What if everyone, from a local expert to a renowned doctor, had an easy way of sharing their insights with you about any page on the web? What if you could add your own insights for others who are passing through?
As you browse the web, it's easy to forget how many people visit the same sites and look for the same information. Whether you're researching advice on heart disease prevention or looking for museums to visit in New York City, many others have done the same and could have added their knowledge along the way. - Benutzer über Browserupdates informieren
Inform your visitors about browser-updates
Benutzer über Browserupdates informieren
This service is an opportunity to inform your visitors unobtrusively to switch to a newer browser. Many internet users are still using very old, out-dated browsers – most of them for no actual reason. Switching to an newer browser is better for them and for you as a webdesigner.
Stop Futzing Around - (BETA)
"Start sending stuff with your address bar today."
Send stuff to mobile
Start sending stuff with your address bar today. Paste any of the following into the address bar of Any browser....(where "xxx" is your username):
Google Docs - Viewer
Good app.
Allows you to view documents online without leaving the browser.
Embed code for google docs - would be helpful if using that instead of ipaper...
Use Google Docs to quickly view documents online without leaving your browser.
15+ amazing anti IE resources
Content Aware Image Resizing implemented with JavaScript
Script de compactação de imagem (javascript) que redimensiona a imagem em uma direção (horizontal por exemplo) sem distorcê-la simplemente, ele corta partes semelhantes da imagem.
The History of Web Browsers
From the first web browser in 1991 to the present day - one for the geeks!
What Browser? - Home
short video on what a web browser is and is not
A simple explanation of 'browsers' for the uninitiated.
What Browser?
私が Firefox から Chrome に乗り換えた7つの理由*二十歳街道まっしぐら
091007 こうしてレビューされるとGoogle Chromeってかなり面白そうなんだなー
SwellJS – another big fish in the sea
DragDrop de arquivos do desktop para o navegador
drag & drop from desktop
Google Chrome Extensions: Developer Documentation
Best place to get started for developing google chrome extension
This website contains all the information you need to build extensions for Google Chrome
Firefox高速化テクニック8 | エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル
キャッシュやクッキー、履歴データなどの削除することは起動や操作が高速になる半面、レンダリングや利用の面で不便になることに注意する必要. 「content.notify.backoffcount」を整数で新規作成して「5」を設定、「nglayout.initialpaint.delay」を整数で新規作成して「0」を設定する。最初の設定はすべてのページをダウンロードし終わる前にレンダリングを開始する指定、後者はページレイアウト情報をすべてダウンロードする前にレンダリングを開始する指定... メニューを高速化する 「ui.submenuDelay」を整数で新規作成して「0」を設定... IPv6対応機能を無効にする IPv6を使う必要がなければ「network.dns.disableIPv6」の値を「true」に変更...
FindMyByIP - what's my IP address and how modern is my browser
Lists IP, browser version and details, and browser support for latest features
Ultimate IE6 Cheatsheet: How To Fix 25+ Internet Explorer 6 Bugs
The best strategy for dealing with Internet Explorer 6 is not to support it. Stop. Ok, I feel your frustration. You're a web developer and you're ready to tear your hair out because you have to support Internet Explorer 6, but, to put it tactfully, IE6 doesn't support you. You've spent hours on it, but you just can't seem to get your layout right. I can empathize. I can also help.
Ben Alman » jQuery BBQ: Back Button & Query Library
jQuery BBQ enables simple, yet powerful bookmarkable #hash history via a cross-browser window.onhashchange event. In addition, jQuery BBQ provides a full jQuery.deparam() method, along with both fragment and query string parse and merge utility methods.
jQuery BBQ enables simple, yet powerful bookmarkable #hash history via a cross-browser window.onhashchange event.
10 Cool Extensions for Google Chrome
A few posts back we saw how to download and install Google Chrome extensions in the developer version. Do go through that post again and come back here. In this post we will check out some of the coolest extensions to download and use with Google Chrome. The population may be small but the seeds of popularity are being sown with these baby steps.
CSS Differences in Internet Explorer 6, 7 and 8 « Smashing Magazine
CSS Differences in Internet Explorer 6, 7 and 8
One of the most bizarre statistical facts in relation to browser use has to be the virtual widespread numbers that currently exist in the use of Internet Explorer versions 6, 7 and 8. As of this writing, Internet Explorer holds about a 65% market share combined across all their currently used browsers. In the web development community, this number is much lower, showing about a 40% share.
Plugin Check
Check my mozilla firefox plugins to make sure they're up to date.
Browsera - Automated Cross Browser Web Application Testing Service
Browsera automatically detects cross-browser layout problems and scripting errors on your website.
Alternative cross browser testing site
Best jQuery plugins - September 2009 | AjaxLine
This is a great list of plugins - I have one running on my blog (a pretty simple one) that allows me to animate the pic there without hitting the page size too hard. Can't wait to start playing with the rest of these....
Pirka'r (ピリカル) - Web作成支援ツール
HTMLファイルやJavaScript、CSSファイルのメンテナンスを行うことが出来るEclipseベースの開発支援ソフトウェア WinはIE・FF・Safari / MacはFF・Safari
swissmiss | Consistent PNG quality across browsers
A few tips to ensure that your PNGs look good now matter what browser they are viewed in. (via Tim Van Damme)
how to save out your png’s to guarantee a consistent color/saturation quality across all browsers
Here’s a helpful tip I got from my friend Olivier on how to save out your png’s to guarantee a consistent color/saturation quality across all browsers
Performance Comparison of Major Web Browsers
The latest versions of the five major most web browsers (Firefox 3.5, Chrome 3.0, IE8, Opera 10, and Safari 4) went head to head under six performance indicators: JavaScript speed, average CPU usage under stress, DOM selection, CSS rendering speed, page load time, and browser cache performance.
The latest versions of the five major most web browsers (Mozilla Firefox 3.5, Google Chrome 3.0, Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0, Opera 10.0, and Apple Safari 4.0) went head to head under six performance indicators: JavaScript speed, average CPU usage under stress, DOM selection, CSS rendering speed, page load time, and browser cache performance. Each web browser was tested three times under an unprimed cache (except for the browser cache performance), and their average value reported in the results.
Firefoxにさようなら!Google Chromeで快適なブラウジングをするための拡張 21選 - あまたの何かしら。
12 Useful FireFox Plugins For Safe Browsing | Smashing Downloads
Being secure, on the web specially is something we all need. There are thousands of risks roaming and getting evolved in shape of different malwares, viruses,
Being secure, on the web specially is something we all need. There are thousands of risks roaming and getting evolved in shape of different malwares, viruses, file & more. Since these things come via your browser and majority of us use firefox, here are some of the best and useful plugins/add-ons which can help you be safe on the internet. --
Browser support for CSS3 and HTML5, We've tested all the A-grade browsers for their CSS3 and HTML5 support using The results have been very interesting. : Deep Blue Sky Digital Ltd : Web designers and developers in Bath
Safari and Chrome do well, Firefox OK, and IE/Opera stink up the place. Should have displayed this data in a single chart.
Delibar, Delicious Mac client
pukka のライバル。
Nova aplicação para organizar os nossos favoritos no delicious. Um pouco cara para o que faz e bastante eye-candy, mas parece trabalhar bem.
The Power User's Guide to Google Chrome, 2009 Edition - Chrome - Lifehacker
Twitterを使い始めてから少し楽しさが 分かった頃にあると便利な8つのツール - かちびと.net
14 Simple Tips for Super Fast Web Browsing
Brilliant pointers from Zen Habits on speeding up your web browsing ... { content: "Homepage"; }
Say goodbye to the browser-specific properties and hacks cluttering your files and say hello to lean, mean CSS. With eCSStender, when you write the rules, browsers pay attention.
script for modernizing and extending css
Life is beautiful: 「Flash vs. HTML5」という構図がはっきりと見え始めたぞ、と
ウェブ上のリッチコンテンツという分野でリーダーシップ・ポジションを取りながらも、「無料Flashゲーム」と「ウェブサイトの見栄えをちょっと良くするアイ・キャンディ」というニッチなポジションに一度は追いやられるように見えたFlash(数年前の話)。しかし、動画フォーマットがReal Networks、Microsoft、Appleの三強いの間で中に浮く隙間を付いた戦略で、見事に「ウェブ上のマルチメディアのデファクト・スタンダード」のポジションをがっちりつかんだかに見えるFlash(現在)。しかし、その地位も安泰ではない。
「無料Flashゲーム」と「ウェブサイトの見栄えをちょっと良くするアイ・キャンディ」というニッチなポジションに一度は追いやられるように見えた Flash(数年前の話)。しかし、動画フォーマットがReal Networks、Microsoft、Appleの三強いの間で中に浮く隙間を付いた戦略で、見事に「ウェブ上のマルチメディアのデファクト・スタンダード」のポジションをがっちりつかんだかに見えるFlash(現在)。しかし、その地位も安泰ではない。 パソコン側でこれほど有利な立場にありながら、スマートフォンの世界では土俵際に追いつめられた感のあるAdobe。WebKitという戦略兵器を軸に手をがっちりと手を組んだGoogleとApple。思いっきり出遅れてしまったがOS・ブラウザーのシェアと資金力だけは誰にも負けない Microsoft。この戦いは目が離せない。
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Search & Download Torrent directly from web using Applet
Search & download any legal torrents within minutes with our exclusive Java applet downloader!
Web-based bittorrent search client.
Internet Explorer Resources for Web Developers | Design Reviver
Visual Cheat Sheet: CSS Compatiblity with Internet Explorer 6, 7 and 8 | TutorialFeed
IE 6,7,8
IE6/7/8で異なるCSSの対応状況をCSS2.1, CSS3ごとにまとめたチートシート
22 Most Popular Google Chrome Extensions - chrome adblock, chrome addons, chrome extensions, chrome extensions google, chrome extensions plugins, chrome plugins download, chrome plugins extensions, chrome themes, chromium extensions, download google ch...
chrome adblock, chrome addons, chrome extensions, chrome extensions google, chrome extensions plugins, chrome plugins download, chrome plugins extensions, chrome themes, chromium extensions, download google ch...
