Pages tagged block:

10 Tips to avoid designer’s block. | GoMediaZine

Ever feel like some days you can crank out amazing looking designs with little effort? Then on other days it feels like nothing is working, you’ve lost all your talent and you’ll never make another good design for the rest of your miserable life? Don’t panic – this is natural...
Daring Fireball: How to Block the DiggBar
How to PLC ladder
"Digg sends a tremendous amount of traffic to sites that make it to the top of their front page, but it’s the worst kind of traffic: mindless, borderline illiterates. Good riddance, really."
100 Excellent Online Tools to Feed Your Creativity | Online College Degree
Many experts say that creativity is not necessarily something you have or don’t have, but that can be nurtured and developed. If you are searching for ways to feed your creativity, then take a look at these online tools. From tools that help you organize, plan, and brainstorm to tools that inspire through writing prompts and creative photos to tools that work to develop the creative mind, you will find plenty of inspiration in this list.
Misc tools for sparking creativity (mind maps, writing tools, etc.)
TwitBlock - ridding the Twitterverse of spam
Block spam followers, bots etc
Cómo deshacerse de la publicidad basura y los seguidores fantasma en Twitter
Will arte followers for spam and let you analyze and determine to block or not.
Scans for Twitter spam
Find out how many of your followers are junk and block
bulk blocking and spam filter tool for Twitter
Process Blocker for Windows
The aim of this project is to create an ideal administration tool which can prevent running any application in Windows. The development process is divided into a series of stages, each of them being indicated in the roadmap section. The project is targeted at the corporate audience and, among other things, sets a goal to develop powerful features for remote administration of all domain computers at once. The project started on October 20, 2008.
I Will Teach You How To Be Rich
Fitted: a jQuery Plugin
Clickable blocks of content.
ISO50 - The Blog of Scott Hansen » Overcoming Creative Block
"...I decided to ask some of today’s most exciting artists and creators what they do when the ideas aren’t flowing. I left the question fairly open ended and asked, What do you do to inspire your creativity when you find yourself in a rut? As expected, I was presented with an array of strategies, ranging from listening to Boards of Canada in a forest alone, to cooking up a storm (recipe provided) and waiting for the mind to clear."
Mainland China service availability
您对我很少参加院里的会议一直十分不满,我理解您的不满,但我坚持不参加,因为这些会议,大量的都只是充斥着官话套话的官僚会议,少量的学术会议中确也偶有闪光的思想,但总体而言,为这些会议花时间至少对我来讲是不值得的,我不能像买彩票一样去开会以增加学术性收益。等到哪天院里的学术活动正常化了,基本去行政化了,而不是您这个处长教授一手遮天了,我可能很愿意参加各类活动,包括会议。 大致回顾这六年来自己的工作,自省从未在学校、院里、课堂、会议上有过任何反人类言行,也从未有过违反学术伦理、教师伦理、滥用学术自由之言行,实在找不出停课的正当理由。那么,薛刚凌院长,您能否拿出正当的合乎学术规范的程序来告知我为什么停我的课?为什么侵犯我上课工作的权利?为什么侵犯部分学生听我的课的权利? 我不揣冒昧地猜想,中国政法大学可能并不需要一位以扼杀学术自由、扼杀教授自由、取缔教授自治为己任的法学院院长。 法学院教师:萧瀚 2010年3月21日