Pages tagged bdd:

Fear of Fish - Building a Gem Using BDD

Nome do Jogo » Blog Archive » Shoulda for RSpec is Remarkable!
converts shoulda macros to rspec
remarkable - gem with shoulda macros ported to rspec
Robby on Rails : 20 articles on Cucumber and a free beverage recipe!
lets software development teams describe how software should behave in plain text. The text is written in a business-readable domain-specific language and serves as documentation, automated tests and development-aid – all rolled into one format.
Robby on Rails : 20 articles on Cucumber and a free beverage recipe!
Dr Nic’s Testing outbound emails with Cucumber
Testing emails con cucumber. Testing all fuc*** time :-)
Nice article from Dr Nic on testing outbound email using cucumber and email-spec. I've tried it and it works like a treat.
Cucumber: More Advanced | Engine Yard Blog
Some slick, advanced features for Cucumber.
In this post, I’ll take a deeper dive and talk about a few more advanced Cucumber topics: project structures, multiple language support, scenario tables, free-form stories, tags, hooks and backgrounds.
My top 7 RSpec best practices | Dmytro Shteflyuk's Home
use RSpec in all my projects. It’s really hard to overemphasize how helpful it is and how much easier becomes your life if you have good specs coverage. But its outstanding flexibility enables many ways to make your specs awful: horribly slow, over-bloated, even non-readable sometimes. I do not want to teach you BDD and RSpec here, but instead I will give you some ideas how to improve your specs quality and increase efficiency of your BDD workflow.
Best practices in rspec
(My) RSpec best practices and tips | EggsOnBread
Best practices and tips for Ruby RSpec
"After a year using RSpec, I’m happy to share “(My) RSpec Best Practices and Tips”. Let’s make your specs easier to maintain, less verbose, more structured and covering more cases!"
How to write more readable rspec tests
After a year using RSpec, I’m happy to share “(My) RSpec Best Practices and Tips”. Let’s make your specs easier to maintain, less verbose, more structured and covering more cases!
Jay Fields' Thoughts: Thoughts on Developer Testing
Excellent overview article on the goals of testing and various alternative testing strategies
some software is internal and not mission critical. In that
A post about testing, full of "from the field" advices. Number one: if it hurts you're doing it wrong. Jay describes a situation where common test patterns or tools are applied without a conscious decision like a big design up-front. Contextualize is again the keyword. There was a time I did the same: I thought mock-all development was the way to go and I started mocking all collaborators to discover interfaces. Which is of course not bad at all! The problem is if you decide that is the only approach possible for the entire application. Test maintenance is going to eat 100% of your time.
"The majority of our projects use Mocha, which does the job just fine".
Testing tools used at Thoughtbot
Test driven ruby on rails tutorial
Viele nette Test-Frameworks für Ruby.
Vows « Asynchronous BDD for Node
Node.js testing. Inspirational site!
Vows is a behavior driven development framework for Node.js. Vows was built from the ground up to test asynchronous code. It executes your tests in parallel when it makes sense, and sequentially when there are dependencies. Emphasis was put on speed of execution, clarity and user experience.