BEST Chrome addons !!
makes it possible to discover and connect with others on Twitter through the webpages you browse. Alongside each webpage, read and respond to tweets and discussions about that page. it also shows comments from sidewiki
Makes it possible to discover and connect with others on Twitter through the webpages you browse. Alongside each webpage, read and respond to tweets and discussions about that page.
Create Separate Profiles in Google Chrome for Family Members and Stay Extra Safe
this page could be enhanced with %USER% tags, that are better understood by windows peopl
what you can do is create a separate user profile in Google Chrome. Thus all your browser history, bookmarks, cookies, search terms, etc. are not shared with anyone else in the family.
How to create user profiles in Chrome
Firefoxでの動画サイトのイライラを解消する方法 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
YouTubeなどの動画サイトで10秒ごとに動画がフリーズするのは、Firefox2.0以降に搭載されているセッション復元機能が原因だとか。Firefoxのデフォルト値では開いているタブを10秒ごとに保存する設定になっているそうで、多くのタブを一度に開いているとより動画が固まりやすいそうです。 では、これを解消するためにはどうすればよいのでしょう? 答えはシンプル。セッション復元のための保存のインターバルを長くすること。具体的な方法としては、アドレスバーで「about:config」と入力しEnterキーを押すと、フィルターボックスが表示されますので、さらにフィルターボックスに「browser.sessionstore.interval」と入力しましょう。すると「10000("10秒に保存する"の意)」が表示されるはず。この数値を5分ごとの保存とするならば「300000」、2分なら「120000」など、任意の数字に変更すればOK。
セッション保存のインターバルを長くする方法 / browser.sessionstore.interval = 120000 (=2分) など
How to Really Browse Without Leaving a Trace - Windows - Lifehacker
15+ great Google Chrome extensions
15+ great Google Chrome extensions
Why do we have an IMG element? [dive into mark]
"Mark Pilgrim traces the origin of the <img> element. A window into standards (and the web) history."
« On February 25, 1993, Marc Andreessen wrote : I’d like to propose a new, optional HTML tag: IMG.»
Why an img element? Quite simply, because Marc Andreessen shipped one, and shipping code wins.
dive into mark ‣ November 2, 2009 ‣ Why do we have an IMG element? (history, html, mu)
BBS discussions on IMG tag implementation.
"HTML has always been a conversation between browser makers, authors, standards wonks, and other people who just showed up and liked to talk about angle brackets. Most of the successful versions of HTML have been “retro-specs,” catching up to the world while simultaneously trying to nudge it in the right direction. Anyone who tells you that HTML should be kept “pure” (presumably by ignoring browser makers, or ignoring authors, or both) is simply misinformed. HTML has never been pure, and all attempts to purify it have been spectacular failures, matched only by the attempts to replace it."
IE6、IE7、IE8におけるCSSの違いまとめ | エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル
20 Essential Tweaks and Tips Every Firefox User Should Know | Maximum PC
Run IE6, IE7, and IE8 on the Same Machine Using Windows 7 XP Mode [HTML & XHTML Tutorials]
jquery-fontavailable - Google Code
Simple jQuery plugin that checks if a client browser supports a given font.
QUOTE: Simple jQuery plugin that checks if a client browser supports a given font.
»Simple jQuery plugin that checks if a client browser supports a given font.«
jQuery-Plugin, das trickreich überprüft, ob eine bestimmte Schrift auf dem Zielsystem vorhanden ist.
9 Most Common IE Bugs and How to Fix Them - Nettuts+
Most Common IE Bugs and How to Fix Them
John Resig - Deep Tracing of Internet Explorer
dynaTrace Ajax works by sticking low-level instrumentation into Internet Explorer when it launches, capturing any activity that occurs
After reading a recent post by Steve Souders concerning a free tool called dynaTrace Ajax, I was intrigued. It claimed to provide full tracing analysis of Internet Explorer 6-8 (including JavaScript, rendering, and network traffic). Giving it a try I was very impressed. I tested against a few web sites but got the most interesting results running against the JavaScript-heavy Gmail in Internet Explorer 8.
notes on dynatrace - traces/graphs everything that IE Does.
dynaTrace Ajax works by sticking low-level instrumentation when it launches, capturing any activity that occurs.
Making browsers faster: Resource Packages · Alexander Limi
cool proposal, seems sane
This is quite amazing: all resources of a page in 1 HTTP request (excluding the page). Its backwards compatible too.
IEBlog : An Early Look At IE9 for Developers
Speed & rendering look to be vastly improved in IE9. Fingers crossed, we'll get some other goodies.
Because I care enough to.
Community testing efforts like this one can be helpful. Ultimately, we want to work with the community and W3C and other members of the working groups to define true validation test suites, like the one that we’re all working on together for CSS 2.1, for the standards that matter to developers. For example, this link tests one of the HTML5 storage APIs; some browsers (including IE8) support it today, while others don’t.
Microsoft İE) üzerinde çalışıyor, Windows 7 ye yetiştirilemeyen sürümün bir çok bakımdan iyi olacağı söyleniyor. ama ilk testlerde Acid 3 standart testinden 32 alması bizi üzüyor.
We’re just about a month after the Windows 7 launch, and wanted to show an early look at some of the work underway on Internet Explorer 9. At the PDC today, in addition to demonstrating some of the progress on performance and interoperable standards,
Home (The Chromium Projects)
Chrome OS Project Page
HTML5 Features at a Glance
The Complete Guide To Microsoft’s Office 2010
Microsoft doesn't think 2010 Word users want a collaboration option in Web version. [from]
Review of @microsoft (client) Office 2010 | (via @techcrunch) **good one [from]
Download Google Chrome OS and Run it from a USB Drive
구글 크롬 사용하는법 !
Chromium Blog: A 2x Faster Web
SPDY, pronounced "SPeeDY", is an early-stage research project that is part of our effort to make the web faster. SPDY is at its core an application-layer protocol for transporting content over the web. It is designed specifically for minimizing latency through features such as multiplexed streams, request prioritization and HTTP header compression.
A Google a HTTP lecserélésén ügyködik
SPDY, [...] an early-stage research project that is part of our effort to make the web faster.
Today we'd like to share with the web community information about SPDY, pronounced "SPeeDY", an early-stage research project that is part of our effort to make the web faster. SPDY is at its core an application-layer protocol for transporting content over the web. It is designed specifically for minimizing latency through features such as multiplexed streams, request prioritization and HTTP header compression.
Now Google wants to replace HTTP for the common good?
Developing CSS for IE6 and 7-
Ymacs -- AJAX source code editor with syntax highlighting and automatic indentation
All you need to optimize Firefox for Better Performance: 33 Tips-
Detect Mobile Browser - Open source mobile phone detection
How To Support Internet Explorer and Still Be Cutting Edge - Smashing Magazine
Excellent tutorial and tips on webdesign in general
Everyone has been going on about how we should use CSS3 more and all of the possibilities and flexibility that come with it, but that we should still consider IE6 and other troubling browsers.
JavaScript で、画像本来のサイズ(幅, 高さ)を取得する方法 - latest log
コレ使った。IEうぜー。img.onload = ""; や img = void 0; は IE で発生するメモリリークを回避するためのコードです。
latest log
Times Skimmer by The New York Times
ranked according to the the recommendations of the New York Times' editorial team. rss feel interface, 8 types of layouts
Alternate way of browsing NYT content. Good use of layout and @font-face
a new application for that provides online readers with the layout and experience of paging through a newspaper
"I like this new interface to the NYT online. The Times’s PR announcement describes it as more like a newspaper, but I’d say that’s true only in spirit. It’s far less cluttered than the regular Times web site layout, and it feels faster. Cutting-edge on the tech side, too: in Safari it displays headlines and sub-heads using the same fonts as the print edition, thanks to the new CSS @font-face property and TypeKit."
さよならFirefox 気づいたらGoogleChromeがデフォルトブラウザだった件|MOBILE POWER ~読書とかiPhoneとか~ - livedoor Blog(ブログ)
HEY-IT - We want to get rid of IE6!
campagne voorbeeld met social buttons
HEY-IT - We want to get rid of IE6!
Let's wake up IT and get them to upgrade our browser. Get rid of IE6!
11 Chrome Extensions, For Starters
Google promised that Chrome would be fast to launch and fast to load web pages, but people predicted it would fail with the arrival of its extensions. Well, the extensions are here (at least for some of us) and surprisingly they do not affect the browser’s performance. And not only that, but playing with Google Chrome Extensions is like child’s play, whether you’ve added a new extension, or deleted one, you won’t need to restart your browser.
meget små spil som kan spilles
web-based toolkit for making and sharing hosted JS games
Toda uma plataforma que permite usar javascript e dhtml para criar jogos excelentes que rodam em qualquer browser. Permite acessar teclado, mouse, joystick, tocar som, e com sistema de colisões, deformação, camadas, etc.
this is a weird duck: game development library/hosting (?!) that abstracts away the DOM for writing sprite/tile-based games (doesn't use html5 canvas!). I think it's sort of limited by the fact that your games *must* be hosted on their site, and the engine itself doesn't seem to be open source. wonder if they're going to try to license it...?
chrome extension
a nice browser market share time-line visualization!
Ten must-have Google Chrome extensions
Chromium Blog: Web Sockets Now Available In Google Chrome
Web Sockets Now Available In Google Chrome
The Web Sockets API enables web applications to handle bidirectional communications with server-side process in a straightforward way.
When will this be usable?
