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Artists, Bands and Musicians on Twitter - Google Docs

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Is it real people?!
Artists, Bands and Musicians on Twitter - Google Docs
Thanks to all for contributing to this list & sharing it with others. You can either add/modify directly on this spreadsheet or you can add using the quick form. If you see any artists on this list that is a fake or questionable, please make a note of it. There are no guarantees that each and every account is authentic, but we can work at identifying and noting (in red text) those that are fake.
Artists, Bands and Musicians on Twitter
35 Inspirational Website Designs from the Music Industry | Vandelay Design Blog
Social Music: 5 Essential Tools for Marketing Your Band
Musicians on Twitter: 100+ Artists That Tweet
Musicians on Twitter
Musician's that Tweet - from Mashable
As the industry changes, so have the methods by which music is promoted. Traditional marketing is being replaced by artists and bands using social media sites like Twitter (Twitter) to engage fans, promote their work, and connect with others. The modern web and the future of the music industry seem almost inextricably intertwined in terms of marketing, listening, communicating, and purchasing. Twitter is one of the many ways for people to instantly and quickly communicate, and artists are taking advantage of its vast potential. Is your favorite artist tweeting? Here are over 100 musicians who tweet to keep fans and friends informed. Tell us about additional musicians you’re following in the comments.
Album Spotter
locate artist albums and more
25 of the Best Websites of Bands and Musicians | Vandelay Design Blog
Fonts Used In Popular Band Logos | Build Internet!
What music do your favorite bands listen to? | NoiseAddicts music and audio blog
"I always like to wonder about what my favorite musicians listen to. It helps me discover new music and it’s also fun to find out what music inspires the musicians that have inspired me."
NoiseAddicts music and audio blog
Six Degrees of Black Sabbath #6dobs
Neat website which finds the path that connects two artists, or finds the top connected artists or the strongest connected artists
Los 6 grados que separan al Rock.
this rules