Pages tagged bars:

raspberry breakfast bars | smitten kitchen
peanut butter crispy bars | smitten kitchen

People, these things are nothing but trouble, so whatever you do, don’t do this: [eat lots and lots and give them to people you see often, as they will always ask for them.]
omg make these asap
OMG! These look like too much and just right at the same time. I think I need some rice krispies to fall into my kitchen soon. Yummina.
LUNARAMA - late night restaurants and joints
Great Food!
When everything else is closed.
unarama is a public directory of all-night restaurants and joints. Browse through the list of cities on the right. Don’t see your habitat or favorite all–night spot? Contribute! Thanks to everyone who’s come through with submissions for the site! I apologize for the overwhelming location list — I wasn’t expecting representation from so many medium–sized cities. A simplified directory is in the works, as is better international support.
late night restaurants and joints
granola bars | smitten kitchen
Smitten Kitchen
need honey or sub molasses, wheat germ (or sub toast ww flour / ground oats / flaxseed meal), oatmeal
Steak House or Gay Bar?
Remarkably challenging: [from]
statistically i should have done about twice as well
(via megazord)
Gæt på navnet om det er den ene eller den anden slags etablissement. Herligt!
Element Bars - Custom Protein and Energy Bars
mass customized energy bars
Homemade Granola Bars - Bitten Blog -
# large bowl and pour the sugar mixture over the top while mixing; stir until the granola is well coated. # 2. Press into an 8- or 9-inch square pan and let cool in the fridge. Cut into squares or rectangles and serve. Store in an airtight container for up to 4 days.
No-Bake Granola Bars
New York Happy Hours | Coovents
current happy hours.
For DC please?
cherry brown butter bars + new video project | smitten kitchen
This might be what I bake for art opening party. Loving C's inspired idea to theme my dessert to my piece (Twin Peaks = cherry pie), but needs to be finger-food-ish.
Very, very nice, og lette, too! Lavede dem med kirsebær, men er sikker på anden frugt også vil virke. Brownieformen perfekt i størrelsen. Brugte lidt (for meget?) mandelessens i toppen - en kvart teskefuld må kunne gøre det, men smagsmæssigt er det virkelig godt. I øvrigt bliver den sådan lidt "wet", som på Deb's billeder, men det er nu kun godt (og sikkert fordi kirsebærrene er så saftige, også...)
Homemade Granola Bars « Wit & Whistle
cups rolled oats 3/4 cup packed brown sugar 1/2 cup wheat germ 1 teaspoon ground cinna
Power Trip : Good Eats : Food Network
Journeys - In San Francisco Bars, a Cocktail Is Not Just a Drink -
Great place for an old-fashioned w/RAM