"Starting in the Google Chrome developer channel release, Web Sockets are available and enabled by default. Web Sockets are "TCP for the Web," a next-generation bidirectional communication technology for web applications being standardized in part of Web Applications 1.0."
Chrome set to take over the world
The Web Sockets API enables web applications to handle bidirectional communications with server-side process in a straightforward way. Developers have been using XMLHttpRequest ("XHR") for such purposes, but XHR makes developing web applications that communicate back and forth to the server unnecessarily complex. XHR is basically asynchronous HTTP, and because you need to use a tricky technique like long-hanging GET for sending data from the server to the browser, simple tasks rapidly become complex. As opposed to XMLHttpRequest, Web Sockets provide a real bidirectional communication channel in your browser. Once you get a Web Socket connection, you can send data from browser to server by calling a send() method, and receive data from server to browser by an onmessage event handler.
Google Chrome 拡張機能47個まとめ Google Chromeを壊してまで厳選 - WEBマーケティング ブログ
Chrome テーマまで綺麗にデフォルトへ戻してくれるとは、、、ともかく入れすぎは注意なので、厳選したものだけをご紹介します。
Browser Size
Chromium Blog: Technically speaking, what makes Google Chrome fast?
We've often been asked what makes Google Chrome so fast -- from its snappy start-up time and fast page-loading, to the ability to run complex web applications quickly. To walk through some of the thought processes and technical decisions involved in making Google Chrome a fast browser, we've put together three technical interviews on DNS pre-resolution, the V8 JavaScript engine, and DOM bindings. In a future post, we'll also cover other important areas like WebKit and UI responsiveness.
Spoiler alert: DNS pre-resolution, the V8 JavaScript engine, and DOM bindings
Chrome does indeed has a fast.
A piece with a lot of screenshots about the close tab behaviour in Google Chrome | The Invisible
Well considered, with a wonderful pay-off line
interesting accelerator for mouse users in chrome. delay in resizing when closing tabs, to make it easier to close multiple.
Please Scroll
The title tag reads: "Please Scroll." This is great for those bastards that didn't have anything to say early on and all of sudden they're concerned about something that is quite ambiguous like the "FOLD."
Remember it.
There is no page fold:
Official Google Blog: Browser Size: a tool to see how others view your website
neat tool
Google Code Blog: Introducing Google Browser Size
Using this visualization, Bruno confirmed that about 10% of users couldn't see the download button without scrolling, and thus never noticed it. 10% may not sound like a lot, but in this context it turns out to mean a significant number of people weren't downloading Google Earth. Using this data, the team was able to redesign the page to good effect.
show to Chad
Browser Size, hoeveel procent ziet een bepaald element van je website..
Browser Pong
During play, the negative space between windows is transformed into a playing field—the abstracted tennis court of Pong.
LaTeX and MathML math notation in HTML pages
MathJax is an open source, Ajax-based math display solution designed with a goal of consolidating advances in many web technologies in a single definitive math-on-the-web platform supporting all major browsers.
‘MathJax is an open source, Ajax-based math display solution designed with a goal of consolidating advances in many web technologies in a single definitive math-on-the-web platform supporting all major browsers.’
High-quality display of LaTeX and MathML math notation in HTML pages
Apple - Safari - 150 Features - Learn about the features available in the world’s fastest and most innovative web browser.
Web Insp
Como usar o safari...da Apple
Official Google Blog: Faster apps for a faster web: introducing Speed Tracer
Speed Tracer is a Google Chrome extension that enables developers to identify performance problems in their web apps using a "Sluggishness Graph," in combination with many other metrics.
12/08/2009 07:14:00 PM Do you ever wonder what's going on inside the browser when a webpage doesn't load or respond as quickly as it should? Many developers do, especially when trying to build powerful web applications for their users. But up until now, it's been difficult for developers to identify problems in a slow-to-respond application. So, tonight at Google Campfire One, we're happy to announce that we're adding a new tool to Google Web Toolkit called Speed Tracer. Speed Tracer is a Google Chrome extension that enables developers to identify performance problems in their web apps using a "Sluggishness Graph," in combination with many other metrics. In the spirit of clean, simple design, developers need only look at the Y-Axis of their application's Sluggishness Graph to see how they're doing: * If the y-axis is close to zero, then the app is fast * If the y-axis registers around 100%, then the app is, well, sluggish And in either case, Speed Tracer provides lots of ad
再起動なしでFirefoxの内部データベースをさくっと最適化する小技 - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ
Firefox ファイヤ
kpreid: Brain-dump for the beginning JavaScript programmer
Some pretty weird things I didn't know about in here.
Most Popular Firefox Extensions and Themes of 2009 - Firefox Extensions - Lifehacker
This year's release of Firefox 3.5 gave us a lot of reasons to like it, but its extensibility remains everyone's favorite feature. These add-ons and theme tools were the most popular in the year gone by.
The Top 5 Google Alternatives and Why You Should Use Them
小粋空間: Firebug の使い方:(X)HTML と CSS の確認・修正方法のまとめ
Promises to basically be the Next Generation's web browser for social networking.. In particular, Facebook is getting a fair share of mention in the early hypes right now.. Backed by Netscape founder Marc Andreessen, will be fun to watch this something new as it evolves.. :)
Google Chrome Themes Gallery
12 Killer Tips for Designing in the Browser | Design Shack
webdesign css design tips browser Excellent site to test a site in diff browsers
重要度別におすすめするGoogle Chromeのエクステンション:945分の50選 | リアルタイムウェブ.jp
#chrome #browser #addon
10 Web Browsers You Probably Haven’t Heard Of
Article on alternate web browsers.
Six Revisions is a blog that shares useful information about web development and design, dedicated to people who build websites."
Jag kände igen alla utom två, vad om dig?
There are more than a dozen excellent alternative browsers out there if you're looking for something distinctive. Here are ten such web browsers, along with why you might want to consider using them.
Alternative browsers - may be handy for testing!
Flickr Photo Download: IE6 denial message for
You know what? I can believe he's related to that guy…
ブラウザだけでCSSレイアウトに対応したページをさくさく作ることができる『Drawter』 | 100SHIKI.COM
How To Install Firebug on IE, Safari, Chrome & Opera
A J/S, lite version of firebug for any browser.
(no description)
Gmail Plugin for Contacts and Attachments | MailBrowser
MailBrowser is a Gmail Plugin that helps you easily manage your contacts and attachments
MailBrowser is a free Gmail™ Plugin that helps you easily manage your contacts and attachments
Are You Ready To Transfer To Chrome? - 30 Irreplaceable Chrome Extensions | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
geuis's helium-css at master - GitHub
Helium is a tool for discovering unused CSS across many pages on a web site. The tool is javascript-based and runs from the browser.
Helium - javascript tool to scan your site and show unused CSS
integrate this into release procedure
determine unused css
tool for identifying unused css
IE6 denial message for on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
IE6 vs IE7, Safari, Opera, Firefox
This was such a fun project -- this is what users of Internet Explorer 6 see when they visit Momentile. You can see sketches and a bit of the process on my website. UPDATE: There have been many requests to use this image on other websites, so I've decided to release it under a Creative Commons license. You are free to reuse the image on your own website as long as credit is given and linked back to For prints, contact me directly.
IE6 go home, IE6 play
I can't belive you're related to that guy. Don't remind me!
BrowserCouch Documentation
BrowserCouch is an attempt at an in-browser MapReduce implementation.
BrowserCouch is an attempt at an in-browser MapReduce implementation. It's written entirely in JavaScript and intended to work on all browsers, gracefully upgrading when support for better efficiency or feature set is detected.Not coincidentally, this library is intended to mimic the functionality of CouchDB on the client-side, and may even support integration with CouchDB in the futur
"BrowserCouch is an attempt at an in-browser MapReduce implementation. It's written entirely in JavaScript and intended to work on all browsers, gracefully upgrading when support for better efficiency or feature set is detected. Not coincidentally, this library is intended to mimic the functionality of CouchDB on the client-side, and may even support integration with CouchDB in the future."
Make the Most of Chrome with These 13 Excellent Extensions - Chrome Extensions - Lifehacker
Shortly after Google Chrome's Extensions gallery opened, we rounded up 18 worthy downloads. Now that Chrome's official add-on market has matured a bit, we've dug up more productive, annoyance-fixing, feature-adding extensions that you should consider adding to your collection.
Right after Google Chrome's Extensions gallery opened, we found 18 worthy downloads. Now that Chrome's official add-on market has been around for a bit, we have found more productive, annoyance-fixing, feature-adding extensions that you really should consider adding to your collection.
Right after Google Chrome's Extensions gallery opened, we found 18 worthy downloads. Now that Chrome's official add-on market has matured a bit, we've found more productive, annoyance-fixing, feature-adding extensions that you should consider adding to your collection.
Shortly after Google Chrome's Extensions gallery opened, we found eighteen worthy downloads. Now that Chrome's official add-on market has matured a bit, we've found more productive, annoyance-fixing, awesome feature-adding extensions that you should consider adding to your collection.
Be still my heart: multi-touch tab switching in Firefox!
Did you know you can switch tabs in Firefox by making a twisting motion with your fingers on a multi-touch surface? I did. ...
Did you know you can switch tabs in Firefox by making a twisting motion with your fingers on a multi-touch surface? I did. Turns out I’ve been doing it for months — I thought I was late to the party and was too ashamed to mention it to anybody for fear of an epic internet ribbing (”What, you just figured that out?”). But no, apparently it was top secret and highly experimental. That was in the beta, though; it looks like the official version has reduced it to a hack. Fortunately, mastering this multi-touch-enabling technique will allow you to tweak your gestures, resulting in everlasting glory.
This is awesome. Try it if you haven't already.
