Pages tagged bicycle:

GOOD » Superb Idea: Bike Lane That Travels With You»

this is so cute: a virtual bike lane (using lasers) that displays on the ground around the cyclist, providing drivers with a recognizable boundary they can easily avoid. The idea is to allow riders to take safety into their own hands, rather than leaving it to the city. I want to see one for pedestrians too : )
Awesome. Illuminate your own bike lane with Light lane.
The system projects a virtual bike lane (using lasers!) on the ground around the cyclists, providing drivers with a recognizable boundary they can easily avoid. The idea is to allow riders to take safety into their own hands, rather than leaving it to the city. And just in case you need to be convinced about the need for better cycle saftey, watch this video about the stupidest bike lane in America.
Bike light that creates a virtual bike lane
Light Lane - Concept from Altitude’s Alex Tee and Evan Gant « Dustbowl
Oh, huh, that's cool. Projectable bike lane!
a bike lane that moves with you!
"Only a small fraction of streets have dedicated bike lanes, and with an installation cost of $5,000 to $50,000 per mile, we shouldn’t expect to find them everywhere anytime soon. Instead of adapting cycling to established bike lanes, the bike lane should adapt to the cyclists. This is the idea behind the LightLane. Our system projects a crisply defined virtual bike lane onto pavement, using a laser, providing the driver with a familiar boundary to avoid. With a wider margin of safety, bikers will regain their confidence to ride at night, making the bike a more viable commuting alternative."
cool idea
YouTube - Inspired Bicycles - Danny MacAskill April 2009
Parkour on a bike, on the streets of Edinburgh.
One of the most amazing collections of videos I've seen around an aggressive rider. Sent by @michaeltsmith
Play CycloManiacs, a free online game on Kongregate
joguinho de corrida, vc vai abrindo bicicletas e personagens novos e tem q vencer diferentes tipos de desafios... mto divertido..
ビギナーにオススメのロードバイクを20台選んでみた - 自転車で遠くへ行きたい。
best of craigslist : Manly Bike for Sale
What kind of bike? I don't know, I'm not a bike scientist. What I am though is a manly guy looking to sell his bike. This bike is made out of metal and kick ass spokes. The back reflector was taken off, but if you think that deters me from riding at night, you're way wrong. I practiced ninja training in Japan's mount Fuji for 5 years and the first rule they teach about ninja biking is that back reflectors let the enemy know where you are. Not having a rear reflector is like saying "FUCK YOU CAR, JUST TRY AND FIND ME".
Best bike ad ever. i just want to meet this dude.
metal and kick ass spokes
Cycling | Home | Transport for London
how london promotes cycling as a mode of transportation
Flickr: "Flickr Bikes" Photo-Map Locales Across the Globe
For their new Purple Pedals campaign Yahoo has dispatched a handful of GPS-enabled bicycles equipped with cameraphones that automatically shoot
I want one of these!
omg yahoo's flickr team is awesome
By attaching a camera phone to a bike, Yahoo has made it possible for riders to snap photos along their routes. The camera automatically takes a picture every 60 seconds, and the photos are uploaded to Flickr instantaneously.
Cycling Cadence and Bicycle Gearing