Pages tagged apollo:

We Choose the Moon: Pre-launch

This is the collest thing ever !!
Intereactive web site recreating the Apollo 11 mission.
Relive in real time
Remembering Apollo 11 - The Big Picture -
Remembering Apollo 11
Fotos impresionantes...
We Choose the Moon: Command Service Module Ignites
NASA - NASA High Definition Video: Partially Restored Apollo 11 Video
NASA High Definition Video: Partially Restored Apollo 11 Video
NASA - LRO Sees Apollo Landing Sites
Just in case you don't believe we went.
image apollo
First images from LRO of Apollo landing sites
Virtual AGC Home Page
The purpose of this project is to provide a computer simulation of the onboard guidance computers used in the Apollo Program's lunar missions, and to generally allow you to learn about these guidance computers.
Virtual AGC is a computer model of the AGC. It does not try to mimic the superficial behavioral characteristics of the AGC, but rather to model the AGC's inner workings. The result is a computer model of the AGC which is itself capable of executing the original Apollo software on (for example) a desktop PC. In computer terms, Virtual AGC is an emulator.
Google Code Blog: Apollo 11 mission's 40th Anniversary: One large step for open source code...
kod źródłowy Apollo 11 :)
Some of the Apollo source code.
virtualagc - Project Hosting on Google Code
The purpose of this project is to provide an emulation of the on-board Apollo guidance computers, along with some ancillary items needed to make the emulation do something interesting. "AGC" stands for Apollo Guidance Computer. The AGC was the principal on-board computer for NASA's Apollo missions, including all of the lunar landings. Both the Command Module (CM) and the Lunar Module (LM) had AGCs, so two AGCs were used on most of the Apollo missions, but with differing software. The computer and its software were developed at MIT's Instrumentation Laboratory, also known as Draper Labs.
Apollo source code
アポロ11号のソースコード - Radium Software
Apollo 11 Saturn V Launch (HD) Camera E-8 on Vimeo
This clip is raw from Camera E-8 on the launch umbilical tower/mobile launch program of Apollo 11, July 16, 1969. This is an HD transfer from the 16mm original. Even more excellent footage is available on our DVDs at our website at The camera is running at 500 fps, making the total clip of over 8 minutes represent just 30 seconds of actual time. Narration is provided by Mark Gray (me), Executive Producer for Spacecraft Films.
Super slow-mo but beautiful HD video