Keith Clark - IE CSS3 pseudo selectors
Metoda na css3 w IE
ie-css3.js allows Internet Explorer to identify CSS3 pseudo selectors and render any style rules defined with them. Simply include the script in your pages and start using these selectors in your style sheets — they'll work in IE... Honest...!
Your Bookmarklets, On Steroids – Quix
Quix é um bookmarklet extensível, o que lhe permite aceder facilmente a todos os seus favoritos e bookmarklets, em todos os seus navegadores
Joost De Valk's extension of Shaun Inman's Shortwave extensible bookmarklet. Especially useful on the iPhone.
Quix is an extensible bookmarklet, that allows you to easily access all your bookmarks and bookmarklets, across all your browsers, while maintaining them in only one spot. All you have to do is remember the shortcut for the bookmarklet, so, basically, it’s like a command line for your browser
Quix is an extensible bookmarklet, that allows you to easily access all your bookmarks and bookmarklets, across all your browsers, while maintaining them in only one spot.
CSS Transparency in All The Browsers | Design Dazzling
CSS Transparency in All The Browsers | Design Dazzling
Googleのトップページを開くと毎秒100回JavaScriptが実行されるよ - 射撃しつつ前転
var k=t.value;k!=h&&X(0);h=k というコードが毎秒100回実行されている。
具体的には、var k=t.value;k!=h&&X(0);h=k というコードが毎秒100回実行されている
* Googleのトップページは開いているだけでCPUを使うので、用事がないときは開かないようにしよう。 * Amazon、YouTube、IEEEなども同様に、開いているだけでCPUを使うので、用事がないときは開かないようにしよう。 * YOMIURI ONLINEとBing(のトップページ)にもすこし気をつけよう。
Useful Tools for Testing Cross Browser Compatibility | Web Design Ledger
How-To: Speed Up, Customize, and Secure Firefox, Chrome, IE8, and Opera | Maximum PC
With this guide, we will show you the essential initial tweaks everyone should make to “awesomize” their browser. Whether it’s accelerating browser page-load performance, boosting security, or just improving the look of the interface, we teach you the tweaks that we think should be implemented the first time you start up a browser after installation.
The Mysterious Pseudo Class in CSS
10 Common CSS Browser Compatibility Issues/Bugs You Must Know | TutorialFeed
It's another IE bug caused by placing a list with a background set within a floated <div> that has been relatively positioned. Problem and solutions discussed here.
IE hacks, fixes for css
In today's scenario browser bugs with CSS can be an incredible source of frustration for Web designers and developers. In this post I'm sharing some most common CSS browser compatibility Issues/Bugs. Here's the following list:
10 Common CSS Browser Compatibility Issues/Bugs You Must Know
20 Indispensable Browser Based Apps | Design Informer
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Emulación del sistema operativo Windows v3.11 en JavaScript
Windows 3.1 in a browser window
Home page of Michael Vincent, containing information about calculators, computers, and plenty of random nonsense.
windows emulato in javascript
"Panopticlick tests your browser to see how unique it is based on the information it will share with sites it visits."
is it possible to uniquely identify your browser w/o any cookies involved? apparently, that's quite feasible.
25 Tweaks for Your Firefox Status Bar | Firefox Facts
Want to add a few more features and functionality to your Firefox status bar?  Here are a some common tweaks you may want to make, and how you can get them
Want to add a few more features and functionality to your Firefox status bar? Here are a some common tweaks you may want to make, and how you can get them added to your own browser.
CSS hacks & browser version detection – a new approach | Reinhold Weber
browser detection with php
A more elaborate way of dealing with css browser inconsistencies using a little PHP magic.
How to run Safari 4 beta and Safari 3 on the same mac: BeatnikPad Journal
Chromium Blog: Danger: Mac and Linux builds available
@phonescooper Link to the blog post here [from]
In order to get more feedback from developers, we have early developer channel versions of Google Chrome for Mac OS X and Linux, but whatever you do, please DON'T DOWNLOAD THEM!
» @font-face Browser Support & Tutorial :: CSS, JavaScript and XHTML Explained
Goede uitleg van @font-face en met overzicht van browsersupport
10 ways to make Internet Explorer act like a modern browser
10 ways to make Internet Explorer act like a modern browser
Greasemonkey: The 7 Best New Browser Tweaks and How to Use Them - ReadWriteWeb
Greasemonkey is a powerful Firefox extension that allows users to change the layout and functionality of web pages. Every month hundreds of people write and release Greasemonkey "scripts" that anyone can add to their browser with a single click. A good Greasemonkey script will change your daily use of the web in ways you can't imagine being without. In the post below we highlight our seven favorite scripts published in the last month and offer a quick screencast that will show you how to use Greasemonkey in less than 5 minutes.
Web Designers' Browser Support Checklist, Web Designers' Browser Support Checklist : FindMeByIP : what browser am I using, how modern is my web browser, and what's my IP address?
Web Designers' Browser Support Checklist
Clever stylesheet that blanks out comments on many popular websites.
"… a custom user stylesheet that can be applied to your browser to hide comments on many popular web sites without user intervention."
shutup.css is a custom user stylesheet that can be applied to your browser to hide comments on many popular web sites without user intervention.
James Hopkins » IE8 Bugs
James Hopkins’ compiled list of IE8 bugs and test cases. This should be something which Microsoft itself keeps public track on.
Parent Hacks: KidZui is a Kid Friendly Web Interface
KidZui is a child-safe internet front end that calls upon an enormous whitelist of websites, pictures, videos, and games that have all been reviewed by a group of volunteers composed of parents and educators.
Opera Unite developer's primer - Opera Developer Community
Opera Unite developer's primer
Opera Unite features a Web server running inside the Opera browser, which allows you to do some amazing things. At the touch of a button, you can share images, documents, video, music, games, collaborative applications and all manner of other things with your friends and colleagues. This article gets you started on the road to Opera Unite Service development — it describes how the Opera Unite Web Server in Opera works and how it can be used. Below I will briefly recap some of the basic concepts related to Opera Unite, show how you can enable the Web server in your browser, and give an example of how to write a simple Opera Unite blog service.
Opera Unite features a Web server running inside the Opera browser, which allows you to do some amazing things. At the touch of a button, you can share images, documents, video, music, games, collaborative applications and all manner of other things with your friends and colleagues.
Documentation and examples of unite services
Introduction Opera Unite features a Web server running inside the Opera browser, which allows you to do some amazing things. At the touch of a button, you can share images, documents, video, music, games, collaborative applications and all manner of other things with your friends and colleagues. This article gets you started on the road to Opera Unite Service development — it describes how the Opera Unite Web Server in Opera works and how it can be used. Below I will briefly recap some of the basic concepts related to Opera Unite, show how you can enable the Web server in your browser, and give an example of how to write a simple Opera Unite blog service.
Firefox Tips: 5 Ways to Spice Up Your Sidebar
Firefox Tips: 5 Ways to Spice Up Your Sidebar
Firefoxを簡単に軽くする2つの方法 - 2のまとめR
Why Web Developers Should Switch to Google Chrome - Nettuts+
17 Google Chrome Extensions for Web Designers and Developers –
10 really cool Google Chrome hacks | News | TechRadar UK
hen you enter a search te
20 Instant Upgrades to Make Chrome Better than Firefox | Maximum PC
Show of hands - how many of you are still clinging to Firefox not because it's the perfect browser, but because it's the best alternative out there to Internet Explorer? Probably a good many of you, and the reason why Firefox has been so hard to supplant as the No. 2 gateway to the Web is because Mozilla had the foresight to make it extensible. Thousands of add-ons exist allowing users to custom tailor the open- source browser however they see fit, and it only takes a few mouse clicks to do so.
The Life, Times (and Death?) of Internet Explorer 6 (Comic Strip) - Smashing Magazine
In recent years Internet Explorer 6 has become the browser web designers love to hate. Security issues, JavaScript errors and inexplicable CSS rendering quirks have...
n recent years Internet Explorer 6 has become the browser web designers love to hate. Security issues, JavaScript errors and inexplicable CSS rendering quirks have made it the brunt of many jokes. With IE6 in its twilight and big companies like Google dropping support, it seems like a good time to take a fond look back at our old foe. In this post we’re looking at what Internet Explorer 6 used to be and why its image changed over the years. You can also see the comic in a larger version. Do we need to review our projects in Internet Explorer 6? Can we stop supporting IE6? If not, how do we handle those users who are still using IE6? And if yes, how can we prompt IE6 users to upgrade? Or how do we convince those who don’t allow their employees to get rid of the legacy browser to upgrade? What do you think? We are looking forward to your opinions in the comments to this post!
Really Nicely Illustrated!
I finally know where Andy Clarke got his Twitter avatar...
Mobile Browser Battlemodo: Which Phones Deliver The Real Web
Excellent overview of Mobile Browsers and comparison - c. late 2008. Safari, Android, IE, Opera Mini, etc
smartphone browsers review
We tested every browser only using the full—not mobile—versions of selected sites
15 Highly-Useful Resources for Cross Browser Testing –
Browser testing is one of the parts of the design and development process that is necessary but never really enjoyable. With the number of browsers and operating systems that are available, it can be a very time-consuming process to test your website in the environments of visitors. There are a number of tools and resources that have been created to help with this situation, and we’ll profile 15 of them in this post.
Articles and Resources for Web Designers
Lijst van tools voor browsercheck
What really happens when you navigate to a URL
As a software developer, you certainly have a high-level picture of how web apps work and what kinds of technologies are involved: the browser, HTTP, HTML, web server, request handlers, and so on. In this article, we will take a deeper look at the sequence of events that take place when you visit a URL. - test any web page in any window size
13 Useful Google Chrome Extensions for Web Developers | Tools
Information and downloads for Google Chrome extentions aimed at web developers
Google Chrome, like Firefox, has the ability to increase its functionality and capabilities through the use of extensions. If you’re a web developer, Google Chrome comes with a nice set of developer tools built in that will make your life easier. But there are also a number of extensions that will give you even more tools at your disposal. The great thing about extensions is that they allow you to perform tasks that would normally require you to switch over to another application. Being able to perform certain tasks without leaving your browser can be a big time saver. Here are 13 Google Chrome extensions that you should find very useful.
Google Chrome, like Firefox, has the ability to increase its functionality and capabilities through the use of extensions. If you're a web developer, Google
Announcement | IE6 Funeral
"Internet Explorer Six, resident of the interwebs for over 8 years, died the morning of March 1, 2010 in Mountain View, California, as a result of a workplace injury sustained at the headquarters of Google, Inc. Internet Explorer Six, known to friends and family as "IE6," is survived by son Internet Explorer Seven, and grand-daughter Internet Explorer Eight."
Site humoristique qui annonce la mort de IE6.
Internet Explorer Six, resident of the interwebs for over 8 years, died the morning of March 1, 2010 in Mountain View, California, as a result of a workplace injury sustained at the headquarters of Google, Inc. Internet Explorer Six, known to friends and family as "IE6," is survived by son Internet Explorer Seven, and grand-daughter Internet Explorer Eight. Venue Change: Apparently even more people want to see IE6's cold dead body than we imagined. To better accommodate the overwhelming response, we're changing the venue. On Thursday, March 4, 2010, at 7:00 p.m., we'll gather with fellow IE6 friends and loved ones at Forest Room 5, 2532 15th Street, Denver, CO 80211-3902 to pay our respects. Those unable to attend the funeral are asked to send flowers.
Funny and very smart from the organizers. --- "Internet Explorer Six, resident of the interwebs for over 8 years, died the morning of March 1, 2010 in Mountain View, California, as a result of a workplace injury sustained at the headquarters of Google, Inc. Internet Explorer Six, known to friends and family as "IE6," is survived by son Internet Explorer Seven, and grand-daughter Internet Explorer Eight. Funeral services for Internet Explorer Six will be held at 7pm on March 4 at Aten Design Group, 1629 Downing Street, Denver, CO 80218. Those unable to attend the funeral are asked to send flowers."
Internet Explorer Six, resident of the interwebs for over 8 years, died the morning of March 1, 2010 in Mountain View, California, as a result of a workplace injury sustained at the headquarters of Google, Inc. Internet Explorer Six, known to friends and family as "IE6," is survived by son Internet Explorer Seven, and grand-daughter Internet Explorer Eight.
Internet Explorer Six, resident of the interwebs for over 8 years, died the morning of March 1, 2010 in Mountain View, California, as a result of a workplace injury sustained at the headquarters of Google, Inc
I'm just sayin'
fingers that fuck when you change the size of the browser window
サイト公開前に役立ちそうなフリーのツールやWebサービスいろいろ - かちびと.net
gleeBox: Keyboard glee for your web
Keyboard glee for your web
gleeBox is an experimental project that takes a keyboard-centric approach to navigating the web. It provides alternatives to actions that are traditionally performed via the mouse. Some of these are radically more efficient than using a mouse, some not so much. In all cases, they are mostly meant for keyboard and command line lovers. Here's a short screencast that goes through the new features introduced in version 1.0:
gleeBox is an experimental project that takes a keyboard-centric approach to navigating the web. It provides alternatives to actions traditonally performed via the mouse and is meant mostly for keyboard and command line lovers.
Ajaxian » Meer Meer: Cross browser testing all through your one browser!
10 Essential Chrome Extensions for Web Developers
Now extensions are supported in Chrome and some of the tools you’re accustomed to using in Firefox have become available, plus a few unique to Chrome. We’ve compiled a list of ten of the most useful Chrome extensions for web developers right here
mootoh.log - Native Client
"Java は思想的に近いだろうけど、さらに泥臭いことができるという。あと、 Java とか Flash だと、中間に VM というレイヤがあるのですが、 Native Client ではそこをすっとばしていきなりネイティブをさわりにいく"
Native Client
GoogleのNative Client概要
Less Framework
10 Fun and Free Browser-Based Games | Web.AppStorm
Introducing EnhanceJS: A smarter, safer way to apply progressive enhancement | Filament Group, Inc., Boston, MA
Introducing EnhanceJS, a JavaScript framework designed specifically to deliver a usable experience to the widest possible audience, by testing the browser to determine whether it is capable of correctly supporting a range of essential CSS and JavaScript properties, and delivering features only to those that pass the test.
Norwegian Websites Declare War on IE 6 | Epicenter from
Die IE6, die! Browsercide evangelism FTW!
Several large websites in Norway have launched an advocacy campaign urging Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 users to upgrade their outdated web browsers.
15 Google Chrome Extensions For Web Designers And Developers | Tools |
IE6 Must Die - Start Something! -
Support IE6 Must Die, add a #twibbon to your avatar now! - [from]
Support IE6 Must Die, add a #twibbon to your avatar now! - [from]
Support IE6 Must Die, add a #twibbon to your avatar now! - [from]
Support IE6 Must Die and add an overlay to your avatar! is the easiest way to promote awareness of your cause on twitter. Start something today!
Support IE6 Must Die, add a #twibbon to your avatar now! - [from]
開発者に聞く、Google Chromeが目指すもの - @IT
John Resig - How do Mobile Browsers Behave?
Mobile Browsers Compatibility Table
A study on how mobile browsers work...
Delicious popular
site bizarre euh pong programing art master 2 m2
sylvain pong with javascript windows
window pong in a browser
BBC NEWS | Technology | Serious security flaw found in IE
"Users of Microsoft's Internet Explorer are being urged by experts to switch to a rival until a serious security flaw has been fixed."
Tip: High quality CSS thumbnails in IE7 « Devthought
IE7 supports a custom bicubic resampling mode for images.
интерполяция изображений в ИЕ
[JS]Firefox 2/3, Safariも判別する1行のスクリプト | コリス
昨日紹介した「わずか「12文字」でIEを判別するスクリプト」に続いて、Firefox 2/3, Safariを判別する1行のスクリプトをThe Spannerから紹介します。 FF=/a/[-1]=='a' FF3=(function x(){})[-5]=='x' FF2=(function x(){})[-6]=='x' Saf=/a/.__proto__=='//'
Firefoxのもっさりの原因である肥大化したプロファイルを再構成してきびきびした動作に戻してくれる『FireUpFox』 | Macの手書き説明書
SQLiteのvacuumコマンドで再構成する方法がありますが、それをAppleScriptで代わりにやってくれるソフト Mac
Debugging and Testing in Internet Explorer Made Easy |
post bem interessante com links para programas bacanas (inclusive pacotes das versões do ie) sobre debug nos ie
It’s somewhat usual to leave the testing with Internet Explorer until the end of the project. This is quite acceptable when you’re dealing mainly with layout issues. But when you’re building a web application with loads of features, there are several issues to struggle with: constant debugging, client-side performance, proprietary bugs and so on. However, getting your hands dirty with IE doesn’t always feel as comfortable as with other browsers. In this article, I’m going to list and review different set of tools, which will help you and make your debugging and testing process in Internet Explorer much more enjoyable.
Internet Explorer 9: Platform Demos
RT @joelmoss: Why is IE 9 advertising that it fails the Acid 3 test? (via @rbates)
CSS Bugs and Inconsistencies in Firefox 3.x | Webdesigner Depot
There aren't many articles covering incompatibilities, or CSS differences in Firefox alone — and for good reason. Firefox has always done an excellent
Good article on Firefox CSS bugs
Everything you need to know about HTML5 video and audio - Opera Developer Community
Cross Browser CSS Transforms – even in IE
3d Html Eleman Yapımı
Firefox3の個人的おすすめアドオン10選 | MOON CHRONICLE
20 Firefox Add-ons for Hackers and Power Users -
super interesante el que simula inyecciones sql
firefox plugins
Breaking: Internet Explorer 8.1 Eagle Eyes Leaked | How-To | Smashing Magazine
server-side decompiler on IE8.1? Hu? [from]
Reading: Breaking: Internet Explorer 8.1 Eagle Eyes Leaked [from]
Breaking News: Smashing Magazine April Fools leaked in March - [from]
Smashing Magazine tries to be at the forefront of new and exciting developments in the wide world of the web. You might have heard that we met with the IE 8 Chief Strategist in the past, so it should come as no surprise that we like to keep up with the latest events in the web browser industry.
CoScripter is a system for recording, automating, and sharing processes performed in a web browser such as printing photos online, requesting a vacation hold for postal mail, or checking flight arrival times.
Firefox automation for websites testing
create tracks, remix arrangements
incredibly well-done.
Das sollen sehr coole Audio-Tools sein die crazy Flash-Coding benötigt haben sollen...
Flash based Audiotool 1.0 launched by Hobnox
Quick Tip: How to Target IE6, IE7, and IE8 Uniquely with 4 Characters | Nettuts+
Internet Explorer UA Style Sheets
Web Design - HTML5 & CSS3 Checklist
AJAX File Browser Demo
AJAX File Browser demo with IT Hit WebDAV Server Engine running on server side
5 Amazing HTML5 Features to Look Forward to | Geektechnica
5 bijzondere nieuwe features in HTML 5
[CSS]スタイルシートを自動でIE6対応にするオンラインサービス -ie6fixer | コリス
Use jQuery - Blog - Brosho 'Design in the Browser' jQuery Plugin
With this Plugin you can style your markup right in your browser with a build-in element selector and CSS editor. Generate the CSS code of altered elements with one click and use it in your own stylesheet.
h one
quake2-gwt-port - Project Hosting on Google Code
10 Google Chrome Extensions for Boosting Your Productivity
RT @web20classroom: RT @hoprea: RT @courosa: "10 Google Chrome Extensions for Boosting Your Productivity"
Nice to see increased usability in Chrome
RT @sixrevisions 10 Google Chrome Extensions for Boosting Your Productivity
Google Chrome
Give information on my computer research paper
Video demo of multifunciton type-search bar
iPad Peek
RT @seth_weisfeld: See how your website looks on the iPad: /via @hugeinc
RT @fbrahimi: RT @louis_marie_c: Si tu veux savoir comment sera ton site sur iPad via @MacBrains (sympa)
See how your website looks on the iPad: /via @hugeinc
Try your site out on a ipad layout.
RT @digital_times Hah, very nice. Want to see how your site looks on the iPad. Go here.
特集:Google ChromeをIEやFirefox並に使いこなす16のTips :教えて君.net
流星の如くあらわれたGoogle製ブラウザ「Google Chrome」。重厚路線を突き進むFirefox、IEなどのブラウザを尻目に軽快なフットワークでウェブサービスを取り込み、急速に勢力を拡大しつつある。もはやおまけのブラウザではない「Chrome」の特徴をしっかり把握して、適材適所で使いこなせるようになろう!
The HTML5 test - How well does your browser support HTML5?
142/160 for Chrome 5.0.371.0 (Official Build 43900) dev / Mac10.5.8
The HTML5 test score is only an indication of how well your browser supports the upcoming HTML5 standard. It does not try to test all of the new features offered by HTML5, nor does it try to test the functionality of each feature it does detect. Despite these shortcomings we hope that by quantifying the level of support users and web developers will get an idea of how hard the browser manufacturers work on improving their browsers and the web as a development platform.
CSS3 support in Internet Explorer 6, 7, and 8
Script para forzar a Internet Explorer a soportar algunas propiedades de CSS3 /cc @chulini @cabrera @wiredlain
Mobile Web and App Development Testing and Emulation Tools - Speckyboy Design Magazine
jStorage - simple JavaScript plugin to store data locally
Vimium - the hacker's browser
Vimium - the hacker's browser (via @Woork)
vimperator for chrome!
Vimium is a Google Chrome extension which provides keyboard shortcuts for navigation and control in the spirit of the Vim editor. Watch this video to get a feel for how it works:
Vimium is a Google Chrome extension which provides keyboard shortcuts for navigation and control in the spirit of the Vim editor.
Apparently, the bindings only work when the page would run javascript anyway, so e.g. you can't use them with raw images.
Kylo Browser
HTML5 Readiness
HTML5 & CSS3 Readiness #html #browser #css3
A Visualization of how ready different parts of HTML5/CSS3 are for day to day use
高木浩光@自宅の日記 - 「NoScript」をやめて「RequestPolicy」にした
NoScript いいけどなぁ。一般人には使いにくいだろうけど。普段使わないサイトで JavaScript が必要な場合は、Chrome か Safari を使うので問題ないし。
Different Stylesheets for Differently Sized Browser Windows | CSS-Tricks
Different Stylesheets for Differently Sized Browser Windows
Enabling the Back Button | jQuery for Designers - Tutorials and screencasts
As we build more and more Ajaxy applications, and our apps reside on a single page, the browser’s native back button can get more and more broken. This episode will show you how to re-enable the back button on your apps.
15 Google Chrome Extensions for People Who Build Websites
We share with you the top ten Chrome extensions for designers and developers.
15 extensions Google pour les concepteurs de sites Web (Six Revisions) – Gilles Klein (GillesKLEIN)
RT @GillesKLEIN: 15 extensions Google pour les concepteurs de sites Web (Six Revisions)
Socialthing for Websites
# Enable everyone coming to your site to broadcast their activity to their social graph # Socialthing for Websites doesn’t require clients or plugins to be installed by the user # Deeper engagement through synchronous communication (IM and Chat)
SocialThing é da TimeWarner
Socialthing for Websites is an advanced suite of social networking services that enable site owners to keep users engaged wherever they are.
QuirksBlog: A pixel is not a pixel is not a pixel
Now what is the layout viewport? It’s the area (in CSS pixels) that the
Nice breakdown of browser resolutions and web development on mobile browsers / via /
Peter-Paul Koch reder ut begreppen runt skärmbredd, css-pixlar och device-independent pixlar.
Web forms interface gallery
Research into how Web browsers apply CSS properties/values onto form elements.
Research into how Web browsers apply CSS properties/values onto form elements. Browsers: Internet Explorer 5.5 - Internet Explorer 6 - Internet Explorer 7 - Internet Explorer 8b2 - Firefox 1.5 - Firefox 2 - Firefox 3 - Opera 8.5 - Opera 9 - Chrome1 - Netscape Navigator 7.2 Operating System: Mac OS - Windows OS CSS Properties: background-color - background-image - border: 0 - border-color - border-style - border-width - color - font-family - font-size - font-weight - height - letter-spacing - line-height - margin - padding - text-align - text-decoration - width - text-indent - word-spacing Form Elements: Input-Radio Buttons- Input-File Upload - Textarea - Input-Text - Input-Checkboxes - Select-Multiple Items - Select-Single Item - Submit Button
Home - Lord of Ultima
Like the original Ultima games??
8 of the Best Chrome Extensions for Web Designers
CSS3 Solutions for Internet Explorer - Smashing Magazine
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(color='#969696', Direction=145, Strength=3);
MediaFox: A Firefox Build with Media on the Mind
Windows only: If you're considering ditching your cable television altogether and partaking of the buffet of free media available online, you definitely want to check out MediaFox, a custom version of Firefox Portable.
Annotated link
Google製サイト高速化Firefoxアドオン「Page Speed」を試してみました:phpspot開発日誌
JavaScript 等の速度を測定する。Firefox add-on
25 Resources for Learning How to Customize Your Browser - Mashable
No matter which browser you prefer, there’s a plethora of ways to customize the way you surf the Web. There are countless plugins, extensions, toolbars and more. Some of these are easy to install while others require a little more effort.
Great Collection of tools for different browsers
The Importance of Cross Browser Compatibility: Tips and Resources - Noupe
The Importance of Cross Browser Compatibility: Tips and Resources
크로스브라우징을 위한 리셋 및 테스터
What is this?
When can I use...
Compatibility tables for features in HTML5, CSS3, SVG and other upcoming web technologies
Ah, how exactly this matches what I wonder on a daily basis...
den stora frågan med html5 är när vi kan använda alla features. ger delvis svaren... #w2e – Martin Belak (belak)
Browize | Online Browser Resizer
Online Browser Resizer
Resize windows online
Browize allows you to resize your browser without using a plugin or addon and only requires javascript to run.
Google Chrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"..The name is derived from the graphical user interface frame, or "chrome", of web browsers. As of April 2010, Chrome was the third most widely used browser, with 6.73% of worldwide usage share of web browsers, according to Net Applications. In September 2008, Google released a large portion of Chrome's source code, including its V8 JavaScript engine, as an open source project entitled Chromium. This move enabled third-party developers to study the underlying source code and help port the browser to Mac OS X and Linux.. The Google-authored portion of Chromium is released under the permissive BSD license, which allows portions to be incorporated into both open source and closed-source software programs. Other portions of the source code are subject to a variety of open-source licenses. Chromium implements the same feature set as Chrome, but lacks built in automatic updates and Google branding, most notably it has a blue-colored logo in place of the multicolored Google logo.." :-)
Google Chrome is a web browser released by Google which uses the WebKit layout engine and application framework. It was first released as a beta version for Microsoft Windows on 2 September 2008, and the public stable release was on 11 December 2008. The name is derived from the graphical user interface frame, or "chrome", of web browsers. In September 2009, Chrome was the fourth most widely used browser, with 2.84% of worldwide usage share of web browsers.[1] Development versions of Chrome for Linux and Mac OS X were released in June 2009. Google released the entire source code of Chrome, including its bespoke V8 JavaScript engine as an open source project entitled Chromium, in 2008.[2][3] This move enabled third-party developers to port the browser to the Linux and Mac OS X platforms, apart from being able to study the underlying source code. A Google spokesperson also expressed hope that other browsers will adopt V8 to help web applications.[4] (...)
Javascript feature tests
Scribd in HTML5 | Scribd
Sweet! Scribd, now in HTML5: (link to their presentation about the change)
Scribd is a way to easily put your documents online.
Flash -> HTML5
RT @nitot: Moving away from Flash to HTML5 : #html5
mrdoob's three.js at master - GitHub
three.js Javascript 3D Engine
3D js 库 html5
Javascript 3D Engine
SVG Wow!
Look ma, no Flash!
The All-In-One Almost-Alphabetical No-Bullshit Guide to Detecting Everything - Dive Into HTML5
Appendix A: All-In-One Almost-Alphabetical No-Bullshit Guide to Detecting Everything
If you want the guts of how Modernizr HTML5 CSS3 feature detection works...
Demo: FireFox 3.5 Treats Videos Like Web Pages. Why Can’t Flash Do That?
#swear #superlative.
Mais uma notícia sobre HTML 5....
Very cool demo of new HTML-5 video.
This has amazing implications for product placement in the future – the product can be customized to the individual.
Obituary For IE6
IE6, well, was a browser with fresh features when it first came out but it is currently 8 years old (must be about 160 human years). It is still around, mostly because it came bundled with many distributions of the most popular Windows OS ever: XP & bad luck that users still have that old CD. So, within time, unlike every software, it didn’t disappear, got more powerful & managed to build new communities around it: "designers & developers who try to overcome the IE6 difficulties", "users with bad browsing experiences".. : ).
IE6, well, was a browser with fresh features when it first came out but it is currently 8 years old (must be about 160 human years). It is still around, mostly because it came bundled with many distributions of the most popular Windows OS ever: XP & bad luck that users still have that old CD. So, within time, unlike every software, it didn’t disappear, got more powerful & managed to build new communities around it: "designers & developers who try to overcome the IE6 difficulties", "users with bad browsing experiences".
The WebM Project : The WebM Project : Welcome to the WebM Project
The WebM Project : Google VP8
The WebM project is dedicated to developing a high-quality, open video format for the web that is freely available to everyone.
The WebM project is dedicated to developing a high-quality, open video format for the web that is freely available to everyone. The WebM launch is supported by Mozilla, Opera, Google and more than forty other publishers, software and hardware vendors.
Opera Unite reinvents the Web
From Opera's Site Opera Unite reinvents the Web Cloud computing and Web-based applications will never be the same June 16, 2009 — Oslo, Norway Opera today unveiled Opera Unite, a new technology that shakes up the old client-server computing model of the Web. Opera Unite turns any computer into both a client and a server, allowing it to interact with and serve content to other computers directly across the Web, without the need for third-party servers. Opera Unite makes serving data as simple and easy as browsing the Web. For consumers, Opera Unite services give greater control of private data and make it easy to share data with any device equipped with a modern Web browser. For Web developers, Opera Unite services are based on the same open Web standards as Web sites today. This dramatically simplifies the complexity of authoring cutting-edge Web services. With Opera Unite, creating a full Web service is now as easy as coding a Web page.
Cloud computing and Web-based applications will never be the same June 16, 2009 — Oslo, Norway Opera today unveiled Opera Unite, a new technology that shakes up the old client-server computing model of the Web. Opera Unite turns any computer into both a client and a server, allowing it to interact with and serve content to other computers directly across the Web, without the need for third-party servers. Opera Unite makes serving data as simple and easy as browsing the Web. For consumers, Opera Unite services give greater control of private data and make it easy to share data with any device equipped with a modern Web browser.
jm: bridging your desktop to the cloud (UPDATE) Annotated link
履歴消去じゃ消えないエロサイトの隠れた痕跡に要注意 - てっく煮ブログ
通常、ブラウザには「履歴を削除する機能」が備わっていて、ブラウザの履歴を削除すればあなたの悪行の数々は消え去ってくれるように思えます。 しかし、ブラウザからは消せない履歴が残っているのです…
「~/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash Player/#SharedObjects/ランダムなハッシュ/」の場所に Flash の Local Shared Object(Cookieみたいなもの)が保存されるので、サイトの訪問履歴が残されてしまう。
Interactive Google logo celebrating the 30th anniversary of Pacman. Playable to 255 levels. Click "Insert Coin" a second time for 2-player mode (control with ASDW).
Google doodle Pac-Man – Javascript News (del_javascript)
a google doodle as a playable pacman game
Bring Down IE 6: Calling time on IE6
More of the same. It must be done.
yes please!
Opera Software
Opera Software: Freedom
The Web is your browser. Discover how fast and fun the Web can be.
On June 16th at 9:00 a.m (CEDT), Opera will {supposedly] reinvent the Web. [from]
On June 16th at 9:00 a.m (CEDT), we will reinvent the Web.
Reinventing the web Opera se met au buzz, rdv demain pour voir... [from]
Text-overflow: ellipsis for Firefox via jQuery « Devon Govett
text-overflow: ellipsis
Implements the non-standard 'text-overflow: ellipsis' CSS technique for Firefox. (Other major browsers support it natively.)
O3D API - Google Code
HTML5に組み込まれる予定の3Dグラフィックエンジン O3D
google code o3d
Think Firefox 3 is fast? Try Firefox Minefield | The Open Road - The Business and Politics of Open Source by Matt Asay - CNET News
Firefox is outdoing itself with Minefield, which sets new speed records. Read this blog post by Matt Asay on The Open Road.
How fast? Some claim that it has the fastest javascript engine on the planet, which means it leaves Google's Chrome browser in the dust. In my own unscientific tests, I'd say that this assertion is correct. Ars Technica pegs Minefield as 10 percent faster than Chrome.
2528 diggs
Microsoft Office Comes to the Browser (Finally) - ReadWriteWeb
Annotated link
Microsoft announced this morning at its PDC conference that the next release of Microsoft Office will include browser-based versions of some of its main office software products - Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote. These will be "lightweight versions", but Microsoft told us yesterday that they'll still have rich functionality and will be comparable to Google's suite of online office applications. The apps will enable users to create, edit and collaborate on Microsoft Office documents through the browser.
Microsoft announced this morning at its PDC conference that the next release of Microsoft Office will include browser-based versions of some of its main office software products - Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote. Annotated link
Microsoft announced this morning at its PDC conference that the next release of Microsoft Office will include browser-based versions of some of its main office software products - Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote. These will be "lightweight versions", but Microsoft told us yesterday that they'll still have rich functionality and will be comparable to Google's suite of online office applications. The apps will enable users to create, edit and collaborate on Microsoft Office documents through the browser. The apps will work in IE, Firefox and Safari browsers (no word on whether Google Chrome will be supported).
How to Start Using Greasemonkey in Under 5 Minutes - ReadWriteWeb
Greasemonkey is a powerful Firefox add-on that lets you change the appearance and functionality of almost any page on the web. Most people don't know how to write JavaScript, though, so we end up using the Greasemonkey scripts developed by other people who do. There are lots and lots of scripts that have been written and they are fun, useful and easy to run.
Greasemonkey is a powerful Firefox add-on that lets you change the appearance and functionality of almost any page on the web. Most people don't know how to write ...
Ah - is where the "plug-ins for the plug-in" live.
Chrome antics: did Google reverse-engineer Windows?: Page 1
Chrome process model
pending sect. 2 & 3
Google Chrome - Download a new browser
Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier.
Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier. Search from the address bar, Thumbnails of your top sites (Access your favorite pages instantly with lightning speed from any new tab), Private browsing (Incognito window when you don't want to save your browsing history)...
Get a fast, free web browser Google Chrome runs web pages and applications with lightning speed.
Web 開発者の責任 (翻訳): Days on the Moon
Web 開発者の圧倒的多数は、一度もブラウザベンダにバグ報告を登録したことがないばかりか、ブラウザのナイトリー版を使ったことさえありません。これは恥じるべきことです。考えてみれば、ブラウザの何が異常かを評価するのに、ブラウザでの開発に日々を費やす人ほどその資格がある人というのはほとんどいないのです。 ブラウザのバグを登録せず、ナイトリーでのテストもしないプロの開発者を見たとき、私は特に驚きました。ほとんどの開発者の主な仕事のひとつに、クロスブラウザの問題を取り繕うことがあります。よって、バグの数を減らす (そして仕事を劇的に単純化する) ことは最優先事項になります。 私は個人的に全主要ブラウザベンダにバグ報告を登録してきて、良い報告を生み出すいくつかの特徴に気づきました。
ArticleHereComesTheSun - doctype - Magic properties make Firefox synchronously load the Java plugin - Google Code
Magic properties make Firefox synchronously load the Java plugin
"In other words, don't define a window-level function called sun(). It will absolutely kill your page's performance, because at least one modern-day browser will think you want Java, because of a 'feature' invented by Netscape in 1997."
JVM considered harmfull
Browsers are fucked up man. FUCKED UP. Stuff like this makes me smile though.
The Principles Of Cross-Browser CSS Coding - Smashing Magazine
It is arguable that there is no goal in web design more satisfying than getting a beautiful and intuitive design to look exactly the same in every currently-used...
Cross-Browser Testing: A Detailed Review Of Tools And Services - Smashing Magazine
"As you probably know, cross-browser testing is an important part of any developer’s routine. As the number of browsers increase, and they certainly have in recent years, the need for automatic tools that can assist us in the process becomes ever greater. In this article, we present an overview of different cross-browser testing applications and services."... "This is not just a list of available tools, but rather a comprehensive analysis based on my experience with each of them. For the impatient among you, a summary table is at the end summarizing key metrics and unique features for each service. But if you’re interested in my personal experience with these tools, then read on. Probably the most important metric of these services is the capture delay, which I measured for the URL stackoverflow, with the following browsers enabled: Firefox, IE, Chrome and Safari."
Cross-Browser Testing: A Detailed Review Of Tools And Services #css #crossbrowser #fav
Adobe BrowserLabやMicrosoft Expression Web SuperPreviewなどの複数ブラウザでの表示チェックのためのツール/サービス8つを比較しています
As you probably know, cross-browser testing is an important part of any developer's routine. As the number of browsers increase, and they certainly have in recent...
Safari Extensions
RT:@joffrey Plein de nouvelles extensions pour Safari 5 :
@antonsten du hittar fler här: – Linus Lundahl (linuslundahl)
RT @wpSEO: Sehr aktuelle Liste der Safari 5 Erweiterungen #safari
Safari 5 extensions. A ver que tal
Making Your First Google Chrome Extension – Tutorialzine
Complete Guide to Cross-Browser Compatibility Check | Tools
Our Solar System — An experiment with CSS3 border-radius, transforms & animations.
An experiment with CSS3 border-radius, transforms & animations. Love it.
Попробуйте открыть это и в Internet Explorer 8 — у него свое видение нашей солнечной системы :)
A Solar System infoviz using CSS3 features: border-radius, transforms & animations.
Une belle réalisation en CSS3 Impressionnant...
A New Type of Phishing Attack « Aza on Design
@caryblack Makes me paranoid.
Tabnabbing: A New Type of Phishing Attack - via @dustice
YouTube - Google Chrome Speed Tests
Nova Propaganda do Google
감자로 오셨을때가 좋았는데^^ RT @gatorlog: 빛과 소리로 세상에 오신 크롬님. 믿~씁니다 RT @channyun @hyunwook 구글 크롬의 놀라운 스피드를 강조한 동영상 광고.
These speed tests were filmed at actual web page rendering times. If you're interested in the technical details, read on!<br><br>Equipment used: <br><br>- Computer: MacBook ...
Opera makes an awesome reply to the Chrome Speed video: Original Chrome video: – Matt Cutts (mattcutts)
RT @mattcutts: Opera makes an awesome reply to the Chrome Speed video: Original Chrome video:
These speed tests were filmed at actual web page rendering times. If you're interested in the technical details, read on! ... Chrome Browser vs. Potato: We used a version of the web page that is accessible when logged in. About four hours into the Potato Gun shoot we decided to use a locally loaded version of the web page to enable more precise synchronization with the potato gun. We finally got the shot we were hoping for after 51 takes. Chrome Browser vs. Sound: We loaded an artist page from, a streaming internet radio service directly off the web on a 15Mbps internet connection. Chrome Browser vs. Lightning: We used a locally loaded version of that was legally approved for use in this video (and all the standard website permissions procedures that goes into making videos!) While we had a super fast 15Mbps internet connection in the studio, any live internet connection introduces quite a bit of variability.
Switching to Chrome? Download these Extensions | Nettuts+
Extensiones/plugins para Google Chrome
Chrome features a vast collection of extensions at the moment. It also regularly beats its opponents in various speed and compatibility tests, while the great set of developer tools promoted the browser to a very interesting solution for web enthusiasts. But does it have enough ‘extension power’ to overcome Firefox? Check out the following twenty extensions, and make up your own min
Les extensions de développement essentielles (Chrome)
Check out the following twenty extensions, and make up your own mind!
chrome extensions
CSSセレクタの高速化の話し - Webtech Walker
セレクタは右から左に解釈される これは正直知らなくて、結構衝撃でした。 #foo .bar {} これはなんとなく#fooを探して、その中の.barを探している気がしてたんですけど、実は.barを探して、その親要素に#fooがあるかを探すそうです。なので特に#fooが必要なければ .bar {} と書いたほうが高速だということ。 また、以下の様に要素名で指定すると、その要素を全て探します。 #foo a {} これは一度a要素を全て探すので、できればaにclassをふって #foo .anchor {} とするほうが高速のようです。(#fooをとるとより高速) 特にユニバーサルセレクタなどは、 #foo * {} とすると、全ての要素の親要素に対して#fooがあるかどうかを調べるので遅くなるようです。
Google Chrome Extentionの説明で一番役に立つと思われる。
Speed Dial... Taberareloo...私がtumblerユーザーであり、はてぶユーザーであり、ツイッターユーザーであり、Evernoteユーザーであり、del.icio.usユーザーで、色々やってるから便利とかそんなレベルではない。どれかひとつのユーザーでもこれはかなり使い勝手の良いツール Google bookmarks.... IE Tab... AutoPager Chrome... Docs PDF/PowerPoint Viewer(by Google)...パワーポイントが無くて困ったときのお助けエクステンション。これさえあれば閲覧は出来る
Try Erlang
Erlang is a programming language created in the Computer Science lab at Ericsson in Sweden in the late 1980s. The above prompt represents an Erlang shell, where you can try the full power of Erlang (well, sort of). To start this tutorial please type ok.. Please note that in Erlang every instruction must be terminated by a DOT (.), and to have it evaluated type Enter.!
"Erlang is a programming language created in the Computer Science lab at Ericsson in Sweden in the late 1980s. The above prompt represents an Erlang shell, where you can try the full power of Erlang (well, sort of). To start this tutorial please type ok.."
Bookmarklet Combiner
cool idea
Bookmarklet Combiner creates a master bookmarklet that can launch them all. W-Shadow's web tool couldn't be more simple. Copy the JavaScript code from your bookmarklets (usually accomplished with a right-click, then "Edit" or "Properties"), paste them into the combiner field, then give them each a name. Choose whether you want a drop-down menu to appear with your bookmarklets listed, or fire a combination of bookmarklets all at once. Name your One Bookmarklet, drag it to your bookmarks, and you're done.
A List Apart: Articles: Stop Forking with CSS3
Introducing a script (eCSStender) that deals with CSS3 and translates it to expressions that older browsers can handle. May be a nice thing to use.
Is a library the solution? Will be useful for a while though.
pdf.js - create basic pdf files in the browser and node.js
pdf.js - create basic pdf files in the browser and node.js -
Para crear pdf usando el navegador
HTML and CSS Debugging Tools | Design Shack
AdBlock for Safari
Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on Download Page
Plugin para explorer, firefox y chrome. Lo que hace es que no nos cuenta nuestras propias visitas.
18 Fresh Google Chrome Extensions for Web Developers
JavaScript Blacklist
JavaScript Blacklist is a simple extension for Safari 5 which blacklists scripts from a configurable list of domains. If a common "utility" script used by sites that you visit is annoying you, this will let you opt out quickly and easily. Examples of idiotic stuff you might want to block: - modifies copy-pasted text - green links with double-underlines - link previews
JavaScript Blacklist is a simple extension for Safari 5 which blacklists scripts from a configurable list of domains. If a common "utility" script used by sites that you visit is annoying you, this will let you opt out quickly and easily.
"JavaScript Blacklist is a simple extension for Safari 5 which blacklists scripts from a configurable list of domains. If a common "utility" script used by sites that you visit is annoying you, this will let you opt out quickly and easily." Better version of the tynt-blocker extension I linked to before.
JavaScript Blacklist is a simple extension for Safari 5 which blacklists scripts from a configurable list of domains. If a common "utility" script used by sites that you visit is annoying you, this will let you opt out quickly and easily. Here are some examples of common annoying scripts. JavaScript Blacklist comes pre-configured to block these by default. * - modifies copy-pasted text * - green links with double-underlines * - link previews
Allows you to turn off annoying scripts.
Safari JavaScript Blacklist - JavaScript Blacklist is a simple extension for Safari 5 which blacklists scripts from ... – Javascript News (del_javascript)
Firefox 4: CSS3 calc() ✩ Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog
CSS 로 크기 따위 계산하기..
Firefox 4: CSS3 calc()
How To Watch Live TV In Google Chrome Browser For Free
tech tools
How To Watch Live TV In Google Chrome Browser For Free
Safari拡張の作り方 - 0xFF
気になる! Browsing : Safari拡張の作り方 - 0xFF -
Simulate Slow Internet Connection while Testing your Apps
plugin para firefox que te permite controlar tu velocidad de conexion (tambien en la red local) para poder testar tus paginas
Langsame Internetverbindung simulieren (Firefox)
simulation small bandwidth
32 Incredible Bookmarklets for Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer | Maximum PC
RT @MikeGrace: MaximumPC lists Kynetx Sweeter as 1 of 32 incredible bookmarklets Get it: @ #edtech
Fake - Mac OS X Web Browser Automation and Webapp Testing Made Simple.
Realizar testes de navegação
CSS Media Queries & Using Available Space | CSS-Tricks
I found this very interesting - Bill.
CSS Media Queries & Using Available Space | CSS-Tricks -
different stylesheets depending on browser window size
"CSS Media Queries & Using Available Space" by @chriscoyier #tech #webdev – Elijah Manor (elijahmanor)
@etupirka これ?
C:\Users\ユーザー名\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\適当な文字列.default\places.sqliteを削除する。。 places.sqliteを削除することによって、閲覧ページの履歴、faviconなどのキャッシュが削除されます(履歴とfaviconが必要な人は削除しないようにしてください)。ブックマークのデータ等は消えない他、クッキーも消えないようです(追記:「厳密にはbookmarkbackups フォルダにバックアップされたデータから復元」されるそうです)。
Mobile Browser Cache Limits: Android, iOS, and webOS » Yahoo! User Interface Blog (YUIBlog)
An assessment of mobile brower cache behaviour and recommendations for improving the chances that your content can be cached for improved performance.
Browser Testing: A Family Tree | Webdesigner Depot
One task drives web professionals to distraction more than almost any other: testing whether their design works equally well in a multitude of browsers and on different devices. The list of browsers and platforms to verify against keeps getting longer, and as designers, our tempers are getting proportionally shorter; IE6 will probably feature in nightmares for years to come! Yet doing our work in an ever-widening range of situations is becoming increasingly important. This article highlights the most common issues that arise when testing with “the usual suspects” and explains why a change in tactics may soon be needed. Your entire perspective on compatibility testing could change.
Mobile Browser Cache Limits: Android, iOS, and webOS » Yahoo! User Interface Blog (YUIBlog)
An assessment of mobile brower cache behaviour and recommendations for improving the chances that your content can be cached for improved performance.
resizeMyBrowser - Web application
A new online Browser window resize app for Web developers.
Official Google Blog: Use Chrome like a pro
A googler shares his list of favorite extensions for Chrome.
RT @TechnologyGeek: Google Blog - Use Chrome like a pro – Paulo Simões (pgsimoes)
Official Google Blog: Use Chrome like a pro
A googler shares his list of favorite extensions for Chrome.
RT @TechnologyGeek: Google Blog - Use Chrome like a pro – Paulo Simões (pgsimoes)
Official Google Blog: Use Chrome like a pro
A googler shares his list of favorite extensions for Chrome.
RT @TechnologyGeek: Google Blog - Use Chrome like a pro – Paulo Simões (pgsimoes)
Best Chrome Addons For Power Blogging
Best Chrome Addons
Modernizr Test Suite
Modernizr detects feature support across JS APIs and CSS. Now, there is a simple page that shows you what Modernizr thinks of your browser
Modernizr Test Suite
Modernizr detects feature support across JS APIs and CSS. Now, there is a simple page that shows you what Modernizr thinks of your browser
Jupiter JavaScript Consulting
Események tesztelése JavaScript alkalmazásokban
Syn is used to simulate user actions such as typing, clicking, dragging the mouse. It creates synthetic events and performs default event behavior.
Jupiter JavaScript Consulting
Jupiter JavaScript Consulting
Jupiter Consulting provides expert jQuery and JavaScript consulting and development services.
50+ Useful Google Chrome Extensions
Apple - Safari - Safari Extensions Gallery